Title: SPD Presentation to NZSSES
1 Sustainable Product Design
New Zealand Society of Sustainability Engineering
and Science Conference, Auckland Alice
Wilson Senior Operator, Sustainable Industry
Group, Ministry for the Environment 22 February
2Presentation Overview
- Sustainable Product Design
- Ministry for the Environment
- Approaches
- Future Direction
- Top 3 ideas
3Sustainable Product Design?
Why shouldnt New Zealand aim to be the first
country which is truly sustainable not by
sacrificing our living standards, but by being
smart and determined? We can now move to
develop more renewable energy, biofuels, public
transport alternatives, and minimise, if not
eliminate, waste to landfills. I believe that
sustainability will be a core value in 21st
century social democracy. Helen Clark, October
6But Why?
7Consumer Awareness
8So what are we doing?
- Networks and workshops
- Tools and resources
- Showcasing good practice
- Building capacity
- Mainstreaming
- Exploring path-breaking innovation
- Design content on Simply Sustainable
(www.sustainability.mfe.govt.nz) - Partnership with Designers Institute (DINZ),
including Best Design Awards. - Articles for ProDesign Focus on Sustainability
- Virtual network of interested practitioners
10More Progress?
- Building links with Better By Design
- Linking with Govt3 and sustainable procurement
- Telling the story of sustainable product design
11Formway Case Study
At Formway we continually look for ways we
fulfil our mission to be a leading company in
environmental performance. Formway is a
design-led company and we firmly believe that
excellent design and making sustainable decisions
go hand in hand. ALAN BUCKNER CEO, FORMWAY
12Looking Forward
Alice Wilson alice.wilson_at_mfe.govt.nz 09 985