Title: Circuit Switching and Telephone Network
1Chapter 8
Circuit SwitchingandTelephone Network
28.1 Circuit Switching
Space-Division Switch Time-Division Switch TDM
Bus Combinations
3Figure 8.1 Circuit-switched network
4Figure 8.2 A circuit switch
5Figure 8.3 A folded switch
6Figure 8.4 Crossbar switch
7Figure 8.5 Multistage switch
8Figure 8.6 Switching path
9Figure 8.7 Time-division multiplexing, without
and with a time-slot interchange
10Figure 8.8 Time-slot interchange
11Figure 8.9 TDM bus
12Figure 8.10 TST switch
138.2 Telephone Network
Major Components LATAs Making a Connection Analog
Services Digital Services A Brief History
14Figure 8.11 A telephone system
15Figure 8.14 Rotary and touch-tone dialing