Reviewing Our Progress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reviewing Our Progress


Reviewing Our Progress Reflecting on Our Progress Celebrating Our Progress Sharing Our Progress Evaluating Our Progress – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reviewing Our Progress

Continuous Assessment Establishing Checkpoints
  • Reviewing Our Progress
  • Reflecting on Our Progress
  • Celebrating Our Progress
  • Sharing Our Progress
  • Evaluating Our Progress

Reviewing Our Progress
  • Checkpoint MMSTLC Grant Goals
  • The MMSTLC Grant sets long and short term goals
  • Mathematics and Science Centers
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    (STEM) Faculty
  • Local School Districts
  • Teachers
  • Students

ASSUMPTIONS/RATIONALE The Federal MSP program supports improved student achievement in mathematics and science through enhanced training for math / science teachers, with major involvement of STEM faculty in the improvement effort. The Michigan MSP program has identified a need for teacher leaders to provide sustainable site-based professional development.
Professional development for math / science
center staff on recruiting, supporting, training,
and sustaining TSLs
1. Cadre of TSLs w/skills / knowledge to help
improve teaching / learning of math / science in
targeted high needs schools
Teacher Leaders . . . - Increased math / science
content / pedagogical skills / knowledge -
Improved PD facilitation skills - Increased
knowledge of connections between curriculum,
instruction, assessment, and data use - Work
jointly with administrator to improve math /
science - Recognized as leaders in math /
science - Provide instructional leadership
through PD
Math/Science Centers - Recruited as planned -
Statewide network of TSLs operating as intended
RESOURCES - SVSU-GVSU Teacher Leader Projects -
UM Instructional Resources - Statewide STEM
Faculty Expertise - M/S Centers Infrastructure -
MSP Grant
Individualized, data-driven needs assessments for
participating high-needs buildings, districts,
and TSLs.
M/S Center staff / teams -Have knowledge /
skills to recruit, develop, support, and sustain
TSLs and administrators - Increased / enhanced
MSC partnerships with IHE, LEAs, business,
non-profits, etc.
2. Working relationships between TSLs and
building administrators, w/support of M/S Centers
STEM Faculty
Development of learning communities at statewide
(TSLs), regional (MSCs), and local (building /
district) levels.
NEEDS - Capacity in M/S Centers to support
teacher leaders and high needs schools
inadequate - Current PD is inadequate to
significantly impact teaching learning -
School-based capacity to serve high needs schools
Development of instructional resources based on
content and effective pedagogy.
Students . . . -Increased opportunities to
learn -Improved learning and deepened
understanding of math / science -Improved
attitudes towards, interest in mathematics /
Immersion in leadership, inquiry, and
professional community during summer academy and
school year programming.
3. Improve math / science learning of students
in targeted high needs schools
Administrators . . . - Improved ability to
recognize / support high quality math/science
education - Develop working relationship with TL
to improve math / science
On-going training in leadership and inquiry
teaching / learning through released time
(sabbatical) options for PD implementation.
STEM Faculty - Seek to increase their knowledge
and insights in content, pedagogy, and LEA needs
by collaborating with middle grades colleagues.
- Sharing content / pedagogical knowledge with
TSLs, LEAs, and M/S Centers - IHE STEM
adapting instructional practices in their own
4. M/S Centers with increased capacity to
sustain support for high needs schools
Intentional inclusion of STEM faculty at all
levels of TSL professional development.
Extended Teams . . . - Increased content /
pedagogical knowledge / skills facilitation
skills in selected topics / practices - Increased
understanding of personal instructional practices
Online PD, coaching, networking, conferencing,
and resource dissemination.
Technical assistance (consulting, advising,
tutoring, etc.) by Collaborative Team to sites.
OUTPUTS - Instructional Resources - Toolkits -
Needs assessments - Electronic connections /
Reviewing Our Progress
  • Checkpoint Personal Professional Development
  • Creation of a plan to address
  • Short Term and Long Term Professional Goals
  • Goals for Content Issues, Process Skills, and
    Technical Skills
  • Professional Development Log
  • Creation of Curriculum Vita

Reviewing Our Progress
  • Checkpoint School Level Goals
  • STEPS to SUCCESS Guidelines
  • Articulated Curriculum
  • Aligned Instructional Materials
  • Consistent Instructional Practices
  • Adequate Professional Development
  • Effective Assessment System
  • Supportive Policies and Procedures

Reviewing Our Progress
  • Checkpoint Team Action Plan
  • Aligned to support
  • MMSTLC Grant Goals
  • School Level Goals
  • Teacher Leader Goals

Reviewing Our Progress
  • Review your team action plan in light of the
    MMSTLC Logic Model. Does your action plan
    support the grant goals for all partners? What
    adjustments do you need to make for your action
    plan to ensure all partners benefit from this
  • At the Summer Academy, your team identified
    potential needs in your school as they relate to
    the Steps for Success. How have you addressed,
    or plan to address these issues?
  • In reviewing the professional development plan
    for your teacher leaders, reflect on the steps
    taken so far toward implementing this plan? How
    has the team supported the teacher leader? Are
    there additional actions that need to be taken?

Celebrating Our Progress
  • Using insights from the reflection exercise
  • Define six (6) successes that you and/or your
    team has had since the beginning of the program.
  • Define six (6) goals that you and/or your team
    would like to accomplish between now and this
  • Write these successes and goals on the
    dodecahedron, illustrating as desired.
  • Cut out and construct the dodecahedron.

Sharing Our Progress
  • Applause is a celebration, not only of the
    actors, but also of the audience. It constitutes
    a shared moment of delight.
  • - John Charles

Evaluating Our Progress
  • Think back to the beginning of this program in
    terms of the Leadership Components and
    thoughtfully complete the assessment.
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