Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes


Title: Chapter 28 Subject: Earth Science Author: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Last modified by: South Rowan Created Date: 3/26/2004 3:29:16 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes

Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes 
Tools of Astronomy
  • Two different types of telescopes are used to
    focus visible light.
  • Refracting telescopes, or refractors, are
    telescopes that use lenses to bring visible light
    to a focus.
  • Reflecting telescopes, or reflectors, are
    telescopes that bring visible light to a focus
    with mirrors.

Satellites, Probes, and Space-Based Astronomy
Tools of Astronomy
  • Spinoffs
  • Spinoffs are technologies that were originally
    developed for use in space programs that have
    been passed on to commercial industries for
    common use.
  • More than 1400 different NASA technologies have
    been incorporated into products ranging from
    artificial hearts to cordless tools.

Reaching for the Moon
The Moon
  • Plans for a crewed lunar expedition began in the
    late 1950s.
  • In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first
    satellite, Sputnik I.
  • In 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin became
    the first human in space.
  • On May 5, 1961, Alan B. Shepard Jr. became the
    first American in space as part of Project
    Mercury followed by the two-person crews of
    Project Gemini.
  • On July 20, 1969, the Apollo program landed Neil
    Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, during
    Apollo 11.

Reaching for the Moon
The Moon
  • Lunar Properties
  • Earths moon is one of the largest moons in the
    solar system, especially compared to the size of
    the planet it orbits.
  • The Moon is relatively farther from Earth than
    most moons are from the planets they orbit.
  • Earths moon is a solid, rocky body, in contrast
    to the icy composition of the moons of the outer

Reaching for the Moon
The Moon
  • Lunar Properties

Reaching for the Moon
The Moon
  • The Lunar Surface
  • The albedo of the Moon, the amount of sunlight
    that its surface reflects, is only about 0.07 (7
    percent) contrasted with Earths average of 0.31
    (31 percent).
  • Because the Moon has no atmosphere, surface
    temperatures can range from 400 K (127C) in
    sunlight to 100 K (173C) where it is dark.
  • There is no erosion on the Moon because it has no
    atmosphere or flowing water.
  • Craters on the Moon are preserved until one
    impact covers another.

History of the Moon
The Moon
  • Radiometric dating of lunar rocks from the
    highlands indicates an age between 3.8 and 4.6
    billion years.

History of the Moon
The Moon
  • Formation Theories
  • The capture theory proposes that as the solar
    system was forming, a large object ventured too
    near to the forming Earth, became trapped in its
    gravitational pull, and formed into what is now
    the Moon.
  • The simultaneous formation theory states that the
    Moon and Earth formed at the same time and in the
    same general area, and thus the materials from
    which they formed were essentially the same.

History of the Moon
The Moon
  • Formation Theories
  • The impact theory is the most commonly accepted
    theory of how the Moon formed.
  • This theory proposes that the Moon formed as the
    result of a gigantic collision between Earth and
    a Mars-sized object about 4.5 billion years ago,
    when the solar system was forming.

The Sun-Earth-Moon System
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The relationships between the Sun, Moon, and
    Earth are important to us in many ways.
  • The Sun provides light and warmth, and it is the
    source of most of the energy that fuels our
  • The Moon raises tides in our oceans and
    illuminates our sky with its monthly cycle of
  • Every society from ancient times to the present
    has based its calendar and its timekeeping system
    on the apparent motions of the Sun and Moon.

Daily Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west,
    as do the Moon, planets, and stars as a result of
    Earths rotation.
  • We observe the sky from a planet that rotates
    once every day, or 15 per hour.

Daily Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Earths Rotation
  • There are two relatively simple ways to
    demonstrate that Earth is rotating.

1. A Foucault pendulum, which has a long wire, a
heavy weight, and will swing in a constant
direction, appears from our point of view to
shift its orientation. 2. Flowing air and water
on Earth are diverted from a north-south
direction to an east-west direction as a result
of Earths rotation in what is known as the
Coriolis effect.
Daily Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Earths Rotation
  • The length of a day as we observe it is a little
    longer than the time it takes Earth to rotate
    once on its axis.
  • Our timekeeping system is based on the solar day,
    which is the time period from one sunrise or
    sunset to the next.

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The annual changes in length of days and
    temperature are the result of Earths orbital
    motion about the Sun.
  • The ecliptic is the plane in which Earth orbits
    about the Sun.

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The Effects of Earths Tilt
  • Earths axis is tilted relative to the ecliptic
    at approximately 23.5.
  • As Earth orbits the Sun, the orientation of
    Earths axis remains fixed in space.
  • At one point, the northern hemisphere of Earth is
    tilted toward the Sun, while six months later it
    is tipped away from the Sun.
  • As a result of the tilt of Earths axis and
    Earths motion around the Sun, the Sun is at a
    higher altitude in the sky during summer than in
    the winter.

