U.S. History II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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U.S. History II


U.S. History II Chapter 19 Sec. 2 The Cold War Heats Up – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: U.S. History II

U.S. History II Chapter 19 Sec. 2 The Cold War
Heats Up
(No Transcript)
The Marshall Plan
- in an effort to avoid the mistakes made after
WWI, the U.S. was committed to helping restore
the war-torn nations so that they might create
stable democracies and achieve economic
recovery - after WWII, Europe was in ruins these
conditions led to two fundamental shifts in
American foreign policythe Truman Doctrine and
the Marshall Plan, which was a program of
economic assistance for Western Europe
- put forth by Secretary of State George
Marshall, the Plan was a response to American
concerns that Communist parties were growing
stronger across Europe and the Soviet Union might
intervene - the Soviet Union was invited to
participate, but declined and pressured the
satellite nations to do the same - from 1947 to
1951, the U.S. allocated 13 billion in grants
and loans to western Europe, restoring the
regions economies and developing strong trade
The Berlin Airlift
  • -in 1948, the Allies announced their plan to make
    the zones they controlled into a single unit
    which would become the new nation the Federal
    Republic of Germany, or West Germany, including
    West Berlin
  • the Soviets responded by forming the communist
    German Democratic Republic, or East Germany
  • West Berlin was located within East Germany and
    was becoming an escape rout out of the communist
    dominated eastern Europe
  • - Stalin decided to close the escape route by
    attempting to get the Western powers to abandon
    West Berlin by blocking access and cutting off
    the 2.5 million residents from needed supplies
  • Rather than risk a war, Truman decided to fly
    supplies into Berlin, during the 15 month
    blockade, British and American military aircraft
    made more than 200,000 flights to deliver food,
    fuel, and other supplies
  • the Soviets finally gave up in May 1949

- because of the veto power possessed by the
Soviet Union on the UN Security Council, the
organization was prevented from effectively
dealing with a number of postwar problems - in
April of 1949, Canada, the U.S., Belgium, Great
Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal joined together
to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) which was a mutual defense organization
The Warsaw Pact
- the Soviets responded to NATO by creating the
Warsaw Pact, a military alliance with its
satellite nations in Eastern Europe
The Soviet Atomic Threat
  • Truman responded to the Soviet atomic threat by
    authorizing the development of more powerful
    atomic weapons and the formation of the Federal
    Civil Defense Administration

- In August of 1949, the Soviets successfully
tested an atomic bomb
The Loss of China
General Chiang Kai-shek
Chairman Mao Zedong
- in China, the battle between the Nationalists
and the Communists had been going on since the
1920s, with the U.S. supporting Chiang Kai-shek
and the Nationalists against Mao Zedong and the
- the Communist forces took over in 1949 then Mao
proclaimed the creation of the Peoples Republic
of China, while the Nationalists retreated to
Taiwan and proclaimed the Republic of China as
the legitimate government - the loss of China to
the Communists was a negative mark on the Truman
The Cold War at Home
- during the presidencies of Truman and
Eisenhower, concern about the growth of world
communism raised fears of a conspiracy to
overthrow the government - a second red scare
swept the nation and launch anti-communist
The Loyalty Program
  • The exposure of a number of wartime spy rings in
    1946, led to an increased anxiety in many
  • When Republicans made big gains in the 1946
    elections, Truman decided to create the Federal
    Employee Loyalty Program
  • under this program, all new government employees
    were to be investigated and the FBI checked the
    backgrounds of all current employees
  • those accused of disloyalty were brought before
    the Loyalty Review Board
  • led to a climate of suspicion

