Designing the Puzzle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Designing the Puzzle


Designing the Puzzle ... perhaps the player can uncover the secret piece of information he is seeking. ... Whether it s a person, the gods, the government, or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Designing the Puzzle

Designing the Puzzle
  • From Game Design by Bob Bates
  • Chapter 6

A Good Puzzle
  • A good puzzle fits into its setting and presents
    an obstacle that makes sense. When the player
    solves it he knows why what he did worked.

Types of Puzzles
  • Ordinary Use of an Object A door with a golden
    lock. The player has a golden key.
  • Unusual use of an object A candle can light up
    a dark room, but its wax can also be collected to
    make an impression of a key, it can light a fire
    that sets off a smoke alarm, or heat from its
    flame can expose writing on a piece of paper.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Building Puzzles Time Traxx is based on
    building computers, robots and programming them.

In Eric the Unreadytheres a key on a chain
which is too Short to reach the lock. But, there
is also a wax seal that can be used to create an
impression of the key.
Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Information Puzzles - These puzzles could be as
    simple as supplying a password, or as complex as
    deducing the correct sequence of numbers to
    defuse a bomb.
  • Codes, cryptograms and other word puzzles A mad
    scientist has

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Excluded Middle Puzzles This involves creating
    a reliable cause-and-effect relationship and then
    requiring the player to recognize that a
    particular action will kick off a chain of events
    that will culminate in the desired action.
    Example Rubbing a lamp, summons a large bull,
    the bull sees something red he charges. Put the
    player in front of a locked RED door. The bull
    breaks it down.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Preparing the way A wrinkle on the excluded
    middle puzzle that makes it even more difficult
    is require the player to create the condition. In
    the proceeding example, lets say the door is
    green but the player has a bucket of red paint.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • People Puzzles Here, the player needs to learn
    the key to a persons desires. If he is a guard,
    perhaps he can be bribed. If he is a spy, perhaps
    the player can uncover the secret piece of
    information he is seeking. If he is a child
    perhaps the player can find a toy.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Timing Puzzles This is a difficult class of
    puzzle that requires the player to recognize he
    must take an action that does not yield an
    instant effect, but instead will cause something
    to happen at a particular point in the future.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • The Classic Diversion If a player sees that a
    guard will always leave his post to investigate a
    noise, he can go to a different location and set
    up a noise-making device there.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Sequence Puzzles Usually the player is
    presented with a simple means to achieve a simple
    goal. However, suddenly when he performs the
    action something pops up to prevent his achieving
    that goal.The situation then resets, and the
    player must put something in place to solve the
    problem before kicking off the sequence again.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Logic Puzzles The player must deduce a
    particular bit of information by examining a
    series of statements and ferreting out a hidden
  • Classic Game Puzzles In Death Gate the
    entrance to a cave is controlled by a mechanical
    device built into the wall that requires the
    player to manipulate its elements into a certain
    configuration before the door will open.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Riddles
  • My first name comes before a duck,
  • My last names found in fences.
  • Some days I have to bring a truck,
  • To bring home all my pences.
  • Answer Bill Gates

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Dialog Puzzles These puzzles require the player
    to follow a conversation down the correct path
    until a character says or does the right thing.
  • Trial-and-Error Puzzles Make the player try
    everything until something works. (Bad Idea)

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Machinery Puzzles In Companions of Xanth the
    door that controls access to the magicians
    castle is operated from a panel with several
    levers. The player has to learn how to manipulate
    the levers, and when he does so bcorrectly, the
    door opens.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Alternative Interfaces In Mission Critical
    theres a rupture in the pipes that provide the
    coolant fluid to the spaceships nuclear reactor.
    The player has to manipulate the controls of the
    machine that pumps the fluid through the pipes,
    to reroute the fluid past the rupture and prevent
    a meltdown.

