Title: Welcome to AP Euro with Ms Greenberg!
1Welcome to AP Euro with Ms Greenberg!
- What is on my desk?
- Unit calendar (more detail tomorrow but see
tonights assignment) - Thesis assignment DUE FRIDAY
- Syllabus (to discuss tomorrow)
- Textbook
2- What are we doing today?
- We are jumping right in with your first official
lecture! - What? Wait! What about course information?
What about learning our names and who we are?
What about learning what I need for this course?
3Have no fear.we will do all of that tomorrow.
- This lecture enables you to understand your HW
tonight. - You will have many questions about the course and
they will be answered. - AP Euro is like a freezing lake sometimes it
is best to just jump in.
4Assignment 1 Dark Age to Rebirth
- Please write in response to the following
- What does it mean for society to be in a Dark
Age? - What does it mean for society to experience a
rebirth? - Are we in a Dark Age? A rebirth? Defend your
5The Late Middle Ages
6- Goals of this lecture
- To understand why the 14th Century was a time of
Crisis - To be able to contrast the late Middle Ages with
the rebirth of society in the Renaissance
7The late Middle Ages were once referred to as
the Dark Ages. This term was coined by
Renaissance scholars who prided themselves on
their knowledge of Greek and Roman Classics. It
was their belief that medieval thought was a
contradiction of terms.
8Was it really so dark?
- Yes.
- Plague
- War
- Religious troubles
9Crisis 1 The Black Plague
10One Writer of the Day Said In one house you
might hear them roaring with the pangs of death,
and in the next tippling, whoring and
belching out blasphemies against God.
11(No Transcript)
12Crisis 2 100 Years War1337-1453
- OKso it is 130 years long.
13 Joan of Arc
14Peasant Revolts
- The Jacquerie and Wat Tylers Rebellion
15Crisis 3 The Great Schism
- Changing
- views on religion