Title: The First Muslims (400 to 1000)
1The First Muslims (400 to 1000)
- Chapter 3, Lesson 1
- EQ How can religion influence the development of
an empire?
2Home Learning (Vocabulary)
- Allah
- Quran
- Islam
- Muslim
- Hijrah
- hajj
- Five Pillars of Islam
- Mosque
- Home Learning Complete 3 progress check
questions Chapter 3, Lesson 1.
3Islamic Empire 600-800
4The Arabs
- The Arabsarose in the Arabian Peninsula and
spread their influence throughout Western Asia
and beyond. - Arabs were nomads, farmers and sheepherders
- They became major carriers of goods between the
Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, where the
Silk Road ended. - Polytheisticbut they believed in a supreme God
called Allah.
5The Religion of Islam
- The religion is called Islam.
- People who practice Islam are called Muslims.
6Muhammad The Prophet
- Prophet messenger of God.
- Muhammad born in 570 AD.
- Liked to go off by himself and pray in the
desert. - He heard the voice of the angel Gabriel telling
him to proclaim the one true God. - Prior to Muhammad this area of the world was
divided and worshiped many gods.
7The Hijrah
- Muhammad converted few people in Makkah (Mecca),
but they were persecuted. - He and his followers journeyed to Madinah
(Medina). - The journey from Makkah to Madinah is known as
the Hijrah - The year the journey occurred (622 AD) became
known as the year 1 to the Muslims.
- Allah name of God
- Even before Mahammad the Arabs called their God
Allah - You will never see an image of Allah. Muslims
believe that He does not resemble any other form
in creation in any way.
9The Quran
- Holy Book of Islam
- Written in Arabic
- Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Quran to
Muhammad. - The Quran has the rules Muslims live by
10The Five Pillars of Islam
- 1. Faith There is only one God, and Muhammad
is the Prophet - 2. Prayer Five times a day
- 3. Sharing All Muslims pay a tax to help the
poor - 4. Fasting Not eating or drinking during
daylight during the month of Ramadan - 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj) All Muslims want to make a
pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca once in
their lifetimes.
11Practices of Islam
- Muslims pray 5 times a day, facing east.
12A Mosque
- A mosque is the place of worship for Muslims.
13The Hajj The pilgrimage to Mecca
Kabbaa cube looking building, Islams most
sacred mosque. Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
The Black Stone is located at the eastern corner.
Tradition states that the stone was given to
Adam, the first man, so that he could obtain
forgiveness for his sins. Pilgrims attempt to
kiss the stone each time they circle the Kaaba.
14Islamic symbol
- The Star Crescent Moon
- Star and Crescent Moon on many Islamic nations
flags. -
15The Beginning of Islam Video
- Review the questions on the worksheet.
- Watch the video.
- Answer questions.
16Primary Source 1 The Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Read the excerpt from a personal narrative of a
pilgrimage to Madinah and Mecca, then answer the
questions that follow. - Historical Comprehension Why do Muslims perform
the hajj? - Historical Analysis and Interpretation How does
Burton describe the hajj?
17Foundations of Islam
18Islamic Law
19Primary Source 2 The Quran
- Read this excerpt from the Quran to answer the
questions that follow. - Answer the Following Questions
- Historical Comprehension What is the shariah?
- Historical Analysis and Interpretation What is
the message of the third verse given here?
20Islamic Trade Routes
- Empire prosperity came from an extensive trade
network with China, India, and Africa. - The Arab empire absorbed the cultures of
conquered peoples. - They brought laws and written language to some of
the conquered societies.
21Prosperity of Islamic Society
- Flourishing trade led to prosperous cities
- Baghdad (Iraq)
- Damascus (Syria)
- Distinctive citiespublic buildings, fountains,
hidden courtyards, public baths and bazaars
(covered markets). - Very urbanized cities, but most people were
country folks.
22Activity Islamic Society
- Read pg. 57
- Take notes using the following chart
- Answer the Guiding Question and Progress Check
Question on page. 57.
23Arab Cities and Society Review Questions
- 1. Explaining Why was the bazaar an important
part of a Muslim city or town? - 2. Identifying Use your notes to identify
characteristics of the upper class, slaves, and
women in the Islamic world. - 3. Evaluating What factors allowed both urban and
rural areas to flourish after the eighth century
within the Arab Empire? - 4. Making Generalizations How were the principles
of Islam reflected in the social structure of the
Arab Empire?
24Islamic Civilization Contributions
25Islamic Contributions
- They made advances in mathematics, medicine, and
astronomy. - Created great works of literature, art, and
architecture. - Muslim scholars preserved the work of ancient
Indian and Greek thinkers and added to this
knowledge before passing it on to the Europeans
in later centuries. - http//www.1001inventions.com/media/video/library
26Lasting Contributions of Islamic Culture
- Preservation of ancient knowledge The works of
ancient Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle and
Plato, were translated and studied by Muslim
scholars. Eventually, this knowledge was passed
to western Europe. - Mathematics Arabs invented algebra, and they
adopted numerals from India that spread to
Europe. - Astronomy Muslims set up an observatory to study
the stars, and developed the astrolabe as a
navigational tool. - Medicine Medicine was made a field of scientific
study by Muslims, who correctly described the
contagious nature of certain diseases. -
- Each group will get assigned an area
- Science (Homero)
- History/Literature (Beatriz)
- Art (Tatiana)
- Architecture (Sofia)
- Using your notes from the film/ book (pg. 58-59)
- Identify the inventor
- Identify their invention
- Explain how his/her contribution changed the
world - (4-5 sentences)
- Illustrate the invention
- After copying notes, read pages 47-49.
- Using what you've read and the notes you took in
class to create an informative brochure about the
religion of Islam. - The brochure should teach people what Islam, its
characteristics, and its history - Also, include illustrations that can easily
explain the religion and the Muslims' beliefs. - You must use your own words.
- Rubric Include at least 5 characteristics, has
at least 2 images, and is grammar free.