CCNA Discovery Chapter Four - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CCNA Discovery Chapter Four


CCNA Discovery Chapter Four By Chief Eng. Amna Ahmed Institute of Telecommunication – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CCNA Discovery Chapter Four

CCNA DiscoveryChapter Four
  • By
  • Chief Eng. Amna Ahmed
  • Institute of Telecommunication

Chapter 4

Explain what the internet is
  • Every day millions of people exchange information
    through the Internet - but what exactly is the
    Internet? The Internet is a worldwide collection
    of computer networks, cooperating with each other
    to exchange information using common standards.
    Through telephone wires, fiber optic cables,
    wireless transmissions and satellite links,
    Internet users can exchange information in a
    variety of forms.
  • The Internet is a network of networks that
    connects users in every country in the world.
    There are currently over one billion Internet
    users worldwide.

Internet Service Providers(ISPs)
  • Any home, business or organization that wants to
    connect to the Internet must use an Internet
    Service Provider (ISP). An ISP is a company that
    provides the connections and support to access
    the Internet. It can also provide additional
    services such as Email and web hosting.
  • ISPs range in size from small to very large
    and differ in terms of the area they service.
    ISPs may provide limited services to a small
    geographical area or can have a wide variety of
    services and support entire countries with
    millions of customers. ISPs also differ in the
    types of connection technologies and speeds they
    offer. Examples of well known ISPs include AOL,
    EarthLink, and Roadrunner.

The ISPs Relationship With the Internet
  • Individual computers and local networks connect
    to the ISP at a Point of Presence (POP). A POP is
    the connection point between the ISP's network
    and the particular geographical region that the
    POP is servicing.
  • An ISP may have many Pops depending on its size
    and the area it services. Within an ISP, a
    network of high-speed routers and switches move
    data between the various Pops. Multiple links
    interconnect the Pops to provide alternate routes
    for the data should one link fail or become
    overloaded with traffic and congested.

  • ISPs connect to other ISPs in order to send
    information beyond the boundaries of their own
    network. The Internet is made up of very
    high-speed data links that interconnect ISP Pops
    and ISPs to each other. These interconnections
    are part of the very large, high capacity network
    known as the Internet Backbone.
  • Connecting to the ISP at the POP provides users
    with access to the ISP's services and the

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Option for connecting to the Isp
  • Ps provide a variety of ways to connect to the
    Internet, depending on location and desired
    connection speed.
  • In a major city there are typically more choices
    for ISPs and more connection options than in a
    rural area. For example, cable Internet access is
    only available in certain metropolitan areas
    where cable TV service is available. Remote areas
    may only have access via dial-up or satellite.
  • Each Internet access technology uses a network
    access device, such as a modem, in order to
    connect to the ISP. It may be built in to your
    computer or may be provided by the ISP.

The choice of Internet access technologies
depends on availability, cost, access device
used, media used and the speed of the connection.
Most of the technologies shown are used for
both home and small business. Leased lines are
typically used for business and large
organizations, but can be used to provide high
speed connectivity in areas where cable or DSL
are not available
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ISP Levels of Service
  • Depending on the ISP and the connection
    technology, various services are available such
    as virus scanning, video on demand, and file
    storage. The contract with the ISP determines the
    type and level of services that are available.
    Most ISPs offer two different contract levels
    home service or business class service.
  • Home service is normally less expensive than
    business services, and generally provides
    scaled-down services such as slower connection
    speed, reduced web space storage, and fewer email
    accounts. A typical home account may include a
    minimum of five email addresses with additional
    addresses being available for a fee.

When data is transferred, it is either uploaded
or downloaded. Downloading refers to information
coming from the Internet to your computer, while
uploading indicates the reverse path, from your
computer to the Internet. When the download
transfer rate is different from the upload
transfer rate, it is called asymmetric. When the
transfer rate is the same in both directions, it
is called symmetric
  • Asymmetric
  • Most commonly used for the home.
  • Download speeds are faster than upload speeds.
  • Necessary for users that download significantly
    more than upload.
  • Most Internet users, especially those who use
    graphics or multimedia intensive web data, need
    lots of download bandwidth.

  • Symmetric
  • Most commonly used for business or individuals
    hosting servers on the Internet.
  • Used when necessary to upload large amounts of
    traffic such as intensive graphics, multimedia,
    or video.
  • It can carry large amounts of data in both
    directions at equal rates.

