Title: State of Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor _________________________________
1State of MinnesotaOffice of the Legislative
- Overview Presentation
- for
- State Government Finance Committee
- House of Representatives
- State of Minnesota
- February 1, 2011
2OLA History ___________________________
- Created in 1973
- Recommendation of the Loaned
Executive Action Panel (LEAP) - Modeled after the Government Accountability
Office (GAO) - Post audit and oversight is a
legislative branch responsibility
3OLA Mission ___________________________
- Strengthen accountability and legislative
oversight - Promote strong financial management and
cost-effective administration of organizations
and programs funded with public money
4OLA Work Products ___________________________
- Compliance and Control Audits
- Financial Statement Audits
- Information Technology Audits
- Evaluations
- Investigations
5OLA Principal Goal___________________________
- Ensure that every OLA report is accurate,
objective, timely, and useful
6OLA Standards___________________________
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
- Require fact verification, documentation,
internal and external review - Independence Standards
- Require both organizational and individual
7OLA Jurisdiction ___________________________
- State Executive Branch
- State Judicial Branch
- State-Funded Programs
- Three Metropolitan Organizations
- Quasi-Government Organizations
- Public Money
8OLA Authority___________________________
- Cooperation with OLA required by law, but OLA
also has subpoena authority - OLA has access to all documents and data related
to the use of public funds - Legislative Auditor may take testimony under oath
9OLA Organization___________________________
- Legislative Audit Commission (bipartisan, 12
members) - Commission appoints Legislative
Auditor (6-year term) - Office of the Legislative Auditor
- Financial Audit Division (FAD)
- Program Evaluation Division (PED)
10OLA Staffing___________________________
- Legislative Auditor
- Deputy Legislative Auditor (FAD)
- Financial Auditors (38)
- Evaluators (13)
- Investigator
- Administrative Support Staff (4)
- Information Technology Staff (3)
11OLA Funding___________________________
- Fiscal year 2011 General Fund appropriation to
OLA approximately 5.8 million - Approximately 1.2 million will be returned to
the General Fund through indirect cost
allocations and direct billings for OLA audit
12OLA Challenges/Response________________________
- Challenges
- Retaining experienced staff
- Providing adequate audit coverage
- Response
- Emphasize commitment to OLA mission
- Deploy staff strategically