How to Design English Lessons - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to Design English Lessons


What is the subject matter of the lesson the skills or language areas that will be studied and the topics you will ... What are authentic materials? Nunan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How to Design English Lessons

How to Design English Lessons
  • Mr. Yin Gang
  • Nanjing Teaching and Research Office for
    Vocational Education

How to Design English Lessons
  • The lecture is designed to demonstrate how to
    approach the teaching of speaking, listening,
    reading and writing. By the end of the lecture,
    participants will thoroughly acquire some ideas
    of the following terms
  • Lesson planning
  • Analyzing students needs
  • Authentic materials
  • Teaching grammar
  • Teaching vocabulary
  • Teaching the language skills speaking,
    listening, reading and writing
  • Some others

Learning Teaching
  • Learning teaching is a desire to move forward, to
    keep learning from what happens. It involves
    feedback from others and from ourselves about
    what happened. It involves reflection on what
    happened, together with an excitement about
    trying a slightly different option next time.
  • Learning teaching is an aware and active use of
    the experiential learning cycle in ones own life
    and work.
  • Learning teaching is a belief that creativity,
    understanding, experience and character continue
    growing through ones life.

Dangers for teacher career
  • Doing the same thing again and again
  • Too many demands
  • Getting tired
  • Boredom
  • Pressures
  • Stress
  • Burn out
  • If Im safe, why take risks?

How to Design English Lessons
  • The act of teaching is essentially a constant
    processing of options. At every point in each
    lesson a teacher has a number of options
    available he/ she can decide to do something, or
    to do something else, or not to do anything at
    all. In order to become a better teacher it seems
    important to be aware of as many options as
    possible. This may enable you to generate your
    own rules and guidelines as to what works and
    what doesnt.( Scrivener 2002 )

As a general rule
  • Prepare thoroughly. But in class, teach the
    learnersnot the plan.

The process of learning
  • Doing something
  • Recalling what happened
  • Reflecting on that
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Using those conclusions to inform and prepare for
    future practical experience.

Two assumptions
  • People learn more by doing things themselves
    rather than by being told about them.
  • Learners are intelligent, fully-functioning
    humans, not simply receptacles for passed-on

Three kinds of teacher
  • Teacher A the explainer
  • Teacher B the involver
  • Teacher C the enabler

Control Spectrum in Classroom Teaching Teacher
All Knowing Expert/Coach
Mentor Slave Passive
Recipient Learning Active
Participant Starting
Learner Without Choice Controlled,
Dependent Independent Controlled
Passive Follower
Knowledge Explorer Let me out! I'm
OK. It's OK. Joy in
Learning Student
Four kinds of teacher
  • A poor teacher tells.
  • A good teacher explains.
  • A wonderful teacher demonstrates.
  • A great teacher inspires.

What is an effective teacher?
  • Really listens to his/her students
  • Shows respect
  • Gives clear , positive feedback
  • Has a good sense of humor
  • Is patient
  • Knows his/her subject
  • Inspires confidence
  • Trusts people
  • Emphasize with students problems
  • Is well-organized
  • Paces lessons well
  • Does not complicate things unnecessarily
  • Is enthusiastic and inspires enthusiasm
  • Can be authoritative without being distant
  • Is honest
  • Is approachable.

General areas have to be considered
  • The learners.
  • The aims.
  • The teaching point.
  • The teaching procedures .
  • Materials.
  • Classroom management.

Some general areas have to be considered
  • The learners. Will they enjoy doing the lesson?
    Will they benefit from it? (What do they like
    doing? What topics interest them?)

Some general areas have to be considered
  • The aims. What will the learners achieve? What
    are you hoping to achieve yourself? (What are the
    aims of the lesson? What are the aims of each

Some general areas have to be considered
  • The teaching point. What is the subject matter of
    the lessonthe skills or language areas that will
    be studied and the topics you will deal with.
    (What items of language will be studied or used
    in the lesson? What topics, contexts will be
    used? Am I confident about these teaching points?
    What preparation/ study do I need to do?)

Some general areas have to be considered
  • The teaching procedures . What activities will
    you use? What sequence will they come in? (What
    activities will help the learners achieve the
    lesson objectives? How will the activities link
    together to make a whole lesson? How long will
    each activity last?)

Some general areas have to be considered
  • Materials. What texts, tapes, pictures,
    exercises, role-cards, etc will you use? ( What
    materials will be used for each activity? What do
    I need to make photocopy, borrow? What page of
    the coursebook have we got to? What can be used
    for homework?)

