Title: INM
1INMs contribution to ELDAS project
- E. Rodríguez and
- B. Navascués
- Latest modifications in the HIRLAM surface
package (assim.param.) - Work on progress
- 3 planned experiments REF,ELD,SVA, (TIL?)
- Definition of REF experiment
- Preliminary exercise (HIRLAM TR No.59)
- Evaluation strategy
- Physiography ECOCLIMAP
- Time schedule
3Latest modifications of the HIRLAM surface
package (assim.param.)
- Explicit treatment of soil water freezing/thawing
- Re-computation of structure functions for T2m and
RH2m analyses - New snow depth analysis based on OI
- Additional tile for snowed bare and low
vegetation surfaces (use of predictive equations
for snow albedo, density. Freezing/thawing of
water retained by snow) - Subgrid run-off (consequence of RhoneAggr
Experiment) - Tuning of Zo for certain land uses
4Subgrid runoff (Dumenil Todini, 1992)
5Work on progress
- Implementation of the SVA assimilation of soil
moisture (Balsamo) on the HIRLAM system
preliminary tests - Tests with the new physiographic database
ECOCLIMAP in the HIRLAM environment
63 planned experiments
- ELD same as REF but with soil moisture generated
by CNRM - SVA same as REF but with SVA assimilation of
soil moisture (Gianpaolo)
7Definition of the REF experiment (I)
- Latest reference HIRLAM version (6.2.0) Some
of the improvements in the pipeline - No tiles (acceptable degradacion!)
- Both HIRLAM and the soil moisture generator model
(CNRM) should use the same physiography. Ideally
the CNRM should produce vegetation and soil
fields (from ECOCLIMAP?) for both models - Grid geometry? HIRLAM usually runs on a rotated
grid. Minimize (or suppress) horizontal
interpolations! ARPEGE grid ? HIRLAM grid using
closest grid point for both climate files
8Tiling versus no tiling
9Definition of the REF experiment (II)
- 3D-VAR assimilation, 6h cycling
- Lateral Boundaries ECMWF analysis
- 0.2ºx0.2ºx31L
- SL timestep
- Domain? DMR?
- 48h forecast from 00 (or 12) UTC analysis only
10Parallel runs (H5.1.1)
- Comparison against version 5.1.1, using DMR (0.5
degrees, 31L, ECMWF area) - Summer case (1-15 July 1995)
- Winter case (1-14 Jan. 1996)
- Fall case (1-15 Oct. 1994)
- Spring case (12-28 April 1998) thanks to Simo
11Preliminary exercise close to the REF experiment
- Seasonal assimilation experiment (Apr.95?Apr.96)
mainly designed to assess the long term behaviour
of the surface HIRLAM package (param assim). - See HIRLAM Tech.Rep.No.59 (available from HIRLAM
web page) - Time evolution of slow evolving variables and
diagnostic tools to assess performance of the
surface analysis. - Also topics as convergence of the assimilation
algorithm and evolution of different tiles within
a grid square are thoroughly discussed.
12Explore subgrid evolution
Possibly and depending on our resources, well
run a 4th experiment with tiling structure same
as REF, but including the same land tiles as in
the HIRLAM reference system
13Number of effective soil moisture corrections
14Evaluation strategy for the 3 experiments
- Soil moisture evolution (over the whole domain,
over Europe, over specific regions) - Study of soil moisture analysis increments
- Near surface maps (T2m, RH2m) of monthly averaged
bias, rms error - Verification scores against surface stations
(T2m, RH2m) and radiosoundings. - Surface heat fluxes
- Single grid point diagnostics
- Compare ELDAS products (precip., radiation and
heating rates) with the corresponding HIRLAM
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16ECOCLIMAP database(Masson et al., 2003) (I)
- Global and high resolution dataset (1-km).
- Detailed information over Europe coming from
CORINE and PELCOM projects. - Use of full resolution maps of the vegetation
index NDVI to provide the appropiate temporal and
spatial scales. - 215 ecosystems allowing a better assignement of
vegetation parameter sets. (90 over Europe) - Use of aggregation rules to derive surface
parameters at the desired model resolution and
for mixed ecosystem pixels. - It allows the tiling approach, as used by the
HIRLAM surface scheme.
17Topics for discussion on ECOCLIMAP
database(Masson et al., 2003) (II)
- It is highly sophisticated as compared with the
current HIRLAM physiographic description and it
allows many possible choices - Vegetation parameters (veg, lai, Zoh, Zom, alb,
Rsmin, frac, emis, ...) with monthly or decennial
(10 days) frequency. - Compatible with tiling.
- Not yet enough tested in HIRLAM system.
- Straightforward usage for lat/lon coordinates.
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20Time schedule
- First trial for 3 experiments (REF, ELD and SVA)
(1-6 June 2000) (Dec. 2003) - May ? Dec 2000 with REF exp. started (Dec. 2003)
- May ? Dec 2000 with SVA exp. started (Jan. 2003)
- May ? Dec 2000 with ELD exp. (?)