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Title: Home%20Sweet%20Home

"Home Sweet Home"
Home Sweet Home
Joshua reminds them of the covenant!
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the
Home Sweet Home
Adam would gather his family around him and
teach them the ways of God.
Home Sweet Home
Our homes should be a stronghold of refuge
44 HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME V-4 N-12 - We see this
age that we're living in. It's one of the
grandest ages of all ages. This Laodicea Church
Age is the grandest of all the church ages,
because it's the ending of time and the blending
of eternity. And then, it's the greatest sinful
age. There's more sin in this age than there's
ever been. And the powers of Satan is many times
harder to fight against than it was in any age.
The Family Home
Place Of Hospitality
Place of Creativity
Place Of Health
Place Of Worship
Place Of Learning
Your family's what you are. You raise your child
in a certain environment it's got a ninety-eight
per cent better chance to go right than it has to
if you bring it up in the wrong way. "Bring up a
child in the way that it should go, and when it's
old it'll not depart from it." Be brought up
right, teach your children to do right to be
honest, to be square and fair even when they're
in school.
11 COUNTDOWN -- V-22 N-9 -- 1964 And if you'd
watch nature real close, you won't get too far
from the Word. Because God is in nature. I think
the last time I was down here on the West Coast I
preached on the four ways of seeing God God in
his Son, God in his Word, God in nature and so
Home Sweet Home
Moses laid the foundation for the family and how
they would be taught.
The home would become a place of training,
preparation provision.
E-27 IT.IS.I 1961 How that when we'd catch the
fish and come into the shore, how that Andrew and
I, and dad, would kneel down by the side of the
boat and thank God for the fishes before we took
them to the market." Oh, we need more fathers and
mothers like that. "Bring up a child in the way
that it should go.
Truthfulness vs. Deception Earning future trust
by accurately reporting past facts. Eph 425
Gratefulness vs. Unthankfulness Making known to
God and others in what ways they have
benefited my life. 1Cor 47
Obedience vs. Willfulness Freedom to be creative
under the protection of divinely- appointed
authority. 2Co 105
Meekness vs. Anger Yielding my personal
rights and expectations to God. Psalm 625
Patience vs. Restlessness Accepting a difficult
situation from God without giving Him a deadline
to remove it.. Ro 53-4
Sincerity vs. Hypocrisy Eagerness to do what
is right with transparent motives. 1 Peter 122
Self-Control vs. Self-Indulgence Instant
obedience to the initial promptings of God's
Spirit. Galatians 524-25
Joyfulness vs. Self-Pity The spontaneous
enthusiasm of my spirit when my soul is
in fellowship with the Lord. Ps1611
Flexibility vs. Resistance Not setting my
affections on ideas or plans which could
be changed by God or others. Colossians 32
Punctuality vs. Tardiness Showing high esteem for
the other people and their time. Ecclesiastes 31
Enthusiasm vs. Apathy Expressing with my spirit
the joy of my soul. 1 Thessalonians 516,19
Virtue vs. Impurity The moral excellence and
purity of spirit that radiate from my life as I
obey God's Word. 2Pe 15
Forgiveness vs. Rejection Clearing the record of
those who have wronged me and allowing God to
love them through me. Eph 432
Diligence vs. Slothfulness Visualizing each task
as a special assignment from the Lord and using
all my energies to accomplish it. Col 323
Contentment vs. Covetousness Realizing God has
provided everything that I need for my present
happiness. 1Tim 68
Boldness vs. Fearfulness Confidence that what I
have to say or do is true and right and just in
the sight of God. Acts 429
Security vs. Anxiety Structuring my life around
that which is eternal and cannot be destroyed or
taken away. John 627
Generosity vs. Stinginess Realizing that all I
have belongs to God and using it for His
purposes. 2 Corinthians 96
Dependability vs. Inconsistency Fulfilling what I
consented to do even if it means
unexpected sacrifice. Psalm 154
Deference vs. Rudeness Limiting my freedom in
order not to offend the tastes of those God has
called me to serve. Romans 1421
Humility vs. Pride Recognizing that God and
others are actually responsible for
the achievements in my life James 46
Love vs. Selfishness Giving to others' basic
needs without having as my motive personal
reward. 1 Corinthians 133
Hospitality vs. Loneliness Cheerfully sharing
food, shelter, and spiritual refreshment
with those God brings into my life. Hebrews 132
Orderliness vs. Disorganization Preparing myself
and my surroundings so that I will achieve the
greatest efficiency 1 Cor 1440
Home Sweet Home
What should be our goals in Learning?
2) Faith
1) Wisdom
3) Godly Character
4) Skills
Sewing, cooking, building, maintenance etc.
Home Sweet Home
2Ti 315 And that from a child thou hast known
the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee
wise unto salvation through faith which is in
Christ Jesus.
Greek Lexicon Strong's Number 1025 brephos
bref'-os AV babe child infant young child
1a) an unborn child, embryo, a fetus 1b) a
new-born child, an infant, a babe
Home Sweet Home
Fearing the Lord will result in cleansing the
home of
Sensual material Woman's Weekly
Wrong Music
Occult Objects
133 JUST.ONE.MORE.TIME. V-9 N-8 You fathers, you
mothers, are you ready to establish an altar in
your house, and take that television out? Are you
ready to take that deck of cards off the table?
