Title: Distributed Virtual-Time Scheduling in Rings (DVSR)
1Distributed Virtual-Time Scheduling in Rings
- Chun-Hung Chen
- 2004.04.30
- National Taipei University of Technology
- RPR Recall
- Problems in RPR
- Ring Ingress Aggregated with Spatial Reuse
Fairness (RIAS) - Distributed Virtual-Time Scheduling in Rings
(DVSR) - Simulation Results
- Conclusions
3RPR Recall
- RPR stands for Resilient Packet Ring, which is in
IEEE 802.17 Draft State - Dual rings structure with Destination strip
4- Traffic is classified in three classes
- Class A (A0 or A1), Class B (CIR or EIR), Class C
- When congested, the station will compute its
approximation fair rate by - Dividing the available bandwidth between all
upstream stations that are currently sending
frames through this station - Using its own current add rate
5- Two operation mode
- Conservative Mode
- Congested station will wait a FRTT to send a new
fair rate if it is still in congestion - Aggressive Mode
- Congested station sends new fair rate in every
100µs if it is still in congestion
6Problems in RPR
- Single Rate Controller
- Per-destination rate controller is optional
- Permanent Oscillation With Unbalanced
Constant-Rate Traffic Inputs - Unbalanced traffic will trigger severe and
permanent oscillations - Computed add_rate or Capacity/Active_Stations do
not reflect the true situation - Throughput Loss
- Utilization degrades due to oscillation
- Convergence
- Slow convergence time
7(No Transcript)
8- Transit traffic has priority over ingress
station traffic - Each node measures my_rate of ingress traffic
- If a node is congested
- send my_rate upstream
- upstream nodes throttle to my_rate
9The Problem with Darwin
- my_rate is NOT the ring-wide fair rate
- Example of permanent oscillation and throughput
degradation in Darwin
10Modeling RPR Oscillations (Analytical and
Simulation Results)
- Ring Ingress Aggregated with Spatial Reuse
Fairness - Define the level of traffic granularity for
fairness determination at a link as an
ingress-aggregated (IA) flow - Ensure maximal spatial reuse subject to the first
constraint - Steps of RIAS
- Allocate bandwidth on each link locally fair
according to an ingress aggregated granularity
(IA traffic) - Refine bandwidth allocation for each IA flow
according to its egress point and bottlenecks - Reclaim unused bandwidth fairly by iterating
- Highly Similar to Max-Min Flow Control
- Proportional Fair Allocation
- Penalizes flows farther away from the destination
- Important for TCP in the Internet (rate decrease
with RTT) - Fairness with Ingress-Egress flow granularity
- Incorrectly rewards nodes for spreading out
traffic to many destination versus all to hub node
13Illustration of RIAS Fair (1/3)
- Parking Lot
- 4 flows each receive rate ¼
14Illustration of RIAS Fair (2/3)
- Parallel Parking Lot
- Each flow receives rate ¼ on downstream link
- Left 1-hop flow fully reclaims excess bandwidth
15Illustration of RIAS Fair (3/3)
- Upstream Parallel Parking Lot
- Key points
- Flow granularity for fairness
- Spatial reuse
16Proportional Fair
- Proportional fairness
- Penalizes flows farther away from the hub
- Important for TCP in the Internet (rate decreases
with RTT) - TCP/GigE approximates this in the parking lot
- Variants of all of these have been discussed and
proposed in the RPR standard meetings
17Ingress-Egress Flow Granularity
- Fairness with Ingress-Egress flow granularity
- Incorrectly rewards nodes for spreading out
traffic to many destinations vs. all to hub node - Wrong flow granularity counts 6 flows and gives
rate 1/6 - (RIAS-fair all green flows together get ¼ vs ½)
- Nodes construct a proxy of virtual time at the
ingress-aggregated flow granularity - Using per-ingress byte counts
- The proxy is a lower bound on virtual time
temporally aggregated over time and spatially
aggregated over traffic flows sharing the same
ingress point (IA flows)
19Distributed Fair Bandwidth Allocation
- Remote Fair Queuing
- Control of upstream rate controllers via use of
ingress-aggregated virtual time as a congestion
message received from downstream nodes - Conceptually an ideal GPS processor
- Delayed and Temporally Aggregated Control
Information - Proxy of Virtual Time
- Multinode RIAS Fairness
- Three Steps to approximate RIAS
20Remote Fair Queuing Single Resource Illustration
- Control of upstream rate controllers via
downstream virtual time progression - True fair queueing replaced with rate controllers
multiplexer - Note no packets queued in mux when D 0
- Link capacity 1 pkt/sec
- T 10 pkt transmission times
- b 0.8 (fraction of time busy)
- ? gt 0
- Controller set at t for rates in t-T- ?, t- ?
