Understanding and Learning how to Combat Stress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding and Learning how to Combat Stress


Title: Understanding and Learning how to Combat Stress Author: Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center Last modified by: Harris, Christie L Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding and Learning how to Combat Stress

Understanding and Learning how to Combat Stress
  • Christie Harris
  • Wellness Education Specialist
  • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
  • 2013

I was put on this Earth to accomplish a certain
number of things Right now I am so far behind I
will never die!
Definition of stress
  • Stress is the bodys normal response to anything
    that disturbs its natural physical, emotional or
    mental balance.
  • Stress reduction refers to a variety of
    strategies that can counteract this response and
    it leads to a feeling of relaxation and

Stress FYI
  • Over 300 billion is spent on workplace stress
  • Approximately 80-90 of doctors visits are stress
  • The National Sleep Foundation, says the average
    American works 46 hours/week 38 of the study
    respondents in their study worked more than 50
    hours per week.

Signs and symptoms of stress
Emotional Physical Behavioral Anxiety Headach
es Over-reacting Sleep disruption Chronic
fatigue Acting on impulse Anger Weight
gain/loss Using substances Inability to
concentrate Neck/shoulders tightness Withdraw
from relationships Crying easily Digestion
problems Frequent feeling of agitation Unproductiv
e worry Feeling irritable Nail biting
How does one avoid stress?
  • Stress is a part of life, we encounter it
  • Stress is a perception. It is the impact of our
    obstacles that causes us to feel stressed.
  • Believe it or not, we need stress in our lives to
    rise up to challenges in life. However,
    persistent stress can lead to chronic stress.

(No Transcript)
Learning to recognize stressors
  • A stressor is anything that throws your body out
    of balance. Anticipation of something happening,
    anxiety of not getting something done, stressors
    are our thoughts/perceptions!
  • If stress can lead to illness, then reducing
    stress should aid in having the opposite effect.

What does one do?
  • Understand what your stressors areproblems in a
    relationship, feeling of being stretched too thin
    at work, health concerns, getting married or even
    getting a promotion at work.
  • Keep a mental note or even a journal of your
    stressors, once you realize what is causing you
    stress, you can now develop a game plan.

Develop a game plan
  • Finding positive coping skills that best fit your
    personality and time restrictions.
  • Some Examples
  • Exercise, Gardening, Listening to music,
    Reading, Writing in a journal or poetry, Mental
    imagery, Yoga, Deep breathing exercises, Massage,
    Prayer, Stretching, Meditation, Taking a bath,
    Talking to someone, Art, Coloring, Crafts,
    Cooking, Cleaning, Reflection and Forgiveness,
    Spending time with family and friends, Getting
    into nature, Shopping, Tickler Notebook,

Quick Coherence Quick Steps
  • Heart Focus
  • Heart Focused Breathing
  • Heart Feeling

Use Quick Coherence
  • To access a positive emotional state love, care
    and appreciation. This sustains the shift.
  • To prep before encounters with others.
  • To prep before day begins, meetings/classes and
  • To reset after each stress trigger to recover
  • When a situation needs more care or sensitivity
  • Begins a new baseline in health productivity

  • There are two days in every week about which we
    should not worry.
  • Two days which should be kept free from fear and
  • One of these days is yesterday and its mistakes
    and cares, its faults and its blunders, its aches
    and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond
    our control.
  • All the money in the world cannot bring back
  • We cannot undo a single word we said, yesterday
    is gone.
  • The other day we should not worry about is
    tomorrow with its possible adversities, its
    burdens, its large promise and poor performance.
    Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
  • Tomorrows sun will rise, either in splendor or
    behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until
    it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is
    as yet unborn.
  • This leaves just one day - Today. Any person
    can fight the battle of just one day. It is only
    when you and I add the burdens of those two
    eternities - yesterday and tomorrow that we will
    break down.
  • It is not the experience of today that drives
    people mad - it is the remorse or bitterness for
    something which happened yesterday and the dread
    of what tomorrow may bring.
  • Let us, therefore, live but one day at a time.
  • Gundersen Lutherans Stress Reduction
    Relaxation Clinic
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