Topic 5 review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topic 5 review


Topic 5 review – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topic 5 review

Topic 5 review
Populations 5.3
  • 5.3.1 Outline how population size can be
    affected by natality, immigration, mortality and
  • 5.3.2 Draw and label a graph showing the sigmoid
    (S-shaped) population growth curve
  • 5.3.3 Explain reasons for the exponential growth
    phase, the plateau phase and the transitional
    phase between these two phases
  • 5.3.4 List three factors which set limits to
    population increase

  • What determines population growth?
  • Natality, Mortality, Immigration, Emmigration
  • What type of species grow exponentially, with
    density independent growth?
  • R-selected species
  • What type of species shows density dependent
    growth that slows then plateaus over time?
  • K-selected species

So populations change by
  • Natality and Immigration increasing them
  • Mortality and Emigration decreasing them
  • So
  • Change (N I) (D E)

Figure 52.8 Population growth predicted by the
exponential model
Figure 52.11 Population growth predicted by the
logistic model
Phases of an S curve
  • Exponential phase population increases because
    natality rate is greater than mortality rate
  • Resources abundant, diseases predation rare
  • Transitional phase natality rate starts to slow
    /or mortality rate starts to increase. Natality
    still above mortality so population will still
    increase but less rapidly
  • Resources decreasing /or Disease Predation
  • Plateau phase Natality Mortality so
    population size remains constant
  • Something has limited the population
  • It has reached carrying capacity (K)

What is Carrying Capacity?
  • K the maximum number of individuals that a
    particular environment can support at a
    particular time with no habitat degradation
  • What are the limiting factors that would cause
    carrying capacity?
  • Limiting factors include Energy (food) available,
    shelters, predators, diseases or parasites, soil
    nutrients, water, suitable nesting roosting

Ecosystems 5.1
  • 5.1.1 Define ecology, ecosystem, population,
    community, species habitat
  • 5.1.2 Distinguish between autotroph (producer)
    and heterotroph (consumer)
  • 5.1.3 Distinguish between consumers,
    detritivores and saprotrophs
  • 5.1.4 Describe what is meant by a food chain
    giving three examples, each with at least 3
    linkages (4 organisms)
  • 5.1.5 Describe what is meant by a food web
  • 5.1.6 Define trophic level
  • 5.1.7 Deduce the trophic level of organisms in
    a food chain and food web
  • 5.1.8 Construct a food web containing up to 10
    organisms given appropriate information

  • 5.1.9 State that light is the initial energy
    source for almost all communities
  • 5.1.10 Explain the energy flow in a food chain
  • 5.1.11 State that when energy transformations
    take place including those in living organisms,
    the process is never 100 efficient, commonly
    being 10 20
  • 5.1.12 Explain what is meant by a pyramid of
    energy and the reasons for its shape
  • 5.1.13 Explain that energy can enter and leave
    an ecosystem, but that nutrients must be recycled
  • 5.1.14 State that saprophytic bacteria and
    fungi (decomposers) recycle nutrients

  • Ecology
  • ? the study of relationships between living
    organisms and between organisms and their
  • Ecosystem
  • ? a community and its abiotic environment
  • Population
  • ? a group of organisms of the same species who
    live in the same area at the same time
  • Community
  • ? a group of populations living and interacting
    with each other in an area
  • Species
  • ? a group of organisms which can interbreed and
    produce fertile offspring
  • Habitat
  • ? the environment in which a species normally
    lives or the location of a living organism
  • Trophic level
  • ? energy level in a food web / chain
  • Autotroph
  • ? organism which makes its own food from
    inorganic materials
  • Heterotroph
  • ? organism that depends directly or indirectly
    on producers for energy

What is a
  • Consumer?
  • Eats another organism as an energy source
  • Zebra, lion
  • Detritivore?
  • get their energy from detritus, nonliving organic
    material ? remains of dead organisms feces,
    fallen leaves, wood
  • Dung beetles, earth worms
  • Saprotroph?
  • feed on dead organic material by secreting
    digestive enzymes into it and absorbing the
    digested products
  • Bread mold, mushrooms

