Title: Ch 9: Road to Independence
1Ch 9 Road to Independence
Mosaic by Bert Rees
Created By Mrs.Phillips Krimmel Intermediate
29-1 Revolution Begins
3A Mexican Army Arrives in Texas
- Texans became tense and concerned when General
Cos arrived in Texas with Mexican soldiers. There
were now 650 soldiers in San Antonio alone.
Rumors spread that Cos was planning to
arrest all Texan leaders.
4Townspeople formed Committees of
Correspondence, which were local groups sharing
political and military info.
5GonzalesThe Lexington of Texas
- This was the first battle of the TX Revolution
against Mexico on Oct. 2, 1835. It started when
the Mexican Colonel Ugartechea ordered the
colonist to surrender their cannon. They
refused, called for help, and buried the cannon
in a peach orchard.
6- When help arrived led
by John Moore they dug up the
cannon, decorated it, and made a flag
from a womans wedding dress that said
Come and Take It! This battle lasted for only
a few minutes and the Texans
7- Because this battle was under similar
circumstances to the first battle of the American
Revolution that took place in Lexington,
Massachusetts, we call this battle the Lexington
of Texas.
8General Cos regarded the actions at Gonzales as
the outbreak of war!
Grrrr! This means WAR!!!!
9- One week after the Battle of Gonzales 120 Texans
took the garrison (fort) at Goliad by surprise.
The battle only lasted 30 minutes and the Mexican
troops surrendered.
Samuel McCullough Jr. charging the presidio at
10On To San Antonio!
- The victories at Gonzales and Goliad convinced
many Texans that the Mexican troops could be
defeated easily. The only large Mexican force
remaining was under General Cos in San Antonio.
The cry was now On to San Antonio!
11Stephen F. Austin took command of 300 Texans at
Gonzales known as the Army of the People. As they
marched to San Antonio more volunteers joined
until they reached 400 men. They laid siege (to
set up a military blockade around) to San Antonio
hoping Cos would run out of supplies and
12On Nov. 3, 1835 at San Felipe 58 delegates met
representing 14 towns and districts.The War
Party favored a declaration of Independence from
Mexico.The Peace Party opposed Santa Anna,
but objected to independence and claimed that
they war was for the Constitution of 1824. The
peace party won 33 to 15.
The Consultation
13The Declaration of the People-declared
themselves loyal to Mexico
There were 3 Decisions Made
-pledge to support the Mexican Constitution of
-take arms only to defend themselves and to
oppose Santa Anna
-urged Mexican citizens to join in the struggle
and offered land to volunteers.
142) Create a provisional government for Texas and
Henry Smith as provisional Governor
153) Planned a Regular Army for TX
- Sam Houston was made Commander of the Regular
- Stephen F. Austin was made Commander of the
- Stephen F. Austin, William H. Wharton and
Branch T. Archer were named commissioners to
represent Texas in the U.S. They were told to
obtain troops, supplies and money for the war
against Santa Anna.
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