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Solstices
  • The summer solstice occurs around June 21 each
    year when the Sun is directly overhead at the
    Tropic of Cancer, which is at 23.5 N.
  • The summer solstice corresponds to the Suns
    maximum altitude in the sky in the northern

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Solstices
  • The winter solstice occurs around December 21
    each year when the Sun is directly overhead at
    the Tropic of Capricorn which is at 23.5 S.
  • The winter solstice corresponds to the Suns
    lowest altitude in the sky in the northern

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Equinoxes
  • When the Sun is directly overhead at the equator,
    both hemispheres receive equal amounts of
  • The autumnal equinox occurs around September
    21, halfway between the summer and the winter
    solstices when the Sun is directly over the

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Equinoxes
  • The vernal equinox occurs around March 21,
    halfway between the winter and the summer
    solstices when the Sun is directly over the
  • For an observer at the Tropic of Cancer or Tropic
    of Capricorn, the Sun is 23.5 from the point
    directly overhead during the equinoxes.

Annual Motions
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Equinoxes

For a person standing at the x at 23.5º N, the
Sun would appear in these positions on the winter
solstice, the vernal equinox, and the summer
solstice. On the autumnal equinox, the Sun would
be at the same altitude as on the vernal
Phases of the Moon
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • Synchronous Rotation
  • Synchronous rotation is the state at which
    orbital and rotational periods are equal.
  • As the Moon orbits Earth, the same side faces
    Earth at all times because the Moon has a
    synchronous rotation, spinning exactly once each
    time it goes around Earth.

Motions of the Moon
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The length of time it takes for the Moon to go
    through a complete cycle of phases is called a
    lunar month.
  • The length of a lunar month is about 29.5 days,
    which is longer than the 27.3 days it takes for
    one revolution, or orbit, around Earth.
  • The Moon also rises and sets 50 minutes later
    each day because the Moon has moved 13 in its
    orbit over a 24-hour period, and Earth has to
    turn an additional 13 for the Moon to rise.

Solar Eclipses
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes
    directly between the Sun and Earth and blocks our
    view of the Sun.
  • When the Moon perfectly blocks the Suns disk, we
    see only the dim, outer gaseous layers of the Sun
    in what is called a total solar eclipse.
  • A partial solar eclipse is seen when the Moon
    blocks only a portion of the Suns disk.

Solar Eclipses
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The shadow that is cast on Earth consists of two
  • A total eclipse occurs in the inner portion
    called the umbra, which does not receive direct
  • A partial eclipse occurs in the outer portion of
    the shadow called the penumbra, where some of the
    Suns light reaches.

Solar Eclipses
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • The Effects of Orbits
  • The Moons distance from Earth increases and
    decreases as the Moon moves in its elliptical
    orbit around Earth.
  • Perigee is the closest point in the Moons orbit
    to Earth.
  • Apogee is the farthest point in the Moons orbit
    from Earth.
  • When the Moon is near apogee, it appears smaller,
    and thus it does not completely block the disk of
    the Sun, resulting in an annular eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
  • A lunar eclipse occurs when the full Moon passes
    through Earths shadow.
  • A lunar eclipse can happen only at the time of a
    full moon, when the Moon is in the opposite
    direction from the Sun.
  • A total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire Moon
    is within Earths umbra.
  • Solar and lunar eclipses occur in almost equal
    numbers, with slightly more lunar eclipses.

Formation of Our Solar System
  • Asteroids comprise the thousands and thousands of
    bodies that orbit the Sun within the planetary
    orbits that are leftovers from the formation of
    the solar system.
  • Asteroids range from a few kilometers to about
    1000 km in diameter and have pitted, irregular
  • Most asteroids are located between the orbits of
    Mars and Jupiter within the asteroid belt.

Formation of Our Solar System
  • Pieces of Asteroids
  • As the asteroids orbit, they occasionally collide
    and break into fragments.
  • A meteoroid is a asteroid fragment or any other
    interplanetary material that falls toward Earth
    and enters Earths atmosphere.
  • A meteor is the streak of light produced when a
    meteoroid burns up in Earths atmosphere.
  • A meteorite is part of a meteoroid, that does not
    completely burn up, that collides with the

Various definitions from Chapters 29-30
Formation of Our Solar System
  • Retrograde motion is when a planet occasionally
    will move toward the west across the sky.
  • Perihelion is when a planet is at the closest
    point to the Sun in its orbit.
  • Aphelion is when a planet is farthest point from
    from the Sun during its orbit.
  • Comets are small, icy bodies that have highly
    eccentric orbits around the Sun and are
    remnants from solar system formation.
  • The coma is an extended volume of glowing gas
    flowing from a comets head
  • The nucleus of a comet is the small solid core
    that releases gases and dust particles that form
    the coma and tails when it is heated.

The Suns Atmosphere
The Sun
  • The photosphere, approximately 400 km in
    thickness, is the lowest layer of the Suns
    atmosphere, with an average temperature of about
  • The chromosphere, which is above the photosphere
    and approximately 2500 km in thickness, has a
    temperature of nearly 30,000 K at the top.
  • The corona, which is the top layer of the Suns
    atmosphere, extends several million kilometers
    southward from the top of the chromosphere and
    has a temperature range of 1 million to 2 million
    degrees K.
  • Fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms occurs
    within the core of the Sun and is how the Sun
    derives its energy.
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