Title: Hill Country Alliance
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2- Interactive GIS emphasizing hydrologic data in
the - Texas Hill Country
- for the
- Hill Country Alliance
- Two discrete components
- Developed an interactive mapping server
(interactive GIS) depicting hydrologic and
environmental data for the public - Provided data in a uniform format for the purpose
of creating a groundwater vulnerability model
4What is an interactive GIS?
- Internet mapping service (IMS)
- A website that allows a user to view dynamic
maps, spatial content and spatial analysis via
the Internet - Geared towards use by the general public
5Texas Hill Country
- The Texas Hill Country has seen a population
explosion in the last few years.
County 2000 Population 2006 Estimated Population Change
Bexar (San Antonio) 1,392,931 1,555,592 11.7
Comal (New Braunfels) 78,021 101,181 29.7
Hays (San Marcos) 31.1
Gillespie (Fredericksberg) 20,814 23,527 13
Kendall (Boerne) 23,743 30,213 27.3
Travis (Austin) 812,280 921,006 13.4
Data from the US Census Bureau
Percent change from April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006
6Hill Country Features
- Comal Springs, San Marcos Springs, Barton Springs
7Aquatic Species
- Fountain darter, Comal Springs riffle beetle,
- San Marcos salamander
- Golden-cheeked warbler
- Black-capped vireo
9Hill Country Alliance
- The Hill Country Alliance (HCA) is a non-profit
organization whose purpose is to raise public
awareness and build community support around the
need to preserve the natural resources and
heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country. - Formed in September of 2004 to begin educating
the public about regional planning, conservation
development, and a more responsible approach
growth in the hill country.
- HCA is composed of 17 counties - Bandera, Bexar,
Blanco, Burnet, Comal, Edwards, Gillespie, Hays,
Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, Medina,
Real, Travis, Uvalde - Specifically defined and prioritized data layers
- Website capable of use by the general public
- A. Core/Critical Data
- Digital Elevation Models, contours, county
shapefiles, transportation, soil data, major and
minor aquifers, recharge zone, caves and
sinkholes, vegetation extent and type, surface
geology, faults and lineaments, streams, springs
and dams - B. Value-Add Data
- Critical habitat/endangered species, dye tracer
studies, location of USGS data collection sites,
streamflow gain/loss data - C. Nice-to-Have Data
- Wastewater disposal areas, large groundwater
withdrawals, aquifer hydraulic characteristics,
aerial orthophotos
12Data Sources
- TNRIS Texas Natural Resource Information System
- TPWD Texas Parks Wildlife Department
- USGS United States Geologic Survey
- EAA Edwards Aquifer Authority
- TSS Texas Speleological Survey
- NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service
- BEG Bureau of Economic Geology
13Unique Features of Manifold IMS
- Dynamic updates
- Cost-effective
- Accepts over 80 data formats
- Hyperlinked information
- Integration with TerraCorps urban landuse
dataset - Large coverage area
- (17 counties, 17,763 square miles)
- Multiple datums, data formats
15Hill Country Alliance Interactive Website
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18Groundwater Vulnerability
Insert text here ?
19Groundwater Vulnerability
Slope in percent (raw)
20Groundwater Vulnerability
Soil Component, Ksat Attribute (raw)
21Groundwater Vulnerability
Soil Component, Ksat Attribute (indexed)
22Groundwater Vulnerability
Soil Component, Total Composite
23Final Deliverables
Interactive Web Viewer
- Final Report 2 copies
- Poster for display in Geography Department
- DVDs (2) for the IMS containing
- All data
- Metadata
- Final Report
- Poster
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Instructions on how to use the DVD
- DVDs (2) for the groundwater vulnerability
model containing - Model data in raster form
- Metadata
- The end results of this project will be tools
that help to divert the inevitable growth of the
region towards less vulnerable parts of the Hill
Country, thereby maintaining the environmental
degradation at a more manageable level and
extending the lifespan of this uniquely beautiful
and fragile piece of the world.