Title: Progression in written methods for addition
1Progression in written methods for addition
NNS recommendations
2Stage 1 counting on in multiples of 100, 10 or 1
I can find 86 57. Watch! 86 57 86
50 4 3 143
3Stage 2 horizontal format using partitioning
The most significant digits are added first since
this is how children will be used to adding
two-digit numbers mentally.
This is like how I do it in my head!
67 24 60 20 7 4 67 24 80 11 67
24 91
4Stage 3 expanded vertical layout working left
to right
The most significant digits are added first in
order to model mental methods.
368 493 700 150 11 861
I can use a paper and pencil method to do these
47 76 110 13 123
5Stage 4 vertical format working right to left
The least significant digits are added first in
order to start to use and understand standard
This is not too difficult!
6Stage 5 standard method
The standard contracted algorithm is used using
carrying where appropriate.
I understand how to use this method because
really it is the same as the others Ive used!
368 493 861 1 1