EECS%20274%20Computer%20Vision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EECS 274 Computer Vision Sources, Shadows, and Shading – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EECS%20274%20Computer%20Vision

EECS 274 Computer Vision
  • Sources, Shadows, and Shading

Surface brightness
  • Depends on local surface properties (albedo),
    surface shape (normal), and illumination
  • Shading model a model of how brightness of a
    surface is obtained
  • Can interpret pixel values to reconstruct its
    shape and albedo
  • Reading FP Chapter5, H Chapter 11

Radiometric properties of sources
  • How bright (or what color) are objects?
  • One more definition Exitance of a light source
  • the internally generated power (not reflected)
    radiated per unit area on the radiating surface
  • Similar to radiosity a source can have both
  • radiosity, because it reflects
  • exitance, because it emits
  • Independent of its exit angle
  • Internally generated energy radiated per unit
    time, per unit area
  • But what aspects of the incoming radiance will we
  • Point, line, area source
  • Simple geometry

Radiosity due to a point sources
  • small, distant sphere radius e and exitance E,
    which is far away subtends solid angle

Typo in figure, d ? r
Radiosity due to a point source
  • As r is increased, the rays leaving the surface
    patch and striking the sphere move closer evenly,
    and the collection changes only slightly, i.e.,
    diffusive reflectance, or albedo
  • Radiosity due to source

Nearby point source model
  • The angle term can be written in terms of N and S
  • N is the surface normal
  • ?d is diffuse albedo
  • S is source vector - a vector from P to the
    source, whose length is the intensity term, e2E
  • works because a dot-product is basically a cosine

Point source at infinity
  • Issue nearby point source gets bigger if one
    gets closer
  • the sun doesnt for any reasonable binding of
  • Assume that all points in the model are close to
    each other with respect to the distance to the
  • Then the source vector doesnt vary much, and the
    distance doesnt vary much either, and we can
    roll the constants together to get

Line sources
radiosity due to line source varies with inverse
distance, if the source is long enough
Area sources
  • Examples diffuser boxes, white walls.
  • The radiosity at a point due to an area source is
    obtained by adding up the contribution over the
    section of view hemisphere subtended by the
  • change variables and add up over the source

Radiosity due to an area source
  • ?d is albedo
  • E is exitance
  • r is distance between points Q and P
  • Q is a coordinate on the source

Shading models
  • Local shading model
  • Surface has radiosity due only to sources visible
    at each point
  • Advantages
  • often easy to manipulate, expressions easy
  • supports quite simple theories of how shape
    information can be extracted from shading
  • Global shading model
  • Surface radiosity is due to radiance reflected
    from other surfaces as well as from surfaces
  • Advantages
  • usually very accurate
  • Disadvantage
  • extremely difficult to infer anything from
    shading values

Local shading models
  • For point sources at infinity
  • For point sources not at infinity

Shadows cast by a point source
  • A point that cant see the source is in shadow
    (self cast shadow)
  • For point sources, the geometry is simple

Area source shadows
  • Are sources do not produce dark
  • shadows with crisp boundaries
  • Out of shadow
  • Penumbra (almost shadow)
  • Umbra (shadow)

Photometric stereo
  • Assume
  • A local shading model
  • A set of point sources that are infinitely
  • A set of pictures of an object, obtained in
    exactly the same camera/object configuration but
    using different sources
  • A Lambertian object (or the specular component
    has been identified and removed)

Monge patch
Projection model for surface recovery - Monge
In computer vision, it is often known as height
map , depth map, or dense depth map
Image model
  • For each point source, we know the source vector
    (by assumption)
  • We assume we know the scaling constant of the
    linear camera (i.e., intensity value is linear in
    the surface radiosity)
  • Fold the normal and the reflectance into one
    vector g, and the scaling constant and source
    vector into another Vj
  • Out of shadow
  • g(x,y) describes the surface
  • Vj property of the illumination and of the
  • In shadow

From many views
  • From n sources, for each of which Vi is known
  • For each image point, stack the measurements
  • Solve least squares problem to obtain g