J. Edgar Hoover
House Un-American Activities Committee
- a second red scare swept the nation and
launch anti-communist crusades - loyalty programs
and investigations sought out suspected
communists working for the government and the
House Un-American Activities Committee
investigated Communist infiltration of government
agencies and the Hollywood movie industry
The Hollywood Ten
  • During the HUAC hearings to investigate communist
    influence in the movie industry, ten individuals
    refused to answer any questions, invoking the
    Constitutional rights
  • They were cited for contempt and sentenced from 6
    months to a year
  • - Hollywood executives feared the HUAC and began
    creating blacklists, a list circulated among
    employers of individuals not to be hired

The McCarran-Walter Act
  • Democratic Senator Pat McCarran led the Senate
    hunt for Communists in the movie industry, labor
    unions, and the State Department, but was
    convinced the most disloyal Americans were coming
    from Communist-dominated parts of the world
  • - Congress passed, over Trumans veto, the
    McCarran-Walter Act (1952), which reaffirmed the
    quota system from 1924 and discriminated against
    potential immigrants from Asia and Southern and
    Central Europe

Spy Cases Inflame the Nation
  • Alger Hiss, a former high-ranking State
    Department employee was accused of being a
    Communist in the 1930s and a spy by Time magazine
    editor Whittaker Chambers, who was a former

- Hiss denied the charges, but after two trials
he was convicted of perjury and sent to prison
for four years
  • The German-born physicist had worked on the
    Manhattan Project and confessed to providing
    atomic secrets to the Soviets
  • Was tried and convicted and sentenced to 14 years
    in prison
  • - Upon his release in 1949, he went to East
    Germany where he became the deputy director of
    the Central Institute for Nuclear Research

Klaus Fuchs
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
  • Communist, married couple accused of providing
    atomic secrets to the Soviets during WWII
  • They were convicted of espionage and executed in
  • - The Rosenberg case intensified the belief that
    the Soviets posed a real threat to national

The McCarthy Era
  • Joseph McCarthy was an undistinguished Wisconsin
    senator who needed an issue to win reelection
  • Building on fears of communism, he began making
    groundless accusations and charges as part of a
    campaign that became known as McCarthyism
  • - As his power increased, so did the status of
    his targets (Sec. of State George Marshall)
  • In 1954, the televised Army-McCarthy Hearings
    started and would prove to be the senators
  • The American people were horrified by McCarthys
    bullying tactics and baseless allegations
  • - Although he remained in the Senate, he lost his

  • 1. John Marshall
  • http//www.loc.gov/exhibits/marshall/images/wholem
  • 2. Berlin Airlift Map
  • http//www.cnn.com/US/9805/11/berlin.airlift/airli
  • 3. Berlin Airlift image
  • http//www.trumanlibrary.org/photos/berlin2.jpg
  • 4. NATO Map
  • http//www.mapsofworld.com/images/maps-of-world-na
  • 5. Warsaw Pact Map
  • http//content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en-comm
  • 6. Soviet Nuclear test
  • http//www.cfo.doe.gov/me70/manhattan/images/Joe1S
  • 7. U.S. Hydrogen bomb test
  • http//www.commondreams.org/headlines03/images/091
  • 8. Chinese flag
  • http//www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/images/country/hea
  • 9. Mao image
  • http//www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china
  • Chiang Kai-shek image

  • HUAC committee
  • http//content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thum
  • Hollywood Ten image
  • http//www.authentichistory.com/1950s/speeches/ima
  • Joseph McCarthy
  • http//www.archives.gov/exhibits/treasures_of_cong
  • McCarthy cartoon
  • http//www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmacarthy2.
  • 21. Pat McCarran image
  • http//history.sandiego.edu/gen/USPics2/80333.jpg
  • 22. Alger Hiss image
  • http//www.authentichistory.com/1950s/speeches/ima
  • 23. Whitaker Chambers
  • http//cache.eb.com/eb/image?id78660rendTypeId4
  • 24. Klaus Fuchs image
  • http//www.atomicarchive.com/Images/bio/B54.jpg
  • 25. Rosenberg image
  • http//upload.wikimedia.oredia/commons/thumb/6/68/
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