Title: SciVi Field Trip 5 Destination:
1SciVi Field Trip 5 Destination Rachel Carson
Component, NorthCarolina National
EstuarineResearch Reserves, Beaufort, North
Sample Introductory Slide Show(Project-Based
Learning Model)
2Bill Crowell, Director of the Pamlico National
Estuary Program, stands in Crabtree Creek
(downtown Raleigh, NC) to talk about watersheds.
3Step 1 Connections So what are watersheds and
why you should care? What do you know about
watersheds and their importance?
4Eastern coast of the United States
5North Carolina coast
6Beaufort and the Rachel Carson Component of the
North Carolina Research Reserve
7Beaufort Inlet and the town of Beaufort
8Beaufort Inlet
9Aerial view of Rachel Carson Component
10Beaufort Inlet and the town of Beaufort
11Crabtree Creek, Raleigh, NC(central Piedmont
region of the state)
12Crabtree Creek, Raleigh, NC
13Run-off near Crabtree Creek, Raleigh, NC
14Finches in Crabtree Creek, Raleigh, NC
15Below the surface shot of the estuary
16Skimmer skimming the waters surface for fish.
17Skimmers in tandem
18Outerbanks of North Carolina
19Sunset on the Outerbanks of North Carolina
20 What compelling questions do you have
about watersheds and mans effect on the natural
flow of these vital land forms?
21Project-Based Learning Process begins Step 1
Contribute your questions to the class list.
Step 2 Then choose the question you find most
compelling and form a research group. Step 3
Work with your group to develop your project.
Keep a log of your groups work. Step 4 Share
your group's project with others. Step 5
Evaluate the quality, creativity, and impact of
your work.
22(No Transcript)