Types of Puzzles - Continued
  • Mazes You are in a maze of twisty passages,
    all alike. You should create a maze only if you
    have developed an interesting unique twist to
  • Gestalt Puzzles In Trinity has a sundial
    puzzle where the player is transported to a
    half-light, half-dark bizarre world. Its the
    face of a sundial.

What Makes a Bad Puzzle
  • Good puzzle design involves looking around in the
    world you have created and using obstacles,
    objects, and characters that would naturally
    occur in the environment. Bad puzzles violate
    this rule, and they frequently break other rules
    as well.

What Makes a Bad Puzzle(Continued)
  • Restore Puzzles Its unfair to kill off a
    player for not solving a puzzle and only then
    provide him with the information he needed to
    solve it. (Room with gas.)
  • Arbitrary Puzzles Effects should always be
    linked to causes. Events shouldnt happen just
    because the designer decided that its time for
    them to happen.

What Makes a Bad Puzzle(Continued)
  • Designer Puzzles Avoid those puzzles that make
    sense only to you, the designer. Just because the
    connections are clear in your head doesnt mean
    that they will make sense to the player.
  • Binary Puzzles Avoid binary puzzles. These are
    puzzles with yes or no answers that yield
    instant success or failure. When you give the
    player choices, give him lots of choices.

What Makes a Bad Puzzle(Continued)
  • Hunt-the-Pixel Puzzles Sometimes an important
    object on the screen is so small that its easy
    to overlook. This is usually created by problems
    of scale. If the room is large and the object is
    small, the player might overlook it.

What Makes a Good Puzzle
  • Fairness In a fair game, the answer to every
    puzzle is contained within the game. In addition,
    a player should theoretically be able to solve it
    the first time he encounters it simply by
    thinking hard enough (assuming that he has been
    presented with all the information).

What Makes a Good Puzzle(Continued)
  • Appropriate to the Environment The best puzzles
    fit naturally into the story and give the player
    the opportunity to learn more about the people,
    the setting and the world they are exploring.
  • Amplifying the theme The actions must be
    reasonable things for his character to do.

Levels of Difficulty
  • Bread Crumbs One of the easiest ways to adjust
    the difficulty is to change the amount or
    directness of information you give the player.
  • The solutions proximity to the Puzzle How
    close the designer put the answer to the problem
    determines how easy the puzzle is.

Levels of Difficulty(Continued)
  • Alternative Solutions Another way to make a
    game easier is to provide alternative solutions
    to puzzles.
  • Red Herrings (Misinformation) One way to make a
    game harder is to include red herrings.
  • Steering the player You should constantly be
    steering the player toward the right answers to
    the puzzle by providing clues in the responses
    you make to his input.

How to Design the Puzzle
  • Creating the Puzzle You begin where any author
    begins, with your story and characters. You
    create a setting and populate it with interesting
    characters. Then you create the player and give
    him an overall goal. Within each scene, you
    create obstacles that hinder the player from
    reaching the goals. Those obstacles are the

How to Design the Puzzle(Continued)
  • The Villian Something is there that does not
    want your hero to succeed. Whether its a person,
    the gods, the government, or the ultimate bad guy
    whatever that thing is, thats the villain.
    When you are designing a puzzle, ask yourself why
    it should be there. Who would have put it there?
    Who is this bad guy, and why is he threatening
    your hero?

How to Design the Puzzle(Continued)
  • Player Empathy This is the ability to look at
    the game from the players point of view. When
    you do this, you can anticipate the kinds of
    things he will want to try. When you learn to
    anticipate his moves, you can give him a better
    game experience by creating interesting reactions
    to them.

  • Make sure that your puzzles enhance the game
    rather than detract from it. Use puzzles to draw
    the player into your story so that he learns more
    about your characters. Dont withhold the
    information he needs in order to solve the
    puzzle. Develop player empathy and strive for
    that perfect level of frustration that drives a
    player forward rather than turns him away. Above
    all play fair!
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