Title: Chapter 4 Gravitation and the Waltz of the Planets
1Physics of Astronomyweek 3 Tues.20. Jan.
2004Celestial Mechanics
- Boas Spherical Coordinates - solutions
- Moon pretest
- Minilectures on Universe Ch.3
- Moon workshop
- HW hints on Universe Ch.3 4
- Thursday Ch.4 minilectures, and do worksheets
from last Thus. lecture.
2Boas Spherical coordinates
3Learning Plan for weeks 3-4
Mon.19.Jan Holiday Tuesday Boas HW
due. Tues.20.Jan ML on Universe Ch.3 Moon
Eclipses Thus.22.Jan ML on Universe Ch.4
Gravity Orbits Mon.26.Jan Workshop on
Jupiters moons Dark matter Tues.27.Jan HW
due on Universe 34 Quiz Review Physics Ch.34
ML Physics Ch.6 Thus. 28.Jan Lecture and ML on
Astrophysics Ch.2 Tues.3.Feb HW due on Physics
Ch.6 CO Ch.2 Quiz
4Assignments for week 3
Tues.20.Jan Universe Ch.3 Moon Eclipses
(Boas due) Team 1 Ch.3.1, Motion of Moon,
23 Team 2 Ch.3.2, Motion of Moon, 43 Team
3 Ch.3.3-4, Lunar Eclipses, 30 Team 4
Ch.3.5, Solar Eclipses, 33 Team 5 Ch.3.5,
Distances demonstrate and diagram
Eratosthenes calculation Thus.22.Jan
Universe Ch.4 Gravity Orbits Team 1
Ch.4.1-2, Retrograde motion, 48 Team 2
Ch.4.3, Galileos observations, 50 or 52 Team
3 Ch.4.4-5, Tycho Kepler, 35 Team 4
Ch.4.6-7, Newton orbits, 39 Team 5 Ch.4.8,
Tides 44 (or Physics Ch.6 54) Tues.27.Jan HW
due Physics Ch.6 54 Universe Ch.3 23, 33,
30, 43, 24 (start 45 when skies clear) Ch.4
48, 52, 35, 39, 44, 36