Lecture%20Outlines%20Natural%20Disasters,%207th%20edition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Outlines Natural Disasters, 7th edition – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture%20Outlines%20Natural%20Disasters,%207th%20edition

Lecture OutlinesNatural Disasters, 7th edition
Volcanic Eruptions Plate Tectonics and Magma
Vesuvius, 79 C.E.
  • Cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum buried by
    massive eruption which blew out about half of Mt.
  • Similar to 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in
  • Clouds of hot gas (850oC), ash and pumice
    enveloped city
  • Many tried to escape near sea, but were buried by
    pyroclastic flows

Figure 8.1
Figure 8.3
Vesuvius, 79 C.E.
  • Vesuvius was inactive for 700 years before 79 CE
  • People lost fear and moved in closer to volcano
  • After 79 CE, eruptions in 203, 472, 512, 685,
    993, 1036, 1049, 1138-1139
  • 500 years of quiet, then 1631 eruption killed
    4,000 people
  • 18 cycles of activity between 1631 and 1944,
    nothing since then
  • 3 million people live within danger of Vesuvius
    today 1 million people on slopes of volcano

The Hazards of Studying Volcanoes
  • Eruptive phases are often separated by centuries
    of inactivity, luring people to live in vicinity
    (rich volcanic soil)
  • 400,000 people live on flanks of Galeras Volcano
    in Colombia
  • Many people killed each year by volcanoes,
    sometimes including volcanologists
  • Volcanoes may be active over millions of years,
    with centuries of inactivity

How We Understand Volcanic Eruptions
  • Understand volcanoes in context of plate
  • Variations in magmas chemical composition,
    ability to flow, gas content and volume
    determines whether eruptions are peaceful or

Plate-Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes
  • 90 of volcanism is associated with plate
  • 80 at spreading centers
  • About 10 at subduction zones
  • Remaining 10 of volcanism occurs above hot spots

Figure 8.5
Plate-Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes
  • Subduction carries oceanic plate (with water-rich
    sediments) into hotter mantle, where water lowers
    melting temperature of rock
  • Rising magma melts continental crust it passes
    through, changing composition of magma

Figure 8.6
Plate-Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes
  • No volcanism associated with transform faults or
    continent-continent collisions
  • Oceanic volcanoes are peaceful
  • Subduction-zone volcanoes are explosive and
  • Subduction zones last tens of millions of years
  • Volcanoes may be active any time, with centuries
    of quiet

Figure 8.6
Chemical Composition of Magmas
  • Of 92 naturally occurring elements
  • Eight make up more than 98 of Earths crust
  • Twelve make up 99.23 of Earths crust
  • Oxygen and silicon are by far most abundant
  • Typically join up as SiO4 tetrahedron, that ties
    up with positively charge atoms to form minerals

Figure 8.7
Chemical Composition of Magmas
  • Mineral formation in magma crystallization
  • Order of crystallization of different minerals in
    magma can be determined
  • Iron and magnesium link with aluminum and SiO4 to
    form olivine, pyroxene, amphibole and biotite
  • Calcium combines with aluminum and SiO4 until
    calcium replaced by sodium, to form plagioclase
    feldspar family calcium and sodium are later
    replaced by potassium, to form potassium feldspar
    and muscovite families finally only Si and O
    remain, forming quartz

Chemical Composition of Magmas
Figure 8.8
Chemical Composition of Magmas
  • Elements combine to form minerals
  • Minerals combine to form rocks
  • Different compositions of magma result in
    different igneous rocks
  • If magma cools slowly and solidifies beneath
    surface ? plutonic rocks
  • If magma erupts and cools quickly at surface ?
    volcanic rocks

Viscosity, Temperature and Water Content of Magmas
  • Viscosity internal resistance to flow
  • Lower viscosity ? more fluid behavior
  • Water, melted ice-cream
  • Higher viscosity ? thicker
  • Honey, toothpaste
  • Viscosity determined by
  • Higher temperature ? lower viscosity
  • More silicon and oxygen tetrahedra ? higher
  • More mineral crystals ? higher viscosity
  • Magma contains dissolved gases volatiles
  • Solubility increases as pressure increases and
    temperature decreases

Viscosity, Temperature and Water Content of Magmas
  • Consider three types of magma basaltic,
    andesitic and rhyolitic
  • Basaltic magma has highest temperatures and
    lowest SiO2 content, so lowest viscosity (fluid
  • Rhyolitic has lowest temperatures and highest
    SiO2 content, so highest viscosity (does not
  • Basaltic makes up 80 of magma that reaches
    Earths surface, at spreading centers, because it
    forms from melting of mantle
  • Melted mantle at subduction zones rises through
    continental crust before reaching the surface,
    incorporating continental high SiO2 rock as it
    rises, to become andesitic or rhyolitic in
    composition before it erupts

Viscosity, Temperature and Water Content of Magmas
Viscosity, Temperature and Water Content of Magmas
  • Water is most abundant dissolved gas in magmas
  • As magma rises, pressure decreases, water becomes
    steam bubbles
  • Basaltic magma has lower water content ?
    peaceful, safe eruptions
  • Rhyolitic magma has higher water content and high
    viscosity ? many steam bubbles form and can not
    escape through thick magma, so explode out ?
    violent, dangerous eruptions

