Title: Big Maths at Brandesburton Primary
1Big Maths at Brandesburton Primary November 2014
2What is Big Maths?
- It is a daily sequential programme of mental
maths provision with a strong emphasis on learned
facts and developing the mental agility to apply
these facts.
3Why Big Maths?
- Improve childrens mental maths skills and their
ability to apply known facts. - New Curriculum is about application. Big Maths
has a strong focus on securing number facts and
being able to apply these. - Tailored to suit our school needs.
4What is CLIC?
- The four elements of CLIC are
- Counting
- Learn Its
- Its Nothing New
- Calculation
5How does CLIC work?
CLIC is fundamental to mathematical development
because this is the learning sequence through
which we all develop Numeracy.
First Learn to count (Counting) Second Learn
to remember totals as facts (Learn
Its) Third Learn to apply those facts in new
situations through swapping the thing being
counted (Its Nothing New) Fourth Learn to
structure all the previous three into a formal
calculation (Calculations)
Counting Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Counting Say Read Partition CORE (Compare/Order/Round/ Estimate) Multiples
8 Sept Numbers to 30 Read numbers to 20 Partition 6, 7, 8, 9 into 5 ? Estimate number of objects to 20 Test
15 Sept Numbers to 50 Forwards/Backwards Read numbers to 30 Partition 6, 7, 8, 9 into 5 ? Compare numbers to 20 Smallest/largest Count in 2s to 50 Forwards
22 Sept Numbers to 50 Forwards/Backwards From any number Read numbers to 50 Partition numbers to 20 Order numbers to 20 Split number line (1s) 0 10 Guess the number
7Learn Its
8Its Nothing New
- Its Nothing New is the key to CLIC. For each
Its Nothing New step the teacher makes the
learner conscious of two currently held ideas.
They will then overlap these ideas and reveal how
a third new ideas must be true. - Eg. Child will know doubles to 5
- Child can partition numbers to 10
- Double 6 5 1
- Double 5 Double 1
- 10 2
- 10 2 12
- How many eggs in 2 boxes?
- Who did double 6?
- How many counted the eggs twice?
10A daily dose
- The frequency and focus of this programme is
essential in order for children to make progress.
11How the daily CLIC lesson is organised?
- Monday to Friday (CLIC Sessions)
- Counting 5 minutes
- Learn Its 5 minutes
- Its Nothing New Calculations
12Assessing how the children are doing?
- Big Maths Beat That timed challenge where
children answer Learn Its questions. The aim is
to beat their previous score. - CLIC test 10 questions relating to concepts
taught at childrens individual level. - Once teachers are confident the children are
secure at that level they will move them onto the
next test. (Test every 3 weeks)
13Timed Test
14CLIC Test
15How can I support my child?
- Help your child to practice their Learn Its at
home. These will be put on the Mathematics
section of the school website as well as sent
home in bags tonight. - Ask your child to tell you about Big Maths.
- Praise! Celebrate the successes.
- Visit the Big Maths website to find out more.
16Any Questions?
Thank you for coming along!