Some general areas have to be considered
  • Classroom management. What will you say? How will
    the seating be arranged? How much time will each
    stage take? etc. (How will the chairs be
    arranged? What instructions will I give? What
    happens if they dont understand my instructions?
    How long is the whole lesson?)

Activity types
  • By contentseg. Listening activity, writing
    activity, teaching vocabulary
  • By procedural sequence eg. lead-in activity
    pre/ while/ post reading activity presentation
    activity/ practice activity
  • By role-relationshiplearner-centered activity /
    teacher-centered activity
  • By theoretical constructs meaning focused vs.
    form-focused activity functional vs. social
    interaction activity reception (input) vs.
    productive (output) activity

Procedural sequence
  • Generally, we have top-down sequence (for
    meaning-focused class) and bottom-up sequence
    (for form-focused class)
  • More specifically, for top-down approach (eg.
    teaching reading ), the sequence usually used
    is Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading
  • For bottom-up approach, (eg. teaching present
    continues tense), PPP sequence is often used
    Presentation Practice Production

A Formal Plan
  • A formal lesson plan often contains two parts
  • an outline of the procedure of the lesson (ie a
    description of the activities, their order and
    predicted timing)
  • background information (ie aims for the lesson,
    target language, material used, predicted
    problems, etc)

Information for Needs Analysis
  • 1. Participant Learners age, sex, nationality,
    mother tongue, command of the target language,
    other languages.
  • 2. Purpose Domain The purpose for which the
    target language is needed.

Information for Needs Analysis
  • 3. Setting The environment where the target
    language will be used.
  • 4. Interaction The people with whom the learner

Information for Needs Analysis
  • 5. Instrumentality The medium the mode, and the
  • 6. Dialect The variety / dialect.
  • 7. Target level The degree of mastery the
    learner will need to attain.

Information for Needs Analysis
  • 8. Communicative event The productive and
    receptive skills needed to be mastered.
  • 9. Communicative key The interpersonal attitudes
    and tones needed to be mastered.

Authentic Materials
  • Question What are authentic materials?
  • Nunan(198954) says that authentic materials
    are those which have not been specially produced
    for the language teaching. Some examples are

Advantages of Authentic Materials
  • meaningful-associated with the real world
  • culture knowledge
  • practical can be used in real life
  • believable

Advantages of Authentic Materials
  • motivating
  • context
  • interesting
  • challenging

Advantages of Authentic Materials
  • proficiency( true measure)
  • bridge between the classroom and the real world
  • relevant
  • prepare for post classroom experience

Disadvantages of Authentic Materials
  • too much jargon / complex language
  • limit of genre type
  • underlying meanings
  • too formal / informal
  • too much time for teachers preparation

Disadvantages of Authentic Materials
  • not written for learners
  • no relevant experience
  • culture balanced / not balance
  • logistics
  • personal taste
  • students dislike

Survival of the fittest
--- Darwin
No Crying ! No Running Nose !
  • 1 ??????????
  • ??????????,???????,?????????,?????,?????,?????,???
  • ?????????????,??????????,????????????,?????????

  • 2 ????????
  • ??????????????,?????????????????????????????????

  • 3 ?????????
  • ???????????????????????,???????????????????,??????

  • 4 ????????
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  • 5 ??????????
  • ??????????????,????????????,??????????????????

  • 6 ?????????????
  • ????????????????,??????????????,??????????????????

Teaching speaking
  • fluency
  • (focusing on the message and meaning)
  • accuracy
  • (focusing on the actual language forms
    used---- grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc)

Teaching speaking
  • mechanical ( where the focus is largely on
    repetition of some kind.)
  • meaningful ( where the learner has opportunities
    to repeat the language, but also thinks about the
    meaning and makes choices accordingly.)

Teaching listening
  • Three guidelines
  • Grade the task rather than the material
  • Task firstthen text or tape
  • Process rather than product!!!

Ideas for listening tasks
  • Keep the recording short---- not more than two
    minutes or so.
  • Play the tape a sufficient number of times.
  • Let the students discuss their answers together
    (perhaps in pairs).

Ideas for listening tasks
  • Dont immediately acknowledge correct answers
    with words or facial expressions---- throw the
    answers back to the class What do you think of
    Xs answerdo you agree?
  • Dont be led by one strong student. Have they all
    got it?

Ideas for listening tasks
  • Aim to get the students to agree together without
    your help. Until they agree, play the tape again
    whenever they need to hear it, to confirm or
    refute their ideas.
  • Play little bits of the tape( a word a phrase a
    sentence) again and again until its clear.