Limiter value 0.8
22Step I Local Fairness
- Label nodes 1, , N and links 1, , N-1
- rij is the traffic demand between nodes i and j
at a particular time instant - rin is the Ingress Aggregated traffic from
ingress node i at link n - rin ?jgtnrij
- The locally fair allocation on link n is
- Rin max_mini(C,r1n,r2n,,rin,, rnn)
23Footnote on max_min
- What is max_mini( )?
- The textbook definition of (locally) fair
- Would be achieved by fair queueing if fair
queueing was performed on ingress aggregates - Can write down the exact computation
BerGal92,p527 - Maximizing the network use allocated to the
sessions with the minimum allocation
24Step II Ingress Fairly Sub-allocates Per-link
- Rijn max_minj(Rin,ri,n1,ri,n2,,ri,j,,ri,N)
- Ingress has bandwidth Rin on link n and divides
it fairly among flows traversing n - End-to-End rate is the bottleneck rate
- ri,j minnRijn, ni, i1,,j-1
25Step III Iterate
- There may be further bandwidth available for
spatial reuse - Due to multiple congestion points
- Iterate process such that all excess capacity is
fairly reclaimed - Set new capacity to all unallocated capacity
- CnCn-?ijRijn
- Go to Step I
26DVSR Protocol
- Scheduling of Station versus Transit Packets
- FIFO queue
- Class A is not taken in consideration
- Feedback Signal Computation
- Feedback Signal Transmission
- Control message is N bytes while there exist N
stations - Each station i writes its value at i bytes
- Rate Limit Computation
- Suballocate its per-link fair rates to the flows
with different egress nodes
27DVSR Protocol
- Scheduling
- FIFO (or SP)
- Computation of feedback signal
- Byte count for each ingress node - lower bound of
virtual time - Order such that
- l1 l2 lk
28Analysis of DVSR
- Fairness Bound
- Lemma 1
- A node-backlogged flow in DVSR can be
under-throttled by at most (1-(1/N))CT - Lemma 2
- A node-backlogged flow in DVSR can be
over-throttled by at most (1-(1/N))CT - Lemma 3
- The service difference during any interval for
two flows i and j with infinite demand is bounded
by 2(C-(1/N)C)T under DVSR
29Simulations Results
- Fairness and Spatial Reuse
- Fairness in the Parking Lot
- Performance Isolation for TCP Traffic
- RIAS versus Proportional Fairness for TCP Traffic
- Spatial Reuse in the Parallel Parking Lot
- Convergence Time Comparison
30Fairness in the Parking Lot
- Four constant-rate UDP flows sending at 622 Mbps
- DVSR provides RIAS fair shares
- GigE does not
31Spatial Reuse in the Parallel Parking Lot
CBR UDP flows sending at the link capacity
- DVSR is within ?1 of RIAS fair rates
- GigE favors downstream flows cannot achieve
spatial reuse - Darwin achieves only if using multi-choke
option -
32Upstream Parallel Parking Lot(Results in
Unbalanced Traffic Even with Balanced Inputs)
- Darwin oscillation range is 0.25 to 0.75 and
throughput loss is 14 - Many other scenarios can result in traffic
imbalances and throughput losses - DVSR within 0.1 of RIAS
Darwin Behavior
33RIAS vs. Proportional Fairness for TCP Traffic
- Each flow 1 TCP micro flow (ftp/TCP Reno)
- Rate within ?1 of RIAS fair rates for 1 TCP
micro-flow - GigE tends to provide proportional fair rates
34Convergence Time in the Parking Lot
- CBR UDP flows with rate 0.4 (248.8Mbps)
- Flow(1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) begin transmission
at times 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 seconds
respectively - Convergence time 0.2 msec for DVSR, 50 msec for
Darwin - Richer feedback signal allows faster convergence
35Inter-Node Performance Isolation of TCP/UDP
- Flow (1,5) TCP micro-flows
- Others are CBR UDP flows with rate 0.3
- More TCP micro-flows DVSR able to achieve RIAS
fairness - Darwin performance unknown (MAC sim incompatible
with TCP)
- Link capacity does not be considered in RPR
- Do my_rate and forward_rate in RPR fit the
bandwidth allocation? - DVSR approximate RIAS quicker than RPR
- RPR may have better performance if feedback
mechanism is modified
- V. Gambiroza, P. Yuan, B. Balzano, Y. Liu,
S.Sheafor, Design, Analysis, and Implementation
of DVSR A Fair High-Performance Protocol for
Packet Rings, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, Feb. 2004 - F. Davik, M.Yilmaz, S. Gjessing, N. Uzun, IEEE
802.17 Resilient Packet Ring Tutorial, IEEE
Communicaion Magazine, Mar. 2004 - http//www.ece.rice.edu/networks/RPR/