Them comic books that your children's reading,
preparing their little mind for a blast that the
Devil's going to give them. Are you ready to
establish the old family altar again? Or do you
just want to continue on the way you are?
Home Sweet Home
Consequences From Television/DvD
It establishes the practice of tolerating evil to
enjoy something good.
1Co 56b, Know ye not that a little leaven
leaveneth the whole lump?
Its amusement lowers the resistance to evil.
Pr 423 Keep thy heart with all diligence for
out of it are the issues of life.
Home Sweet Home
Consequences From Television/DvD
It provides a constant access to the world's
system and its false concepts.
Col 28 Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition
of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not
after Christ.
It deadens your conscience by providing
comparison with lower morality.
Mt 2412 And because iniquity shall abound, the
love of many shall wax cold.
Home Sweet Home
Consequences From Television/DvD
It allows your children to relate to evil
individuals who you otherwise wouldn't even let
in your home.
Pr 1320 He that walketh with wise men shall be
wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
It devours one of the most precious resources we
have - time.
Ps 9012 So teach us to number our days, that
we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Home Sweet Home
Consequences From Television/DvD
It stifles creativity by deadening their
Pr 1320 He that walketh with wise men shall be
wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
It ultimately makes you an enemy of God.
Jas 44b, know ye not that the friendship of the
world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore
will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
E-45 CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE- 1964 John might
have said something like this, he said, "You
know, when I was a little boy, we lived down by
Jericho. I remember my Jewish mother used to rock
me to sleep in the afternoon, take my afternoon
nap. I used to look up in her eyes and she'd tell
me Bible stories." And you know, that's a good
thing for any mother to do to her child. Bring up
a child in the way it should go. It would be
better than to turn on a television to watch some
of these here things that goes on on the
television, It'd be better off if you read him a
Bible story, 'cause it's impressing his little
Primary Conscience
Supplies the sense of right wrong
1) God given sense of right wrong
2) Fear of rejection accountability
3) Man's primary sense of shame
Moral Conscience
Supplies the standards of right wrong
1) Warns when about to do wrong
3) Prompts to do right
5) Trainable Part
2) Accuses when wrong is done Guilt
4) Confirms when right is done Approval
E-29 GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD -- 1957 I'd rather have
an old home with no rug on the floor, and with a
little old iron bedstead setting there, and an
old dresser somewhere, or whatever, and a little
old kitchen table made out of boxes with a sign
hanging on it, "God bless our home" than all the
fine homes in the world, your pinups and nonsense
that you have today, and a Bible laying on the
table instead of all these old love story
magazines and things laying around of dirt, and
filth, and lust, and everything else to breed
into the children. How can you expect anything
else but a bunch of infidels and agnostics to
answer out. That's true, friends.
Bring up a child in the way that it should go,
teaching him on the Word of God. Abraham
Lincoln, until he was a grown man, had two books
One of them was the Bible and the other was the
Foxe "Book of the Martyrs." And he studied that
so hard, he read he concentrated on that. That's
what developed that kind of a character that
Abraham Lincoln was.
Ps 10614 But lusted exceedingly in the
wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. 15 And
he gave them their request but sent leanness
into their soul.
if the picture of a ship will impress boys to
become Navy man, sailors of the sea, what ought
the picture of the Lord Jesus Christ do? See?
Always have the right thing before your children.
"Bring up a child in the way that it should go."
See. Bring it up and teach it right. It'll,
certainly, won't depart from it.
Home Sweet Home
Consequences from sensual material
Consequences from wrong type of music
'What parents do in moderation children will do
in excess'.
Home Sweet Home
Replace objects of destruction with items of
reinforcement of Godly wisdom and character.
1) Scriptural Plaques
2) Their Name Definition
Gregory From the Latin Gregorius, which was
from the late Greek name (Gregorios), which was
derived from (gregoros) meaning "watchful,
alert" watchman.
Nancy Hebrew Form of ANNA. means Gracious
full of grace
46 GOD'S.GIFTS.ALWYS.FIND - V-6 N-13-1963 I
notice some people setting right here now that's
got a little grandson, and his name is... the one
little boy's a sweetest, pleasant little fellow
and the other one is Ricky, and that's what he
is. You just watch him, his nature's just like
that. I said to some of his grandparents, or
someone, I said, "Tell the mother change the name
of that boy, just change that name over and watch
what happens to the kid." See, you people don't
want to believe that. We think we've lived too
long for that. If there isn't something in a
name, then why as long as Jacob was called Jacob,
which means "supplanter, deceiver," that's what
he was?
Home Sweet Home
Replace objects of destruction with items of
reinforcement of Godly wisdom and character.
3) Christian Classics
4) Biographies of great Christians
5) Good Music
6) Family Activities, Saturday Nights.
LUKE.1427 And whosoever doth not bear his cross,
and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Greek Lexicon Strong's 3101 mathetes
math-ay-tes' AV disciple 1) a learner,
pupil, disciple
Home Sweet Home
Making Mealtimes More Meaningful
During Mealtime
Positive Suggestions
Home Sweet Home
Are you going to waste precious time not training
your children?
Jos 2415c, but as for me and my house, we will
serve the LORD.
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