Ideas for listening tasks
  • Give help if they are completely stuck.
  • Dont cheat them by changing your requirements
  • Dont let them lose heart.

Ideas for listening tasks
  • Grade the tasknot the tape.
  • ( Dont worry too much about what student
    level the recording is suitable forbut do make
    sure your task is set for the right level.)

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Put these illustrations of the text in the
    correct order.
  • Put these cut-up paragraphs back in the correct
  • Find words in the text that mean the same as the
    words in this list.

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Read the text and find the mistakes in this
    illustration( or draw your own illustration).
  • Read the text and make a list of particular items
    ( eg jobs that need doing the authors
    proposals advantages and disadvantages, etc).

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Give a headline to each section of the article(
    or match given headlines with the sections).
  • Find appropriate places in the text to reinsert
    some sentences that have previously been
    separated from the text.

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Write a reply.
  • Look at the title and the illustrations( but not
    the text). Predict which of the following list of
    words you will find in the text.
  • Solve the problem.

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Discuss (or write) the missing last paragraph of
    the text.
  • Discuss interpretations of, reactions to,
    feelings about the text.
  • Make notes under the following headings

Ideas for reading tasks
  • Before you read this text, make notes about what
    you already know about the subject.
  • Act out the dialogue, story, episode, etc.
  • Put this list of events in the correct order.

Ideas for writing tasks
  • Write real letterseg to Members of Parliament,
    to prisoners, to manufacturing companies, to fan
    clubs, to local newspapers, to other schools,
    etc. Send them. Get replies. Write back.
  • Publish your own newsletter, magazine, handout,

Ideas for writing tasks
  • Advertise ( ideas, school events, products, etc)
    around the school, around town send in your ads
    to local papers, etc.
  • Write questionnaires and then use them out in the
    street ( maybe in English or in the learners own
    language) . Write up the results. Publish them!

Ideas for writing tasks
  • Instant poetry. You could do this as a simple
    dictation. For example, read out the following
    instructions allowing time to think and write
    between each other

Ideas for writing tasks
  • Computer word-processing. Make use of any
    high-tech equipment you have to produce
    professional-looking documents, texts, etc.
  • Students prepare the teachers materialeg tell
    them what the next unit of the book is and get
    them to study it in order to prepare better and
    more interesting material.

Ideas for writing tasks
  • Postman. Allow ten or fifteen minutes for
    students and teacher to write short ( one or two
    sentence) notes to each other across class. When
    each note is finished the writers deliver them by
    hand. Reply to ones you receive. Keep writing,
    faster and faster. An exercise in fluent ( rather
    than accurate) writing.

Learning teaching and try to be
  • A communicator
  • A learner
  • A solver
  • A citizen
  • A worker
  • A thinker
  • (controller/ organizer/ prompter/ participant/
    resource provider/ assessor )

Ideas for moving forward
  • Read new ideas in magazines (books ) and try them
  • Write an article for a magazine (most articles in
    magazines for language teachers are by teachers
    like you )
  • Start a local teachers newsletter
  • Try a bold parabola
  • Go to a conference or a seminar
  • Learn about a completely different approach

Ideas for moving forward
  • Join (or start ) a teacher development group
  • Discuss what you are doing with other teachers
  • Make an agreement with a colleague to observe
    each others lessons
  • Find a way to get involved in some in-service
    teacher training
  • Become a director of studies or a headteacher!
  • Start your own school!
  • Specialize (eg computers, business, self-access
    centers, video, music, exam, etc)
  • Write a book

  • Language is the way we express our very being. It
    is the way we come to terms with the world. It is
    the way we make our understanding of life
    concrete. It is the way we make contact with
    other human beings.
  • Learning Teaching is about our own personal
    search for our own answers, rather than merely a
    re-enacting of other peoples solutions. In
    looking for ways to move forward as a teacher,
    you will also find ways to grow as a person.

The World Is Flat --Thomas L. Friedman
  • Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up.
  • It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it
  • will be killed.
  • Every morning in Africa a lion wakes up.
  • It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle
  • or it will starve.
  • It doesnt matter whether youre a lion or a
  • gazelle when the sun comes up, youd
  • better be running.
  • And indeed we should.

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Hodgetts) ????????? ???,????????
Learning Teaching Enjoy Teaching
  • Good luck. And I hope you enjoy it all.
  • Mr. Yin Gang
  • Nanjing Teaching and Research Office for
    Vocational Education
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