Welcome to the Latest and Greatest (?) Deliberate Practice Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to the Latest and Greatest (?) Deliberate Practice Review


Goals Must be numeric NO MAP May or may not be assessment data May vary based on teams PLC journey. Have a 10% total class average increase of the combined ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to the Latest and Greatest (?) Deliberate Practice Review

Welcome to the Latest and Greatest (?)Deliberate
Practice Review
Goal and Scale

3 I understand the new DP and can work with my PLC to answer any questions.
2 I understand the new DP, and I have a few questions.
1 I know theres a new DP, but I have a lot of questions still.
0 Theres a new DP?
  • Video
  • 30 minute video going over teacher eval
    modifications and new-new DP.
  • Must be shown, by contract.
  • 45 minutes.
  • Any questions you cant answer send them to ME!
    ? I will compile an FAQ.
  • Brand new teacher training
  • Year 1 and/or new to BDS (NOT category 1 and 2
  • Within first 10 days of schools, you must go over
    the evaluation more in depth with them. I will
    provide a PPT for you to use with them I do not
    have this PPT at this time. ?

Instructional Appraisal SystemPercentile Changes
  • 2014-2015 AND 2015-2016
  • 33 Instructional Practice
  • 34 IPDP/DP
  • IPDP (2014-2015)
  • DP (2015/2016)
  • 33 Student Growth/Achievement

Instructional Appraisal SystemComponent Changes
  • Instructional practice
  • 22 components to 11

Evidence to be collectedClassroom Teacher Rubric
1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 1C-Setting instructional outcomes 1E-Designing coherent instruction 1F-Designing student assessments   PLC Minutes Individual (regularly submitted) lesson plans Other lesson planning evidence (for example- Guided Reading planning documents) Pre-conference
2D- Managing student behavior Observation
3A-Communicating with students 3B-Using questioning and discussion techniques 3C-Engaging students in learning 3D-Using assessments in instruction 3E-Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness PLC Minutes Observation Post-conference
4B Maintaining accurate records Regularly submitted evidence (for example, grades, FOCUS gradebook)
Alt Evaluation would do two walkthroughs. Alt Evaluation would do two walkthroughs.
Deliberate Practice and PLCs
Primary PLC
  • Step One
  • ALL (Teacher, school based admins, district based
  • Identify a Primary PLC

Primary PLC
  • Because 33 of all evaluations continue to be
    student growth/achievement of students at the
    assigned school, then everyone has a vested
    interest in the students at his/her assigned

Primary PLC
Math Department
1 each
  • Common standards/common assessments
  • Content area, K-8
  • Alg I (multi-prep consideration)
  • Common problem/solution
  • PLUS2 data ideas
  • Higher Order Thinking Tasks and Questions
  • Content Area Framework
  • Common Problem
  • Socialization/communication
  • Lowest 25 (mentors)
  • Graduation concerns (mentors)
  • PBS Implementation (attendance/behavior)

Key Words
  • Meaningful
  • Collaborative
  • Impact student growth/achievement

Primary PLC
  • Also to consider, common problem teams must still
    engage in a recursive cycle. If they solve the
    problem by November, then they re-engage in
    either an extension of the problem or a new
    problem perhaps considering a problem of a
    different nature.

collaborate with others outside of the PLC
Implementation plans, tools, common ____
Same (DATA!)
Primary PLC
  • Common problem teams still answer the 4 main
  • How will we know if our students are being
  • How will we know they have learned it (whatever
    it is)? What will mastery of it look like?
  • What strategies will we use to ensure the success
    of all students?
  • What will we do for those who DO NOT achieve
    mastery? What will we do for those that DO?

Goals, Gains and Barriers
  • Step Two
  • Establish Anticipated Goals, Gains and Barriers

Goals, Gains and Barriers
  • Teams will have already begun PLC work.
  • But..why wait until September 23rd?
  • If a team starts before then, they should start
    this decision making too!
  • Note There is no set number for how many goals,
    gains or barriers. The identification of the
    goals, gains and barriers are to help teams
    establish the work that must be done next in the
    Action Steps.

  • Must be numeric
  • NO MAP
  • May or may not be assessment data
  • May vary based on teams PLC journey.
  • Have a 10 total class average increase of the
    combined three rubric components (purpose, focus,
    organization, elaboration and conventions) as
    measured by Bay Writes.
  • Complete no less than 6 common assessments (with
    the corresponding recursive PLC process to
    include data analysis review and adjustment to
    instruction). (This goal most appropriate for
    beginning PLC teams).
  • Rate ourselves at a 3 on the Learning Goal and
    Scale for PLC Implementation current rating is
    at a 1.

