Psychological Effects of Calorie Restriction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychological Effects of Calorie Restriction


Psychological Effects of Calorie Restriction Dean Pomerleau Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it means pushing back a boundary-line and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychological Effects of Calorie Restriction

Psychological Effects of Calorie Restriction
  • Dean Pomerleau
  • Conquering any difficulty always gives one a
    secret joy, for it means pushing back a
    boundary-line and adding to one's liberty. -
    Henri Frederic Amiel

  • Thesis CR can have profound psychological
    effects on its practitioners. These effects are
    (or can be)
  • Independent of health/longevity effects
  • Positive or negative
  • Vary from individual to individual - YMMV
  • Happen whether we recognize them or not
  • Gradual, and therefore sometimes hard to
  • Sometimes disguised as virtues, so hard to
    accept as potentially harmful
  • Hard to quantify or prove, so often ignored by
    CRonies, who generally are a hard-nosed science

  • Topics to be addressed
  • CR and obsession - food and otherwise
  • CR and Appetite
  • CR, sex and libido
  • CR and emotions
  • CR and Spirituality
  • Topics go from most concrete and scientifically
    demonstrable, to most speculative and subjective.
  • Talk not meant to be definitive treatment on the
    subjects covered, but starting point for
  • Caveat Personal observations from me and other
    long-term hard core 1 CRonies, with some
    scientific support - your mileage may vary!

My CR Pedigree / Style
  • 3.5 Years on CR
  • Dropped from 172 to 120 lbs
  • Exhibit all the supposed CR markers
  • Very meticulous, regimented CR style
  • Same meal, 3/day
  • Carefully formulated and measured
  • Family man minimize CR impact on family
  • My lifes an open book

CR and Obsession
  • CR appears associated with obsessive behavior,
    but is CR the cause, or the effect?
  • Does CR encourage obsessive behavior?
  • Semi-starvation induced hyperactivity (SIH) in
    rodents suggests yes.
  • Rodents subject to CR and given access to running
    wheel, will run more than AL fed rodents,
    sometimes to the point of death accepted model
    for anorexia 2
  • Mediated by hormones and neurotransmitters -
    Treatment with leptin or seratonin uptake
    inhibitors block SIH in rodents, as they do in
    anorexic people 2.

CR and Obsession
  • Minnesota Starvation Study 3 suggests a
    definite yes.
  • 40 physically and psychologically healthy male
  • Subject to 6 mth of 50 calorie (w/ reasonable
    nutrition) restriction
  • Results
  • 4 dropped out, 3 developed binge-eating, 2 began
    to steal food, 1 suffered severe depression, and
    2 were admitted to hospital because of symptoms
    of psychosis.
  • Other side effects hunger, weakness, lack of
    drive, decreased ability to feel happiness,
    osteoporosis, hypoalbuminemia, dependent edema,
    decreased muscle mass, alopecia, hypotension,
    poor wound healing and depression
  • Variety of food and food-related obsessions see
  • 50 years after study, abnormal eating
    behaviors/attitude remained in all 24 subjects
    who consented to be interviewed.

CR and Obsession
  • Are obsessive people drawn to CR?
  • Mark Cummins Personality poll influence of
    self selection in free living CRonies.
  • CRonies tend to be Introverted, self-disciplined
    and persistent
  • In other words, when we set our minds on
    something we give it our all and stick to it.
  • Can be a prescription for extreme and obsessive

CR and Obsession
  • Manifestations of CR Obsession
  • Food Obsession
  • Orthorexia Nervosa Obsession with healthful
    eating 4 - endless diet tuning, unwillingness
    to eat forbidden foods.
  • Sight magazines, Food Network TV ironic, most
    dont actually make, let alone ever taste,
    featured recipes
  • Taste heavy, exotic spices, proclivity for
    strong tastes (e.g. peppers), flavor spritzing,
    sucralose reliance, toothpaste eating
  • Food tasting, and even more harmful eating
    disorders (e.g. bulimia and anorexia).
  • Perhaps a natural result of scarcity mentality
    food is scare, so need to maximize experience
    from what one is willing to eat or contemplate

