Paper Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Paper Writing


Paper Writing .. Write 1 - 2 pages on: 1st and 3rd : Understanding Iraq book on Ch.3, British Iraq , on the strengths and weaknesses of the mandate system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Paper Writing

Paper Writing..
  • Write 1 ½ - 2 pages on
  • 1st and 3rd
  • Understanding Iraq book on Ch.3, British Iraq,
    on the strengths and weaknesses of the mandate
    system along with British motivation for
    intervention in Iraq.
  • 4th
  • WWI and the Treaty of Versailles are long term
    causes of WWII (due to the/because)
  • Use historical facts and detail to justify your
    opinions and argument.

Paper Peer Review
-Give helpful constructive feedback -Dont write
on their papers (use sticky notes I pass
out) -When finished reviewing one paper, exchange
with another classmate and get a new sticky note
from Mrs. Varghese (more feedback for the writer)
  • Strengths ()
  • Things to work on (-)

World between the Wars
Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security
  • League of Nations weak
  • French strictly enforced Treaty of Versailles
  • Crazy inflation in Germany (1914 4.2 marks1
    dollar, 1923 4.4 trillion marks1 dollar)
  • Dawes Plan reduce reparations, matched Germanys
    yearly payments with ability to pay, loan to
  • Kellog-Briand Pact 1928, pledge to not go to
    war, made war illegal

Dawes Plan and Kellogg Briand Pact
Great Depression
  • Causes
  • 1) overproduction of food/cotton/etc. led to
    falling prices
  • 2) international financial crisis from crash of
    US stock market 1929 (credit)
  • 1932 worst year
  • GB 25 unemployment, Germany 40
  • states lowered wages/raised tariffs to protect
  • renewed interest in Communism
  • people turned to leaders with simple solutions

Democratic States
  • Germany
  • Weimar Republic faced HUGE economic problems with
    no strong political leadership
  • France
  • political instability
  • Great Britain
  • economist John Maynard Keynes argued govts
    should put people to work so they have money to
    buy things, this would help end depression
  • USA
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected in 1932
  • New Deal policy of active govt intervention in
    economy (Works Progress Administration, Social
    Security, etc.)

Weimar Germany
  • Using Ch. 27, Sec. 4 on the Dictators in Europe
  • Create profiles on Mussolini in Italy, Stalin in
    the USSR, and Hitler in Germany. You are
    profiling them as if you worked for the FBI.
    Make bullet-pointed lists with written
  • Profile Adolf Hitler
  • -Who was he?
  • -What were his policies?
  • -How did he treat the people?
  • -How did the people respond?

The Rise of Dictators
Hitler's Imperial March
  • Crash Course World History

  • Authoritarian state - complete obedience to
    authority as opposed to individual freedom
  • Dictatorship one person holds all the power
  • Totalitarian state govt controls political,
    social, economic, intellectual, cultural lives of
  • (Below are the actual political parties that are
    part of the above.)
  • Fascism political ideology where state
    glorified above individual, led by dictator
  • Nazism political ideology of extreme German
    nationalism, strong anti-Semitism, anticommunism,
    and social Darwinian theory of social struggle

  • REMEMBER response to Imperialism, Russo-Japanese
    War, from Unit 6.
  • 1920s- economic and political crises
  • Struggle between civilians and military to
    control govt
  • 1930s- military take over
  • emphasized nationalism
  • absolute loyalty to emperor
  • Manchurian/Mukden Incident
  • 1931 Japan used attack on railway as excuse to
    take over Manchuria (NW China and Korea)
  • Japanese wanted resources
  • Became more aggressive towards West
  • Closer w/ Nazi Germany
  • signed Anti-Comintern Pact w/ Germany 1936
    agreeing to stop spread of Communism

Tojo Hideki
Italy and Mussolini
  • Benito Mussolini Il Ducethe leader
  • 1919-
  • created political group called Fascio di
    Combattimento (fascism)
  • 1920-1921-
  • Formed Blackshirts to attack communists
  • 1922-
  • Demanded more land for Italy used nationalism
  • Forced king to make him Prime Minister
  • 1926-
  • Mussolini closed down all free press
  • Made laws by decree
  • Mussolini recognized independence of Vatican in
    exchange for backing of pope

Mussolini Il Duce
The Soviet Union and Stalin
  • 1922-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
    formally created
  • power struggle with Trotsky, Stalin took over,
    kept Lenins policies
  • By 1929 Stalin eliminated original Bolsheviks
    from Politburo (policy making body of communist
  • 5 Year Plans transform USSR into industrial
    country in 5 year increments
  • Collectivization private farms eliminated,
    peasants worked land owned by govt
  • Costs of Stalins programs
  • 1) peasants hated collectivization, hoarded food,
    bad crop years led to starvation of over 10
    million people in 1932-33
  • 2) continual purging of govt leaders
    (bureaucratic, military, intellectual) from
    Stalins paranoia killed or sent to Siberia to
    forced labor/work camps (Gulag) by 1936 38.8
    million arrested

Josef Stalin
Spain and Franco
  • Spanish-American War- 1898
  • Loss of territory
  • Spanish Civil War 1936-39-
  • fascist Franco led rebelliongtoverthrow democratic
  • Hitler and Mussolini helped Franco-
  • Hitler saw it as a test war
  • Pablo Picasso painted Guernica to show horrors of
    the civil war
  • Franco won, set up authoritarian govt

Picassos Guernica
Read p. R74 in the text and answer the questions
dealing with Picasso, the Spanish Civil War, and
the Nazi destruction of Guernica.
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Germany and Hitler
  • Nicknamed der Führer
  • which means the leader, National Socialist German
    Workers Party (Nazis)
  • Militia called Brownshirts
  • Hitler thrown in jail, wrote his ideas in a book
    Mein Kampf (my struggle)
  • Promised to create new Germany by
  • 1) giving to private companies to hire workers
  • 2) rearmament rebuild German army, navy, air
  • 3) create pure German race
  • 4) blamed Jewish population for loss of WWI and
    Treaty of Versailles
  • Appointed chancellor 1933-
  • gained absolute power by act of Reichstag
    (legislative body)
  • Purged govt of Jews, created concentration camps
    large prison/work/death camps

Parade Hitler
Nazi Germany 1933-1939
  • Aryan goal (pure German, blond hair, blue eyes,
    tall, strong)
  • create Third Reich (third empire)
  • SS secret police, ran concentration camps, had
    2 principles terror and ideology
  • Joseph Goebbels amazing propaganda minister
  • used all means to convince people of Nazi
    ideology movies, newspapers, posters, slogans,
    loudspeakers in parks, mass rallies, etc.
    believed if you say something often enough,
    people will believe it
  • Anti-Semitism Nuremburg laws passed 1935
  • Jews not allowed to be German citizens
  • Jews not allowed to marry German citizens
  • Jews had to wear yellow star of David, carry ID
  • Kristallnacht November 9, 1938 night of
    shattered glass Nazis destroyed Jewish
    businesses and homes
  • sent many Jews to concentration camps
  • those who remained forced to clean up destruction
  • not allowed in public places

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