Title: F.J.Turner
1F.J.Turners Frontier Thesis, a summary of the
- The steps toward city building
2Turners frontier
begins with the Indian and the hunter it goes
on to tell of the disintegration of savagery by
the entrance of the trader, the pathfinder of
civilization we read the annals of the pastoral
stage in ranch life the exploitation of the soil
by the raising of unrotated crops of corn and
wheat in sparsely settled farming communities
the intensive culture of denser farm settlement
and finally the manufacturing organization with
city and factory system.
3Indian origins
4Pathfinders, hunters
6Cattle raisers, pastoral stage
7Small farms
8Extensive grain farms
9Urban manufacturing---Cities
10Chicago where all the forces of nature
intersect Frederick J. Turner
11Frederick Jackson Turner quote
- The frontier is where civilization meets