Food chains are linear diagrams to show feeding
relationships and energy flow
Producer Passion Flower Carrot plant Sea lettuce
Primary Consumer Heliconius butterfly Carrot fly Marine iguana
Seconday Consumer Tegu lizzard Flycatcher Galapagos snake
Tertiary Consumer Jaguar Sparrowhawk Galapagos Hawk
Quarternary Consumer Goshawk
An Antarctic marine food web no show
organisms at multiple trophic levels to indicate
the true complexity of the feeding relationships
and energy flowCan you deduce the trophic
level for each organism you see?
Now create a food web remember the direction of
your arrows!
The initial source of energy for most communities
is the
  • Sun

Explain the energy flow in one of these food
chains What percent of the energy in zooplankton
could be expected to be transferred to the small
carnivorous fish? If there are 20 Joules of
energy in a grasshopper, how much of that is left
for the hawk?
Energy pyramids
So energy and matter move differently
  • Energy flows through the system in from the sun
    out by heat
  • Matter must be recycled though because there is
    no new matter coming in to replace used matter

Syllabus statements
  • 5.4.1 Define evolution
  • 5.4.2 Outline the evidence for evolution
    provided by the fossil record, selective breeding
    of domesticated animals, and homologous
  • 5.4.3 State that populations tend to produce
    more offspring that the environment can support
  • 5.4.4 Explain that the consequence of the
    potential overproduction of offspring is a
    struggle for survival
  • 5.4.5 State that the members of a species show
  • 5.4.6 Explain how sexual reproduction promotes
    variation in a species
  • 5.4.7 Explain how natural selection leads to
  • 5.4.8 Explain two examples of evolution in
    response to environmental change one must be
    multiple antibiotic resistance in bacteria

Evolution Basics
  • Evolution The change in the genetic composition
    of a population over time
  • Changes in gene frequency over time

Evidence for evolution
  • Evidence indicates that species evolve by natural
    selection over longer time periods
  • Evolution is validated by evidence from
  • homology ? similarities between species due to
    common ancestry
  • Selective breeding ? Breeding organisms for
    specific traits
  • Biogeography ? distribution of living species
  • Fossils ? Form and distribution validate the

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Principles of Evolution
  1. Populations tend to produce more offspring that
    the environment can support
  2. Members of a species show variation
  3. The resources in the environment are limited
  4. The consequence of the potential overproduction
    of offspring is a struggle for survival
  5. Some variations are favorable in this struggle
  6. Those individuals with favorable variations will
    pass on their genes to the next generation in
    higher numbers
  7. Gene frequency changes to represent the fittest

Consequences of Overproduction of Offspring
  1. Food might become scarce
  2. Territories might be limiting for both mating and
  3. Density might get so great that disease and
    parasites would become epidemics
  4. Predator populations will also grow because of
    the increase in population size of prey, and
    begin to whittle down the herd.

Role of Sex
  • Living organisms vary as a result of sexual
  • Meiosis allows a large variety of genetically
    different gametes to be produced by each
    individual (2n)
  • This occurs through segregation of maternal and
    paternal chromosomes and crossing over in
    prophase I of meiosis
  • Fertilization allows alleles from 2 different
    individuals to be brought together in one new

Evolution in response to environmental change
antibiotic resistence
Evolution in response to environmental change
pesticide resistence
Taxonomy syllabus statements
  • 5.5.1 Outline the binomial system of
  • Define species
  • 5.5.2 List the seven levels in the hierarchy of
    taxa kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,
    genus, species using an example from two
    different kingdoms for each level
  • 5.5.3 Distinguish between the following phyla of
    plants, using simple external recognition
    features bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta
    and angiospermophyta.
  • 5.5.4 Distinguish between the following phyla of
    animals, using simple external recognition
    features porifera, cnidaria, platyhelminthes,
    annelida, mollusca and arthropoda.
  • 5.5.5 Apply and/or design a key for a group of
    up to eight organisms

Binomial Nomenclature System
  • Created by C. Linneaus
  • Each species has 2 part Latin name
  • Genus species (computer)
  • Genus species (handwritten)
  • E.g. Homo sapiens humans
  • Felis sylvestris house cat
  • Ranunculus acris buttercut

Remember KPCOFGS(memorize the following
Levels Domestic Cat Common Buttercup Human
Kingdom Animalia Plantae Animalia
Phylum Chordata Anthophyta Chordata
Class Mammalia Dicotyledons Mammalia
Order Carnivora Ranunculales Primates
Family Felidae Ranunculacae Hominidae
Genus Felis Ranunculus Homo
Species sylvestris acris sapiens
  • Organisms that are in a particular level of the
    taxonomic hierarchy together share all the levels
    above and may or may not share the levels below