Importance of the Internet protocol (IP)
  • For hosts to communicate on the Internet, they
    must be running Internet Protocol (IP) software.
    The IP protocol is one of a group of protocols
    that are collectively referred to as TCP/IP
    (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
    Protocol). The Internet Protocol (IP) uses
    packets to carry data
  • Each IP packet must contain a valid source
    and destination IP address.
    Without valid address information, packets sent
    will not reach the destination host. Return
    packets will not make it back to the original

  • An IP packet has a header at the beginning which
    contains the source and destination IP addresses.
    It also contains control information that
    describes the packet to network devices, such as
    routers, it passes through and also helps to
    control its behavior on the network. The IP
    packet is sometimes referred to as a datagram.
  • IP addresses must be unique on the Internet.
    There are organizations responsible for
    controlling the distribution of IP addresses so
    that there is no duplication. ISPs obtain blocks
    of IP addresses from a local, national or
    regional Internet registry (RIR). It is the
    responsibly of the ISPs to manage these addresses
    and assign them to end users.

How ISPs Handle packets
  • Before being sent on the Internet, messages are
    divided into packets. IP packet size is between
    64 to 1500 bytes for Ethernet networks, and
    contains mostly user data. Downloading a single 1
    MB song would require over 600 packets of 1500
    bytes. Each individual packet must have a source
    and destination IP address.
  • When a packet is sent across the Internet, the
    ISP determines whether the packet is destined for
    a local service located on the ISP network, or a
    remote service located on a different network.
  • Every ISP has a control facility for their
    network, known as the Network Operations Center
    (NOC). The NOC usually controls traffic flow and
    houses services such as email and web hosting

Internet Cloud
  • A diagram that shows all network devices and
    their interconnections would be very complex.
    Additionally, the final routing path between
    source and destination is not usually important,
    only that the source is able to communicate with
    the destination. Therefore, in network diagrams a
    cloud is often used to represent the Internet or
    any other complex network,

Device in Internet Cloud
  • Devices that provide connectivity to end-users
    must match the technology used by the end-user to
    connect to the ISP. For example, if the end-user
    is using DSL technology to connect, the ISP must
    have a DSL Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) to accept
    these connections. For cable modems to connect,
    the ISP must have a Cable Modem Termination
    System (CMTS). Some ISPs still accept analog
    calls through modems and have banks of modems to
    support these users. ISPs that provide wireless
    access have wireless bridging equipment.

Common Network Cables
Twisted Pair Cables
Coaxial Cable
Fiber Optic Cables
Cabling Standards
  • Cabling standards are a set of specifications for
    the installation and testing of cables. Standards
    specify types of cables to use in specific
    environments, conductor materials, pinouts, wire
    sizes, shielding, cable lengths, connector types
    and performance limits.

UTP Cables
  • Twisted pair cable is most commonly used in
    network installations. The TIA/EIA organization
    defines two different patterns, or wiring scheme,
    called T568A and T568B. Each wiring scheme
    defines the pinout, or order of wire connections,
    on the end of the cable.

Identify and describe the cross-over and straight
through cable pinouts and color codes
UTP Cable Termination
  • UTP and STP cable is usually terminated into an
    RJ-45 connector

The RJ-45 jack has eight conductors, and is wired
according to either T568A or T568B. At the patch
panel a device known as a punchdown tool is
required to push the wires into the connector.
The wires should be matched up to the appropriate
insulation displacement connector (IDC) by color
before punching them down. The punchdown tool
also cuts off any excess wire. A punchdown tool
is not required to terminate most wall jacks. To
terminate these connectors the cables are
untwisted and placed into the appropriate IDC.
Placing the cap on the jack pushes the cables
into the IDC and cuts through the insulation on
the wires.
Describe how to test cable termination and
functionality (Cable testing).
Describe how to test cable termination and
functionality (Cable testing).
  • The cable tester is used to perform initial
    diagnostics. The first test usually is called a
    continuity test and it verifies that there is
    end-to-end connectivity. It can also detect
    common cabling faults such as opens and shorts.

Attenuation, also commonly referred to as
insertion loss, is a general term that refers to
the reduction in the strength of a signal.
Attenuation is a natural consequence of signal
transmission over any medium. Attenuation limits
the length of network cabling over which a
message can be sent.
  • Crosstalk is the leakage of signals between
    pairs. If this is measured near the transmitting
    end it is termed near-end crosstalk (NEXT). If
    measured at the receiving end of the cable it is
    termed far-end crosstalk (FEXT). Both forms of
    crosstalk degrade network performance and are
    often caused by untwisting too much cable when

  • The Internet is a worldwide collection of
    computer networks, accessed through ISPs.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) controls the structure and
    addressing of data packets for transport through
    the Internet cloud.
  • ISP Network Operations Centers (NOCs) utilize
    high-end, high-speed devices with redundancy.
  • Home networks feature multi-function devices
    which perform switching and routing.
  • Networks use physical cabling media which must
    conform to standards in construction and
  • Cabling best practices are designed to reduce
    attenuation and crosstalk.

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