Title: River Basin Governance:
- River Basin Governance
- IRBM in the European Union and China
- (RiBaGo)
- http//www.geog.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/ribago
2River Basin GovernanceIRBM in the EU and China
- ..to study European structures for water
management, to help understand key water
governance challenges and attempts to solve them.
.. workshops and research will offer an
interdisciplinary, international platform to
integrate natural science knowledge and social
science research in IBRM, focusing on public
policy, regulatory frameworks, institutional
change, distributional equity, sustainability,
and social impact. - ..to analyse drivers, constraints and processes
of integration in river basin management in both
the EU and China, by - (i) exploring the history of IBRM in the EU
through appraisal of its various interacting
institutional strategies, its development of
trans-boundary river basin institutions, and its
relationship to scientific research needs - (ii) assessing the need for IBRM in China, the
constraints which limit the capacity to improve
its water environment, and the potential for
learning from the European experience and
adapting it.
3Co-Funding Developments
- (i) UK Economic Social Research Council
- International Training and Networking
Opportunities - Especially Early Career Researchers
- (ii) International Institute of Macau/Macau
Foundation - Support for involving additional Chinese
participants - (iii) EU-China River Basin Management Programme
- Support for participation of Chinese and
European water management practitioners (Simon
Spooner) - (iv) Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e
Tecnologia - Support for André Silveira to do research on the
topic in between the workshops - Enabling an extension to length of project (to
30 months), and three full workshops of 35-45
participants, each with a mix of academics,
practitioners, senior, PostDocs, graduate
4Workshop 1
- Macau-Guangzhou (Nov 2009)
- General overview of river basin management
institutions - Held partly at IIM (Mr Rufino Ramos), partly at
SunYatSen Univ (Professor Chen Xiaohong). - Mainly based on presentations, with some
participation in break-out groups.
5Workshop 2
- Cambridge (August 2010)
- Focus on local-scale institutional partnerships
in water management - Case study of the Fens of Eastern England (field
trip and presentations by stakeholders) - Similar mixture of participants and
presentations, but greater emphasis on
discussion. - Some emphasis on research methods (ESRC).
6Workshop 3
Beijing-Miyun-Zhengzhou (Aug-Sept 2011) Focus
on higher-level institutions government
departments, government-province interactions,
role of river basin commissions. Focus on
learning processes Also a focus on climate
adaptation. Field trips - to Miyun watershed
protection and water supply and for some, thanks
to the EU-China RBMP, to Zhengzhou and the Yellow
7Other activities
ResearchGate Website All Workshop materials,
other documents, discussion threads Over 70
users International Journal of River Basin
Management May be willing to publish a set of
papers from the RiBaGo group we will discuss
these on Friday Workshop at TU Delft Organised by
Sandra Junier, Eric Mostert Focus on local-scale
institutions in environment similar to the
Fens ESF Workshop on Water Governance Claudia
Pahl-Wostl (University of Osnabrueck) Several
contributions by RiBaGo participants.
Yellow River
Xiaolangdi Dam
Thank you! to IIM and Macau Foundation for their