CR and Obsession
  • Obsession with Avoiding Waste, Hording
  • Also observed in Minnesota Starvation study
  • Similar to food obsession likely stems from
    scarcity mentality
  • Personal examples
  • Unwillingness to discard food, even unhealthy
  • Collecting food prep equipment/containers, even
    those not used
  • Reusing ziplock bags, stockpiling rubber bands,

CR and Obsession
  • Obsession w/ conserving energy esp. personal
  • Partly physical less energy reserves due to
    fewer spare cals
  • Likely stems from scarcity mentality limited
    food means limited energy, so we feel compelled
    to conserve
  • Personal examples
  • Plan actions carefully to minimize effort
    Limiting trips up and down stairs.
  • Abstain from (or limit effort in) high energy
    activities sports, self-prescribed exercise,
    active play w/ kids

CR and Obsession
  • Advice
  • Recognize problem behaviors/attitudes not easy
    denial common
  • Positive mental attitude Believe strongly that
    an unhealthy obsession, once recognized, can be
    overcome. Corny, but worked for me.
  • Cold turkey worked best for me
  • Cut out negative activities entirely food
    magazines/TV, food tasting, flavor spritzing,
    heavy spicing
  • Force self to engage in positive activities once
    avoided find less self-centered and
    counterproductive obsession.
  • Outcome
  • With time (in my case a month or so), the
    obsessions subside.
  • Reward Conquering CR-related obsessions brings
    with it profound sense of peace and personal
  • Conversely, when one feeds CR-related obsessions,
    it perpetuates attachment to food, leading to
    extremes like food tasting, and negative

CR and Appetite
  • Anorexia Lacking normal appetite 4
  • By this broad definition, I (and at least some
    other CRonies) indeed are anorexics.
  • Like anorexics, Im virtually never hungry
    anymore likely due to increased gastric
    emptying time and reduced gastric secretions 5
    and/or reduce leptin 6 seen in anorexics
  • Extends beyond food especially to sex for many
    of us

CR and Sex/Libido
  • Reduced libido pretty common in long-term, hard
    core CRonies
  • Many potential causes
  • Evolutionary - Shift of resources from
    reproduction to maintenance/repair.
  • Hormonal - testosterone and other androgens
  • Psychological - CR requires delayed
    gratification. May lead to focus on things other
    than sex.
  • Social - CRonies (particularly men) dont fit the
    societal model of physical beauty less
    opportunity use it or lose it
  • Spiritual For some people, CRs appeal is
    partially its ascetic nature spiritual benefits
    to self denial. Spillover to sex?
  • A moderate, unspiced, minimally cooked, and
    quickly prepared meal of simple, unprocessed food
    is the dietary basis for brahmacharya (Hindu vow
    of celibacy). Gandhi 7

CR and Sex/Libido
  • Advice
  • No real good answer
  • Even testosterone therapy (which I would caution
    against on many other grounds) didnt increase my
  • Increasing calories would likely help
  • Bright side not all CRonies experience reduced
  • Best solution (IMO) come to terms with it
  • Easier than you might think cessation of desire
  • May not be possible due to relationship
  • Many positive aspects

CR and Sex/Libido
  • Benefits of reduced libido
  • Frees up time for other more productive pursuits
  • Eliminated tendency to treat others as objects
    for personal gratification no more what can
    they do for me attitude (not just sex)
  • Helps one realize the changeable and dependent
    nature of ones existence. I still feel like
    me, despite libido drop.
  • Demonstrates possibility of transcending worldly
    attachments, which can be quite empowering.
  • Globally, Gandhi used fasting, simple diet,
    abstinence and material comforts to
    foster/demonstrate personal power and self
    discipline for himself, inspire others, and draw
    attention to his political/social causes
  • Fasting and restriction in diet now played a
    more important part in my life. Passion in man is
    generally co-existent with a hankering after the
    pleasures of the palate. And so it was with me.
    Gandhi 7

