Using Constructive Search in Resource Scheduling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Constructive Search in Resource Scheduling


Using Constructive Search in Resource Scheduling By Andrei Missine – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Using Constructive Search in Resource Scheduling

Using Constructive Search in Resource Scheduling
  • By Andrei Missine

  • Brief Introduction to Constructive Search
  • Running examples
  • Basic Terms and Concepts in Resource Scheduling
  • Some common propagators
  • Disjunctive Constraint
  • Edge Finding

  • Scheduling Algorithms
  • Branching by dynamic release dates
  • Branching by assigning generalized precedence
  • Branching by assigning or delaying start times of
  • Conclusion

Brief Intro to Constructive Search
  • Complete
  • Builds and systematically traverses the search
  • Root node of the tree contains assumptions only
    from the problem statement
  • At each node a decision is made
  • If a child backtracks to the parent the parent
    considers the next decision
  • If there are no more decisions to consider at a
    node, backtrack
  • Terminate when backtracking out of the root node

Running Examples
  • There will be two running examples, one for the
    unit-capacity resource and one for the
    capacitated resource.
  • A unit capacity resource is a resource with a
    capacity of exactly 1 unit.
  • A capacitated resource is a resource with a
    capacity that is greater than or equal to 1.

Running Example - Unit Capacity Resource (1)
  • The resource is the classroom
  • The activities are the 3 classes
  • Class A and class B can start at 1200 and must
    finish by 1400
  • Class C can start at 1200 and must finish by
  • Each class runs for an hour
  • Find a schedule with the smallest makespan such
    that all classes are scheduled and there are no

Running Example - Capacitated Resource (2)
  • A computer lab with 100 computers is the resource
  • Classes are the activities
  • Class A and B start at 1200 and must finish by
  • Class C starts at 1200 and must finish by 1400
  • Each class requires 50 computers for 1 hour
  • Find a schedule with minimal makespan such that
    all classes can use the lab without going over
    the 100 computer limit

Resource Scheduling Terms and Concepts
  • Time windows an activity must execute in a
    given time window defined by the earliest start
    time and the latest end time
  • Generalized precedence constraints impose a
    minimum delay between the start times of A and B

Resource Scheduling Terms and Concepts
  • EST - Earliest start time of an activity
  • LST - Latest start time of an activity
  • EET - Earliest end time of an activity
  • LET - Latest end time of an activity
  • Core execution interval - the time interval when
    the activity must execute, if any
  • Makespan - the maximum of the latest end times of
    all activities

Resource Scheduling Terms and Concepts
  • Distance matrix - an n by n matrix where the
    entry (i, j) is the delay between the start time
    of activity i and the start time of activity j
  • Active / Dominating schedule - a schedule such
    that all activities are scheduled as early as
    possible without violating any of the constraints

Resource Scheduling Terms and Concepts
  • Active / Dominating schedule - a schedule such
    that all activities are scheduled as early as
    possible without violating any of the constraints

Common Propagators Disjunctive Constraint
  • When two activities combined capacity
    requirement exceeds the resource capacity the two
    activities are in disjunction
  • If start time of one activity is fixed then
    propagator can prune the other activitys start
    time domain.

Common Propagators Edge-Finding (Baptiste et al,
  • Edge-finding can be applied when resource usage
    of a subset of activities exceeds the resource
  • Considers activities one by one, trying to prune
    their start times.
  • Pruning occurs when it is evident that given any
    feasible assignment of the remainder of the
    subset, the current domain of activity under
    consideration must be pruned.

Common Propagators Edge-Finding
  • This is done by considering core execution
    intervals and overall resource usage in an
  • Can be costly - O(n2)

Disjunctive Propagator versus Edge-Finding
  • Edge-finding is overkill in unit-capacity
    resource problems
  • Disjunctive propagator can be too weak on general
    capacitated resources
  • Edge-finding is expensive - O(n2)
  • Disjunctive propagator is cheap - O(1)
  • Bottom line - use disjunctive whenever you can
    and edge finding only when necessary (e.g. for

Propagators applied to the Examples
  • For the disjunctive propagator, note that it will
    not deduce any extra info on the capacitated
  • Edge-finding is more powerful than disjunctive
  • For the disjunctive case and example 1, assume
    that class A is already scheduled to start at
  • The propagator can then deduce that B and C must
    start at 1300 or later, and after a second
    iteration that C must start at 1400 or later

Propagators applied to the Examples
  • For edge-finding and example 2 it is possible to
    deduce that class C cannot start earlier than
    1300 even without any extra information
  • The reasoning is because both A and B have a core
    execution interval 1230 - 1300)
  • Thus C will not have any computers available if
    it starts any time before 1300
  • Applying edge-finding to example 1 we note that
    edge finding will be able to deduce that C must
    start at 1400 or later, even without knowing any
    extra info

The Branch-and-Bound idea
  • Search for a solution
  • Once a solution is found, remember it
  • Keep searching
  • If it becomes evident at a node that nothing
    below it leads to a solution better than the
    current, backtrack
  • In the algorithms that follow the bound is on the
  • Lower-bound avoids exploring overly optimistic
  • Upper-bound avoids exploring overly pessimistic
  • Good bounds can greatly improve performance

Branching by Dynamic Release Dates
  • (Fest et al, 1998) introduce the idea of
    branching by selecting a set of activities to
    delay to fix broken resource utilization
  • Branches are formed by considering possible
    subsets to delay
  • Overall structure of the algorithm
  • Assign earliest start times to all activities
    such that precedence constraints are met
  • Keep delaying activities until resource
    constraint is fixed
  • Upon backtracking pick the next delaying