  • What do we want to learn?
  • Gains may vary based on WHERE the team is on
    their continuum of PLC implementation.
  • Gains help understand professional development
  • (We may want to learn about inclusion for ESE
    students, but may need PD in how to make this

  • We hope to gain improved understanding of the
    gradual release model in order to arrive at a
    student centered classroom.
  • We hope to gain a fully implemented inclusion
    model in order to differentiate appropriately for
    all our students.
  • We hope to gain more engaged students so that our
    student discipline issues decrease as student
    engagement increases.
  • We hope to collaboratively problem solve and find
    strategies for differentiating our instruction.
  • We hope that by working together as a team we
    will lessen our stress levels! No more IPDP
    individuality! YAY! ?

  • Acknowledgement of barriers helps us to move
  • Administrator uses to determine resources.
  • Team uses to determine professional development
  • Remember from our improv, think yesand and not

  • Time will be a barrier. In order to overcome
    this barrier, we have established and pledge to
    follow our norms which will encourage us to stay
    on topic, allow all to have a voice- but not
    allow one voice to dominate. We will have roles
    and responsibilities that will help ensure we
    stay on track (norm person, timekeeper, etc.)
    We also agree to abide by due dates and areas of
    responsibility in order to ensure we come to
    meetings prepared and ready to work.
  • We arent really sure how to differentiate
    instruction for our students. We plan on
    engaging in job embedded professional development
    with our schools coach in order to increase our
    knowledge of how to do differentiate instruction.
    We need to get with our coach as soon as possible
    to have her help us with our plan to increase our
    knowledge in this area through job embedded PD.

Action Steps
  • Step Three
  • Create Action Steps

Action Steps
  • Please consider that when you have dissimilar
    teams of singletons, they all need to be sure to
    meet at a time conducive to all members.
  • For example, teams need to be mindful of the SLP
    at the school. They do not have planning periods
    during the school day, so teams need to be sure
    that they consider this.

Action Steps
  • Not carved in stone!
  • Monitored and adjusted as necessary.
  • Mindful of due dates
  • Processes and procedures may not have due dates

  • Step Four Engage in the PLC work

  • Step Five Complete Reflections

  • Step Six Administrator Assigns Rating

DP Rating Rubric
Demonstrates no significant effort to work on the goals/gains/barriers/ action steps. Demonstrates an indifference/ resistance to data, PLC/DP process. No verifiable change in practice compared to previous year. Inconsistencies exist in fulfilling Action Steps. Limited evidence of an effort to work on the goals/gains/barriers/ action steps. Participation in PLC/DP process may be limited or inappropriate- resistant to step forward as leader or back as team member as appropriate. Made a limited change to practice. Individual fulfills personal responsibility in Action Steps due dates. Individual contributes to discussions, led if facilitator role was assigned. Met outside the PLC presented information to PLC. Made a change to personal practice, but may or may not be sustained. Individual fulfills personal responsibility in Action Steps by due dates. Individual participates in discussions, problem solving with team members, contributing ideas, stepping in as a facilitator/leader or back as a team member regularly and as appropriate. Individual regularly collaborates outside the PLC and brings back suggestions/ideas which also serve to strengthen the PLCs work. Has made a relevant change to personal practice with verifiable impact and/or has sustained implementation of the change.
  • Admin teams should work together as a PLC.
  • The admin team may choose to bring in other
    personnel like guidance counselors, coaches,
    resource teachers, etc. Just remember you want
    this to be their primary PLC. Dont just make
    the leadership team your primary PLC those
    people already have another primary PLC. ?

  • An admin team may choose as their common
    problem PLC Implementation.
  • Have teacher PLCs use the Learning Goal and Scale
    to determine where they feel they are, then the
    admin team do the same thing. Take that data to
    establish a goal for the admin PLC team.
  • How will we know if our teachers are being
  • How will we know they have learned it? What will
    mastery look like?
  • What strategies will we use to ensure the success
    of all teachers?
  • What will we do for those who DO NOT achieve
    mastery? What will we do for those that DO?

Along those lines
  • Action Step Ideas
  • Admin PLC reviews teacher PLC goals, gains,
    barriers and action steps.
  • As a team, decides about feedback and if the DP
    is ready for implementation.
  • Admin in charge relays information.
  • During PLC meetings, share progress of PLC teams
    towards meeting the goal, action step
    outcomes/adjustments needed, concerns, questions,

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