Title: A Student
1A Students Guide toMethodology
- Justifying Enquiry
- 3rd edition
- Peter Clough and
- Cathy Nutbrown
2Chapter 5Reading purpose and positionality
- Radical reading provides the justification for
the critical adoption or rejection of existing
knowledge and practices.
3 The arrest of experience
- Radical reading is a process which exposes the
purposes and positions of both texts and
practices. Here we are concerned both with the
understanding of written and semiotic texts and
the more metaphorical reading of situations.
What do certain signs, conventions and symbols
mean? How do you read this or that action or
event? How, that is, do you interpret the events
in the theatre of enquiry?
4 Criticality
- Criticality being critical describes the
attempt to show on what terms personal and
public knowledges are jointly articulated and
therefore where their positional differences lie.
5Academic critique
- Academic critique does not necessarily mean
taking issue with a text but rather asking
questions of it. Any critical account seeks to
be rational, but will also reflect the values and
beliefs of its author. It is the presence of the
persuasive in a critical account which reveals
the full range of values at work.
6Six steps in critical social science enquiry
7Six operational steps and their radical processes
of critical social science enquiry
Operational step
1 Framing a research question This cannot be successfully achieved without some radical reading of the research literature and/or the theatre of research
2 Finding out what existing answers there are to that question Essential here is engagement with the research literature critical reading
3 Establishing what is missing from those answers Some radical looking is necessary here seeing beyond the known to find the precise focus of the study which makes your study unique. Criticality in the radical reading of literature and theatre
4 Getting information which will answer the question More reading of the literature and radical listening and looking in the ethical generation of data.
5 Making meanings from the information which helps to answer your research question Radical looking and radical reading of the meanings within the evidence at the stage of analytical and ethical interpretation of data critical reflection
6 Presenting a report which highlights the significance of the research report in your study Telling the research story. Accounting for the findings through persuasive ways which make explicit the findings, the purpose of the study, the position of the researcher and the political nature of the research act. The research report brings together these radical processes of Looking, Listening, Questioning and Reading and ultimately justifies the responsible and ethical enquiry
8The critical literature review
- Practically radical reading means asking the
following questions of what you read - What is the author trying to say?
- To whom is the author speaking?
- Why has this account of this research been
written? - What does the author ultimately want to achieve?
- What authority does s/he appeal to?
- What evidence does the author offer to
substantiate the claims? - Do I accept this evidence?
- Does this account accord with what I know of the
world? - What is my view?
- What evidence do I have for this view?
- Do I find this account credible within the
compass of my experience and knowledge?
9Electronic and digital sources of literature
- There has never been such an abundance of
resources available to those undertaking academic
writing and research. In addition to the well
established academic libraries hard copy
resources there is now a proliferation of web
based literature, e-books and e-journals being
the tip of the literature iceberg. Many archives
are digitised and accessible online, the number
of free and open access journals is increasing.
It is important to take advantage of such
resources and benefit from the variety of Web
directories, gateways and other resources.
10Using research questions to identify sources for
a literature review
- Research questions are pivotal in planning a
suitably focused literature search and in writing
a critical literature review. One technique for
planning a literature search from research
questions is to map the key themes on to a Venn
diagram. It can help to try to identify three key
themes from the research questions in order to
develop sufficient focus for the search. If these
are mapped on to the Venn diagram the focus of
the literature search becomes clearer.
11Literature and positionality
- One function of the critical literature review is
to locate the positionality of the research being
reported within its field and to identify how
that research is unique. - One way of positioning oneself in a study is to
identify with a particular theory or a set of
theoretical constructs. Here, it can be tempting
to rush headlong into data collection and the
excitement of what we might call the field,
but without a clear appreciation of the
theoretical underpinnings of a particular study,
little of value will emerge from those data if
they can even be called that, for data are only
ever made sensible by the theory which is used to
explain them. -
12Being critical in your own research
- A final form of critical response to texts and
situations is in respect of researchers own
radical reading of their research report. Whilst
writing your dissertation or thesis, bear in mind
the skills of radical reading which you brought
to bear on the writing of others and employ these
to read your own writing within a critical frame.
13Ethics pause for reflection
- We suggest that criticality being critical
is a matter of ethical practice and that a
diligent and thorough critical review of the
literature is in itself an ethical act. - Consider the ethical issues at work in the act of
radical reading to justify the critical adoption
or rejection of knowledge and practices. - To what extent is the need for theory in research
a matter of ethics? - What are the ethical implications of taking
readings from noticeboards and other
documentation and events in institutions and
public places? - What are the particular ethical implications
around researching gender, or age, or race, or
disability (or any aspect of human difference)?
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