Title: Diversity
1Diversity Dr. Barbara Nichols
2The Diversity Model in Wisconsin
- SiP Grant 3 learning collaboratives
Leadership, Educational Advancement, Diversity - Goal Infuse diversity into work of each
3USA Changing Demographics
- Diversity needs to be viewed through changing
demographics of race, ethnicity, religion, and
4USA Changing Demographics
Five states have minority majorities
California Hawaii New Mexico Texas Florida
5USA Changing Demographics
Five states have non-white populations around 40
Georgia Maryland Mississippi New York Arizona
6USA Changing Demographics
- 2050
- 90 of U.S. population are Asians
- People of color are a majority in 48 of the
nations largest cities - Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority
- Islam is the fastest growing religion.
- The U.S. is the largest recipient of
international migrants globally
7The US is becoming more
- Multi-Ethnic
- Multi-Racial
- Multi-Linguistic
- Multi-Religious
- Multi-Cultural
8USA Changing Demographics
This means Diversity in age, race, and religion
challenges response to health care delivery,
practices, outcomes.
9This Means That COLOR Matters
10Prejudice Matters
PREJ-U-DICE Judgment or preconceived idea before
the facts are known usually unfavorable marked
by fear, intolerance, or hatred Webster, New
World Dictionary
11Prejudice Matters
Stereotype Categorization
Prejudice Prejudice Social Context
Discrimination Gordon Allport, The Nature
of Prejudice
12Taking the LEAD in Wisconsin Diversity Focus
13Taking the LEAD for Nursing in Wisconsin
Diversity Focus
- Wisconsin population 88 white (6.5 AA, 1.1
NA, 2.5 Asian, 6.2 Hispanic) - 93.5 WI RNs white 6.4 WI RNs are from
racial/ethnic minorities - 93.1 WI RNs female males 6.9
- 2011 WCN Education Survey - student enrollment
mirrors general population for first time - Unique populations - Native American tribes,
Hmong - Regional differences, rural vs. urban
- Emphasis on Inclusive Excellence in all
14Taking the LEAD for Nursing in Wisconsin
Diversity Focus
- Collect, analyze, integrate utilize data to
develop evidence-based strategies - Build partnerships across multiple diverse
stakeholder groups - Promote, target sustain diversity efforts
across educational practice settings - Create direct outreach approaches that engage
diversity groups stakeholders
15Enhancing Diversity in Nursing Workforce Report
- Make diversity an organizational priority
- Provide support mechanisms for under-represented
populations in both academic practice settings - Train staff students to ensure higher levels of
cultural competency - Develop a standardized system for tracking
diversity data in nursing programs health
systems - Join forces for a statewide initiative for
scholarships for under-represented populations
16Diversity Resources
- Diversity conference
- Meetings with minority nursing organizations
- New Men in Nursing chapters
- Development of the Wisconsin Diversity Assessment
tool - Diversity Talking Points Fact Sheet
- Infographic
17Diversity Resources
- Diversity Power Point presentation
- Stellar Students and Professional Profiles
- http//www.wisconsincenterfornursing.org/student_s
potlight.html - Toolkit for recruitment retention of minority
18The Moral Imperative
- Diversity in the Workforce
- Enhances communication
- Promotes patient satisfaction
- Improves access to care
- Assists in addressing disparities
- Provides diverse perspectives to solve complex