Figure 8.10
Figure 8.9
Plate-Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes Revisited
  • Spreading centers have abundant volcanism
  • Sit above hot asthenosphere
  • Asthenosphere has low SiO2
  • Plates pull apart so asthenosphere rises and
    melts under low pressure, changing to
    high-temperature, low SiO2, low volatile, low
    viscosity basaltic magma that allows easy escape
    of gases ? peaceful eruptions

Plate-Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes Revisited
  • Subduction zones have violent eruptions because
  • Magma is generated by partial melting of the
    subducting plate with water in it
  • Melts overlying crust to produce magmas of
    variable composition
  • Magma temperature
  • decreases while SiO2,
  • water content and
  • viscosity increase ?
  • violent eruptions

Figure 8.11
How a Volcano Erupts
  • Begins with heat at depth
  • Rock that is superheated (heated to above its
    melting temperature) will rise
  • As it rises, it is under less and less pressure
    so some of it melts (becomes magma)
  • Volume expansion leads eventually to eruption
  • Three things will cause rock to melt
  • Lowering pressure
  • Raising temperature
  • Increasing water content
  • Lowering pressure is most common way to melt rock
    ? decompression melting

How a Volcano Erupts
  • Magma at depth is under too much pressure for gas
    bubbles to form (gases stay dissolved in magma)
  • As magma rises toward surface, pressure decreases
    and gas bubbles form and expand, propelling the
    magma farther up
  • Eventually gas bubble volume may overwhelm magma,
    fragmenting it into pieces that explode out as a
    gas jet

Figure 8.12
How a Volcano Erupts
  • Eruption Styles and the Role of Water Content
  • Concentration of water in magma largely
    determines peaceful or explosive eruption
  • Basaltic magma can erupt violently with enough
  • Rhyolitic magma usually erupts violently because
    of high water content, high viscosity (secondary
  • Styles of volcanic eruptions
  • Nonexplosive Icelandic and Hawaiian
  • Somewhat explosive Strombolian
  • Explosive Vulcanian and Plinian

Figure 8.14
How a Volcano Erupts
  • Some Volcanic Materials
  • Low-water content, low-viscosity magma ? lava
  • High-water content, high-viscosity magma ?
    pyroclastic debris

How a Volcano Erupts
  • Nonexplosive eruptions
  • Pahoehoe smooth ropy rock from highly liquid
  • Aa rough blocky rock from more viscous lava

Figure 8.15
Figure 8.16
How a Volcano Erupts
  • Explosive eruptions
  • Pyroclastic debris broken up fragments of magma
    and rock from violent gaseous explosions,
    classified by size
  • May be deposited as
  • Air-fall layers (settled from ash cloud)
  • High-speed, gas-charged pyroclastic flow

Figure 8.18
Figure 8.17a
How a Volcano Erupts
  • Explosive eruptions
  • Very quick cooling
  • Obsidian volcanic glass forms when magma cools
    very fast
  • Pumice porous rock from cooled froth of magma
    and bubbles

Figure 8.19
Side Note How a Geyser Erupts
  • Geyser eruption of water superheated by magma
  • Can only exist in areas of high heat flow
  • Water boils (becomes gas) at 100oC unless it is
    under pressure no room for expansion to gas
  • Water can be heated to higher than boiling
    temperature ? superheated
  • When superheated water reaches point of lower
    pressure, it flashes to steam violently, and
    erupts out of the ground

Figure 8.20
The Three Vs of Volcanology Viscosity,
Volatiles, Volume
  • Viscosity may be low or high
  • Controls whether magma flows easily or piles up
  • Volatile abundance may be low, medium or high
  • May ooze out harmlessly or explode
  • Volume may be small, medium or large
  • Greater volume ? more intense eruption

The Three Vs of Volcanology Viscosity,
Volatiles, Volume
  • By mixing different values for the three Vs, can
    forecast different eruptive styles for volcanoes

The Three Vs of Volcanology Viscosity,
Volatiles, Volume
  • By mixing different values for the three Vs, can
    define different volcanic landforms

The Three Vs of Volcanology Viscosity,
Volatiles, Volume
  • Shield Volcanoes Low Viscosity, Low Volatiles,
    Large Volume
  • Basaltic lava with low viscosity and low
    volatiles flows to form gently dipping, thin
  • Thousands of layers on top of each other form
    very broad, gently sloping volcano like Mauna Loa
    in Hawaii
  • Great width compared to height

Figure 8.22
The Three Vs of Volcanology Viscosity,
Volatiles, Volume
  • Hawaiian-type Eruptions
  • Curtain of fire lines of lava fountains up to
    300 m high
  • Low cone with high fountains of magma
  • Floods of lava spill out and flow in rivers down
  • Eruptions last days or years, usually not
    life-threatening but destroy buildings and roads

Figure 8.24
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