Title: Abyss (N.)
1 Abyss (N.)
2 A bottomless golf, any deep, immeasurable space
3 Acolyte (N.)
4 Assistant or helper, most commonly a boy who
serves a priest at Catholic Mass
5 Adroit (Adj.)
6 Dexterous in the use of body or mind
7 Denouement (N.)
8 The conclusion in which the author makes known
the outcome of the situations he has created
9 Harridan (N.)
10 vicious, scolding woman, usually an old woman
11 Humor (N.)
12 Ones disposition
13 Iota (N.)
14 A very small quantity or jot
15 Platitude (N.)
16 A trite or insipid remark, a truism, a cliché,
all of which are flat as far as originality of
thought and expression are concerned.
17 Procrustean (Adj.)
18 A point of view that insists upon conformity to
a rigid pattern regardless of individual