Title: OARE Module 3 Appendix:
1 OARE Module 3 Appendix Access Problems and
Solutions for Full-text Articles
2Via OARE, the Journal of Forest Research has been
3When attempting to open a full-text article, the
publisher Springer - has requested a fee to
purchase the article. .
4Access problems can be caused by
- Access to the journal has a blocked popup message
- LOGIN does not work properly because, after
opening another R4L program, the cache was not
cleared (no access to the Content portal) - Problems with local systems (configuration of
user institutions firewall, configuration of
browser) - Failure to properly LOGIN with the institution's
User Name/Password - Titles not included in publishers offer
- Technical problems at the Publisher's website
5Problems opening the journal from the publishers
portal (popups)
- For security reasons, some computers are
configured to block pop-ups - If a small window opens at the top of the screen,
select the option to Allow popups and then
click on Done
6Clearing Cache Instructions
- You previously have logged into another R4L
program - that uses the same login page. - After closing AGORA, ARDI or HINARI, you get the
following message when trying to login to OARE
7- Clear the Cache memory of the web browser see
example from Google Chrome - After doing these steps, close the browser
completely to clean the cache. Then open the
browser and login to OARE. -
8Institutional Firewall Problems
- If problems persist, please can you contact your
computer department as the problem may be on your
side, probably with your firewall. Check that
your firewall does not block proxies, or at least
allows our proxy server, otherwise you will not
be able to login. Please check that your firewall
permits access to the OARE host and domain names - www.unep.org
- oare.research4life.org
- oarelogin.research4life.org
- stsr4l.who.int
- Otherwise, you will not be able to login properly
and access OAREs full-text articles.
9The Logged in from message confirms that you
have completed the login. You also can confirm
login by viewing the url (web address) at the top
of the page that will read oarelogin.research4li
10To view access to the specific journal and issue,
open the J of the Journals collection list.
11Now opened is the link to the Journal of Forest
Research in the J section of the Journals
Collection A-Z list. We have confirmed that
there should be access to this journal and the
required volume/issue.
12Another method of checking is to locate Springer
by opening the Publisher list.
A second method to check access is to open the
Publishers list of journals via the Publisher
option. We will open this directory and then
click on the Oxford University Press Journals
13By scrolling down the Browse Publisher Springer
list, we confirm the access to the Journal of
Forest Research and the specific volume/issue.
14This is an example where Springer has not granted
access to their journals. Note the ! Boxes in the
All Items listing.
15This is a sample email to send to
16To make a screen capture, use the Snipping Tool
go to Programs, (Windows) Accessories, Snipping
After you open the Snipping Tool, click on New
and the screen becomes opaque, If you click on
New again, you can select what you want to
capture/save by holding down/dragging the
curser. Make sure you include the url of the
Updated 2015 03