CR and Emotions
  • Cessation of compelling desires goes beyond
    food/sex in some hard core CRonies.
  • Hypotheses (from observations by me and others)
  • If starting on the heavy side, CR ? Euphoria in
    short term
  • If starting on the light side, CR ? irritability
    and snappishness in short term
  • CR ? emotional smoothing in long term

CR and Emotions
  • Potential causes of emotional smoothing
  • Hormonal Reduced androgens ? less emotional
  • Social CR is a solitary activity may foster
    isolation, if not egoism, and result in emotional
    detachment from others
  • Behavioral CR encourage introspection and
    rational evaluation, thereby discouraging knee
    jerk, emotional reactions

CR and Emotions
  • Personal Anecdote 180 ft. bungee jump
  • No fear
  • Max HR 103 BMP
  • Exhilarating!

CR and Emotions
  • Advantages of emotional smoothing
  • Detachment little things arent bothersome
  • Appreciation - Realize needs are few when it
    comes to happiness
  • Equanimity Less playing of favorites with
    people, compassion
  • One should eat not in order to please the
    palate, but just to keep the body going. When
    each organ of sense subserves the body and
    through the body the soul, its special relish
    disappears and then alone does it begin to
    function in the way nature intended it to do. -
    Gandhi 7

CR and Emotions
  • Danger smoothing ? deadening
  • Force of will consciously seek to experience
  • Go out on a limb face revel in personal
  • Fake it til you make it
  • Personal example Promoting family happiness
  • Apply CR-fostered zeal and self-discipline to
    build family relationships
  • Decided to do everything I could to make family
    happy and enjoy doing it! not just
  • Self-fulfilling prophecy

CR and Spirituality
  • CR Promotes/Attracts
  • Introspection / awareness
  • Self-discipline / zeal
  • Cessation of desires
  • Smoothing of emotions equanimity
  • Recognition of cause and effect - interdependence
  • Realization of impermanence tough one for

CR and Spirituality
  • Psychological state strived for in many
  • Buddhism calm abiding realizations of
    interdependence impermanence
  • You will wish to know what the marks of a man
    are who wants to realize truth... He must be
    completely free from anger and lust, greed and
    attachment, pride and fear. He must reduce
    himself to zero and have perfect control over all
    his senses beginning with the palate or
    tongue. - Gandhi 8
  • Dietary restraint/control central to many
  • Buddhist monks two simple meals / day, before
    noon, vegetarianism
  • Judaism Lots of food prohibitions and fasting
  • Christianity Lent
  • What CRonies view as negative side effects
    Religious seekers through the ages have spent
    entire lifetimes striving to achieve, often in

Take Home Message
  • Not advocating all CRonies become monks/priests
  • CR can have profound psychological impact
  • Needs to be recognized and managed
  • Best approach (IMO)
  • find another outlet for our inherent and
    CR-induced zeal
  • Use CR as a tool, not an end

Extreme Personality
Extreme Personality
Fear of Death
Positive Outlet
Psychological Changes
Take Home Message
  • CRonies are blessed w/ incredible gifts
  • Zeal, self-discipline, confidence, creativity,
  • Shame to squander gifts solely on self-centered
    pursuit of maximizing personal lifespan
  • Especially since CR is far from perfect solution
  • May not extend lifespan in humans
  • Even if works, benefits relatively marginal
  • Can result in sacrificing what we seek to
    maximize a fulfilling life
  • Advice Find alternative outlet for gifts, let CR
    be tool

  • 1 By hard core CRonie I refer to degree of
    calorie restriction, rather than seriousness of
  • 2http//
  • 3http//
  • 4 cancerweb medical dictionary
  • 5 http//
  • 6 http//
  • 7 Gandhis Body - Sex, Diet and the Politics
    of Nationalism, Author Joseph Alter
  • 8 Gandhi, All Men Are Brothers, 143
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