  • Bryophyta mosses, liverworts, hornworts
    short, nonvascular, no roots, live in moist and
    harsh environments,
  • Filicinophyta ferns, clubmosses, wiskferns,
    horsetails - vascular, spores, need water for
    reproduction, simple leaves,
  • Coniferophyta conifers, cycads, ginkgo, and the
    gnetophytes small waxy leaves, naked seeds,
  • Angiospermophyta flowering plants fruits,
    flowers, most diverse, monocots and dicots

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  • Porifera sponges sessile, lack tissues,
    filter feeders
  • Cnidaria anemones, corals, hydra, jellies
    nematocysts, radial symmetry, polyp or medusa
  • Platyhelminthes flatworms bilateral symmetry,
    flat, only one GI tract opening
  • Annelida segmented worms (oligocheates,
    polycheates, hirudinea) repeated segments on
    bilaterally symmetrical body
  • Mollusca bivalves, cephlopods, gastropods,
    chitons bilateral symmetry, 3 body parts? foot,
    visceral mass, mantle
  • Arthropoda insects, crustaceans exoskeletons
    and jointed appendages

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Create Apply A Dichotomous Key
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Syllabus Statements
  • 5.2.1 draw and label a diagram of the carbon
    cycle to show the processes involved
  • 5.2.2 Analyse the changes in concentration of
    atmospheric carbon dioxide using historical
  • 5.2.3 Explain the relationship between rises in
    concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide,
    methane and oxides of nitrogen and the enhanced
    greenhouse effect
  • 5.2.4 Outline the precautionary principle
  • 5.2.5 Evaluate the precautionary principle as a
    justification for strong action in response to
    the threats posed by the enhanced greenhouse
  • 5.2.6 Outline the consequences of a global
    temperature rise on arctic ecosystems

Figure 54.17 The carbon cycle
Greenhouse Effect Global Warming
  • Incoming short wave radiation (visible and UV) is
    transmitted through the atmosphere
  • Much of solar radiation that strikes the planet
    is reflected back into space
  • Although CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere
    are transparent to visible light, they absorb
    much of the reradiated long wave radiation
    (infrared radiation)
  • Some reflected back and retained to heat up the
  • If not for the natural Greenhouse effect the
    earths surface temperature would be 18 oC ? most
    life would not exist

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  • Main atmopsheric gases involved are CO2, methane,
    water vapor, CFCs
  • If we put more of those gases into the atmosphere
    from our activities, we should expect a
    corresponding increase in temperature
  • Do we put in more?

Human activities increase the Greenhouse Effect
  • Gases CO2, methane, water vapor, CFCs
  • CO2 Released from combustion of fossil fuels
    (coal, oil natural gas)
  • Burning of wood from deforestation
  • Methane release from the digestive tracts of
    ruminants (cows)
  • Swamps, rice paddies, landfills
  • CFCs used as refrigerants, propellants in cans,
    gas blown plastics

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Historical Records
  • We see trends of increased CO2 emissions in
    measures taken since 1950s
  • Mona Loa and Cape Grim Tazmania, show
    fluctuating increase
  • Peaks in our winter, dips in our summer depends
    on photosynthesis
  • Longer term trends in CO2 seen in ice core data

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Consequences for Arctic ecosystems
  • Increased decomposition rates of organic material
    trapped in the ice caps
  • Expansion of temperate species into the polar
  • Loss of ice habitat Polar bears threatened
  • Changes in prey distribution, effecting top
  • Increased success of pests and pathogens.

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The Precautionary Principle
  • If the effects of human induced climate change
    would be large or catastrophic
  • Those responsible for the changes must prove that
    they are not harmful before proceeding
  • This is the reverse of the normal condition

The Precautionary Principle
  • In other words if Human disturbances are
    disrupting ecosystem processes
  • Our ignorance of long term effects means we
    should be cautious
  • Thus, When there is considerable evidence that
    and activity threatens human and ecosystem
    health, we should take precautions to minimize
    harm, even if the effects are not fully known.
  • Better safe than sorry

  • Does the economic harm of measures taken now to
    limit global warming, offset the potentially
    greater harm that inaction would present to
    future generations?
  • The ethics of it
  • Is it right to jeopardize the health welfare of
    future human populations?
  • Is it right to do damage to habitats and drive
    species to extinction?

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