Title: Pertemuan 25 Parallel Processing 1
1Pertemuan 25Parallel Processing 1
- Matakuliah H0344/Organisasi dan Arsitektur
Komputer - Tahun 2005
- Versi 1/1
2Learning Outcomes
- Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
- akan mampu
- Menjelaskan prinsip kerja parallel processing
3Outline Materi
- Multiple Processor Organization
- Symmetric Multiprocessor
- Cache Coherence and The MESI Protocol
- Clusters
- Non-uniform Memory Access
- Vector Computation
4Multiple processor organizations
The Flynn taxonomy
- Single instruction, single data (SISD) stream
- Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) stream
- Multiple instruction, single data (MISD) stream
- Multiple instruction, multiple data (MIMD) stream
5Multiple processor organizations
A taxonomy of parallel processor architectures
6Multiple processor organizations
7Symmetric Multiprocessor
As SMP organization has a number of potential
advantage over a uniprocessor organization,
including the following
- Performance
- Availability
- Incremental growth
- Scaling
8Symmetric Multiprocessor
Multiprogramming and multiprocessing
9Symmetric Multiprocessor
A tightly couple multiprocessor
10Symmetric Multiprocessor
Organizational approaches for an SMP can be
classified as follows
- Time shared or common bus
- Multiport memory
- Central control unit
11Symmetric Multiprocessor
Time-shared bus
12Symmetric Multiprocessor
Multiport memory
13Symmetric Multiprocessor
Central control unit
The central control unit funnels separate data
streams back and forth between independent
modules processor, memory, I/O. The controller
can buffer requests and perform arbitration and
timing functions. It can also pass status and
control messages between processors and perform
cache update alerting.
14Symmetric Multiprocessor
Multiprocessor operating system design
- Simultaneous concurrent processes
- Scheduling
- Synchronization
- Memory management
- Reliability and fault tolerance