Title: Efficient Reachability Checking using Sequential SAT
1Efficient Reachability Checking using Sequential
- G. Parthasarathy, M. K. Iyer, K.-T.Cheng, Li. C.
Wang - Department of ECE
- University of California Santa Barbara
- Satisfiability in sequential circuits very
important - Applications to Reachability Analysis, model
checking and ATPG - Seen resurgence in SAT with recent advances
- C-SAT, BerkMin, Zchaff, Grasp, etc ..
- Similar performance benefits can be derived for
search in a sequential space - Sequential SAT has been proposed
- How does this perform versus current methods for
reachability checking ?
- Sequential SAT
- Search Strategies in Sequential SAT
- Efficient State Caching
- Reachability Checking with sequential SAT
- Experimental Results
- Comparison with BDDs
- Comparison with BMC
- Conclusions
4ATPG Formulation of Circuit Justification
- Typically X-Path based
- Decision points are subset of Primary inputs and
internal signals eg. FANs headlines - Nodes on justification frontier are justified
J-frontier e Select J-node e Satisfy
J-node 1st x-pathc,a select a
0 Implications c0, d1, e0 J-node
satisfied Is J-frontier empty yes DONE
Solution a,b 0,X
5The Most Effective SAT Solvers
- Backtrack search
- Boolean constraint propagation
- Reasonable branching heuristic
- Clause recording
- Non-chronological backtracking
- Search strategies
- Restarts / Random backtracking
- Efficient data structures
- E.g. head/tail lists watched literals literal
sifting - Examples BerkMin Chaff SATO rel_sat GRASP
6Structural Search v/s Pure SAT
Feature SAT Structural Advantage
1 Conflict-based Learning Yes Minimal SAT
2 Eff. Implications Yes No SAT
3 Structural Information Min Yes Structural
4 Algorithm Complexity Low High SAT
5 Decision Ordering Heuristic Prob Struct/SAT (sat/unsat)
6 Size of SAT Assignments High Low Structural
- Iyer et. al. , SATORI A Fast sequential SAT
solver for circuits, ICCAD 2003
7Sequential SAT SATORI
- Based on implicit time frame (TF) expansion
- For each TF, a combinational solver is used to
find a solution - includes heuristics to minimize the number of
state variables with value assignment using
3-valued logic - Maximize size of these sets
- The state part of solution further justified in
prior TF - A conflict clause corresponding to the state
part of the solution is added - Prevents reaching the same state again in search
- Efficient state caching and retrieval
- Is complete
- Given enough time, will return a solution if one
exists - Otherwise will certify that no solution exists
8Sequential Search
1 Time Frame
Primary Inputs
Present State
Previous State
Primary Outputs
93-Valued Search DFS or BFS
Illegal State
Legal State
10State Cache internals
- State cubes are stored as state avoiding clauses
- State cube
- s0,s1,..,sn 1,0,X,X,..,1 is stored as
- (s0 s1 sn )
- Imply new state cubes on the state cache
- Conflicting cubes in the cache under the current
assignments are covers - Smallest covers will conflict first
- Eg Let new cube be s0,s1,..,sn
1,0,1,X,..1,1 - We find implications of this assignment on state
cache - Old cube (s0 s1 sn) conflicts since it
evaluates to FALSE
11SATORI Assignment Reduction
12Reachability Checking
- Set values of 0/1 on all lines in ISCAS89 ckts
- Check whether values are satisfiable from initial
state - Compare with state-of-art commercial ATPG engine
- No fault propagation
- Even comparison
13Effect of Path-Tracing
14Assignment Reduction State Cubes
State Cube Comparisons
15Reachability Checking
16Reachability Checking
17Safety property checking
- Sequential SAT in BFS mode does pre-image
computation - Check safety properties using pre-image
computation - Test-cases drawn from VIS distribution
- Sequential SAT uses a modified Buchi Automaton
- Automaton goes to a Trap state when a
counter-example is found - Automaton restricts search space to valid space
for counter-examples - Effectively guides the search for a
counter-example. - Compare with VIS 2.0 (BDD based)
18BDDs v/s SATORI Pre-Image Computation
19BDDs v/s SATORI with Image Computation
20Best Strategy Times BDDs v/s SATORI
21State space exploration
22True Properties VIS-BDDs v/s SATORI
23False Properties VIS-BDDs, BMC SATORI
24Performance on Selected false properties
25In Summary
- Sequential SAT is complete
- One can do efficient reachability checking using
sequential SAT - Competes with BDDs for property checking
- Comparative performance is good
- Efficiency can be improved through improved
search order