Branching by Dynamic Release Dates
  • The resulting tree is rather bushy because there
    can be exponentially many different subsets to
  • Authors present some ideas how to optimize the
  • The overall performance is still rather slow

Applying to the Examples
  • Consider the unit-capacity case. At root 3
    possible delay subsets A, B, A, C and B, C
  • Taking A, B results in backtracking since both
    are delayed to the 1300 - 1400 slot and cannot
    be scheduled
  • Taking A, C produces the schedule B (1200), A
    (1300), C (1400)
  • Taking B, C produces the schedule A (1200), B
    (1300), C (1400)

Applying to Examples
  • Now consider the capacitated case. At root the
    possible delay sets are A, B and C
  • Delaying A or B leads to immediate
    backtracking (the interval 1300 - 1330 is too
    short for a 1 hour class)
  • Delaying C results in the correct schedule
    where A and B start at 1200 and C starts at 1300

Branching by Assigning generalized precedence
  • (Brucker et al, 1998) suggest branching by making
    a decision at every node to assign either a
    concurrent or a disjunctive relationship between
    two free activities
  • A leaf node in such a tree has all activities
    associated with some precedence relationship
  • (Brucker et al, 1998) show that it is possible to
    tell whether or not a solution exists at such a
    leaf node, and if it does to find the active
  • Note that the branching factor is only 2
  • This scheme was shown to be quite good by (Cesta
    et al, 2000)

Applying to Examples
  • The unit-capacity example is not interesting
    since all activities must be in disjunction
  • For the capacitated example the root node
    contains no precedence relationships
  • By following the algorithm, the following leafs
    form ( means concurrent, - means disjunctive)
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C
  • A B, A C, B C

Applying to Examples
  • The last 4 have no solution since A and B cannot
    possibly be in disjunction (because their core
    execution intervals overlap)
  • The first one has no solution also since ABC
    exceed the resource capacity
  • A B, A C, B - C is a solution B starts at
    1200, A starts at 1215 and C starts at 1300
  • Similarly for A B, A - C, B C (A and B are
  • A B, A - C, B - C is also a solution A and B
    both start at 1200 and C starts at 1300

Branching by Assigning or Delaying Start Times of
  • (Dorndorf et al, 2000) present a branching scheme
    that picks a free activity at each node and
    either assigns it the earliest start time, or
    delays the start time by some amount
  • Algorithm makes use of 4 consistency tests
  • Precedence consistency test
  • Resource consistency test
  • Interval-based disjunctive consistency test
  • Lag-based disjunctive consistency test
  • These tests are applied at each node to further
    prune the search tree

Branching by Assigning or Delaying Start Times of
  • Selection of an activity from a subset of free
    activities is done as follows
  • Find all activities such that either its earliest
    start time matches its precedence and resource
    feasible start time or it must precede some other
    free activity
  • Heuristically pick an activity from this subset
  • Delaying of the selected activity
  • Look at all activities which share a resource
    with the current activity such that their end
    times are after the current activitys start time
  • If there is at least one such activity pick the
    minimal end time of this activity as the delay
  • Otherwise delay by one

Branching by Assigning or Delaying Start Times of
  • Note that again, the branching factor is only 2
  • Unlike the two previous schemes, this scheme does
    not use lower bound on the makespan
  • This scheme was shown to be quite good by (Cesta
    et al, 2000)

Applying to Examples
  • Consider unit-capacity case. Assume that the
    heuristics selects A
  • It will first try assigning it to the earliest
    start time
  • This will result in pruning B to 1300, 1400)
    and, consequently C to 1400, 1600)
  • The algorithm then backtracks and will eventually
    find the solution B, A, C (after selecting B
    first) and no solutions starting with C

Applying to Examples
  • Now consider the general capacitated example
  • The execution is very similar - selecting C as
    the first activity leads to backtracking and
    delaying C since it is impossible to have C start
    at 1200
  • Selecting A or B will lead to the 3 solutions
    mentioned above

  • Propagators the tradeoff between speed versus
    pruning power
  • Branch-and-bound and usefulness of good initial
  • The three branch-and-bound algorithms
  • Disadvantages of Constructive Search on large
    problem instances

  • Baptiste Philippe, Claude Le Pape, Nuijten Wim.
    2003. Constraint-Based Scheduling Applying
    Constraint Programming to Scheduling Problems,
    Second Printing. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Brucker Peter, Knust Sigrid, Schoo Arno, Thiele
    Olaf. 1998. A branch and bound algorithm for
    the resource-constrained project scheduling
    problem. European Journal of Operations
    Research, 107 (1998) 272-288.

  • Cesta Amedeo, Oddi Angelo, Smith F. Stephen.
    2000. Iterative Flattening A Scalable Method
    for Solving Multi-Capacity Scheduling Problems.
    American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
    2000, pp 742-747.
  • Fest Andreas, Möhring Rolf H., Stork Frederik,
    Uetz Marc. 1998. Resource-Constrained Project
    Scheduling with Time Windwos A Branching Scheme
    Based on Dynamic Release Dates. Technical Report
    596, Technische Universit at Berlin.
  • Dorndorf Ulrich, Pesch Erwin, Phan-Huy Toàn.
    2000. A Time-Oriented Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
    for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with
    Generalised Precedence Constraints. Management
    Science, Vol. 46, No. 10, October 2000, pp.
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