One linear system per point
Dealing with shadows
Recovering normal and reflectance
  • Given sufficient sources, we can solve the
    previous equation (e.g., least squares solution)
    for g(x, y)
  • Recall that g(x, y) r (x,y) N(x, y) , and N(x,
    y) is the unit normal
  • This means that r(x,y) g(x, y)
  • This yields a check
  • If the magnitude of g(x, y) is greater than 1,
    theres a problem
  • And N(x, y) g(x, y) / r(x,y)

Five synthetic images
Recovered reflectance
g(x,y)?(x,y) the value should be in the range
of 0 and 1
Recovered normal field
Recovering a surface from normals
  • Recall the surface is written as
  • Parametric surface
  • This means the normal has the form
  • If we write the known vector g as
  • Then we obtain values for the partial derivatives
    of the surface

Recovering a surface from normals (contd)
  • Recall that mixed second partials are equal ---
    this gives us a check. We must have
  • (or they should be similar, at least)
  • We can now recover the surface height at any
    point by integration along some path, e.g.

Recovered surface by integration
The Illumination Cone
What is the set of n-pixel images of an object
under all possible lighting conditions (at fixed
pose)? (Belhuemuer and Kriegman IJCV 99)
Single light source image
N-dimensional Image Space
The Illumination Cone
What is the set of n-pixel images of an object
under all possible lighting conditions (but fixed
Proposition Due to the superposition of images,
the set of images is a convex polyhedral cone in
the image space.
Illumination Cone
2-light source image
Single light source images Extreme rays of cone
Generating the Illumination Cone
  • For Lambertian surfaces, the illumination cone is
    determined by the 3D linear subspace B(x,y),
  • When no shadows, then
  • Use least-squares to find 3D linear subspace,
    subject to the constraint fxyfyx (Georghiades,
    Belhumeur, Kriegman, PAMI, June, 2001)

3D linear subspace
a(x,y) fx(x,y) fy(x,y) albedo
(surface normals)
Surface. f (x,y) (albedo textured mapped on
Original (Training) Images
Image-based rendering Cast Shadows
Single Light Source
Face Movie
Yale face database B
  • 10 Individuals
  • 64 Lighting Conditions
  • 9 Poses
  • gt 5,760 Images

Variable lighting
Curious experimental fact
  • Prepare two rooms, one with white walls and white
    objects, one with black walls and black objects
  • Illuminate the black room with bright light, the
    white room with dim light
  • People can tell which is which (due to Gilchrist)
  • Why? (a local shading model predicts they cant).

Global shading models
Can adjust so that local shading model predicts
these pictures will be indistinguishable
A view of a white room with white objects. We see
a cross-section of the image intensity
corresponding to the line drawn on the image.
A view of a black room with black objects. We see
a cross-section of the image intensity
corresponding to the line drawn on the image.
Whats going on here?
  • Local shading model is a poor description of
    physical processes that give rise to images
  • because surfaces reflect light onto one another
  • This is a major nuisance the distribution of
    light (in principle) depends on the configuration
    of every radiator big distant ones are as
    important as small nearby ones (solid angle)
  • The effects are easy to model
  • It appears to be hard to extract information from
    these models

Interreflections - a global shading model
  • Other surfaces are now area sources - this
  • Vis(x, u) is 1 if they can see each other, 0 if
    they cant

What do we do about this?
  • Attempt to build approximations
  • Ambient illumination
  • Study qualitative effects
  • reflexes
  • decreased dynamic range
  • smoothing
  • Try to use other information to control errors

Ambient illumination
  • Two forms
  • Add a constant to the radiosity at every point in
    the scene to account for brighter shadows than
    predicted by point source model
  • Advantages simple, easily managed (e.g. how
    would you change photometric stereo?)
  • Disadvantages poor approximation (compare black
    and white rooms
  • Add a term at each point that depends on the size
    of the clear viewing hemisphere at each point
  • Advantages appears to be quite a good
    approximation, but jury is out
  • Disadvantages difficult to work with
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