Title: Chapter 2 FLUID STATICS
2- The science of fluid statics will be treat in two
parts - the study of pressure and its variation
throughout a fluid - the study of pressure forces on finite surfaces.
- Special cases of fluids moving as solids are
included in the treatment of statics because of
the similarity of forces involved. - Since there is no motion of a fluid layer
relative to an adjacent layer, there are no shear
stresses in the fluid. - Hence, all free bodies in fluid statics have only
normal pressure forces acting on their surfaces.
- The average pressure is calculated by dividing
the normal force pushing against a plane area by
the area. - The pressure at a point is the limit of the ratio
of normal force to area as the area approaches
zero size at the point. - At a point a fluid at rest has the same pressure
in all directions. This means that an element dA
of very small area, free to rotate about its
center when submerged in a fluid at rest, will
have a force of constant magnitude acting on
either side of it, regardless of its orientation. -
- To demonstrate this, a small wedge-shaped free
body of unit width is taken at the point (x, y)
in a fluid at rest (Fig. 2.1)
4Figure 2.1 Free-body diagram of wedge-shaped
5- There can be no shear forces, the only forces are
the normal surface forces and gravity. The
equations of motion in the x and y directions - px, py, ps are the average pressures on the
three faces, ? is the unit gravity force of the
fluid, ? is its density, and ax, ay are the
accelerations. - When the limit is taken as the free body is
reduced to zero size by allowing the inclined
face to approach (x, y) while maintaining the
same angle ?, and using the geometric relations - The equations simplify to
- Last term of the second equation is an
infinitestimal of higher of smallness, may be
6- When divided by dy and dx, respectively, the
equations can be combined - (2.1.1)
- Since ? is any arbitrary angle, this equation
proves that the pressure is the same in all
directions at a point in a static fluid. - Although the proof was carried out for a
two-dimensional case, it may be demonstrated for
the three-dimensional case with the equilibrium
equations for a small tetrahedron of fluid with
three faces in the coordinate planes and the
fourth face inclined arbitrarily. -
- If the fluid is in motion (one layer moves
relative to an adjacent layer), shear stresses
occur and the normal stresses are no longer the
same in all directions at a point. The pressure
is defined as the average of any three mutually
perpendicular normal compressive stresses at a
- Pressure Variation in a Static Fluid
- Force balance
- The forces acting on an element of fluid at rest
(Fig. 2.2) consist of surface forces and body
forces. - With gravity the only body force acting, and by
taking the y axis vertically upward, it is - ? dx
dy dz in the y direction. - With pressure p at its center (x, y, z) the
approximate force exerted on the side normal to
the y axis closest to the origin and on the
opposite side are approximately - where dy/2 is the distance from center to a face
normal to y.
8Figure 2.2 Rectangular parallelepiped element of
fluid at rest
9- Summing the forces acting on the element in the y
direction gives - For the x and z directions, since no body forces
act, - The elemental force vector dF is given by
- If the element is reduced to zero size, alter
dividing through by dx dy dz dV, the expression
becomes exact. - (2.2.1)
- This is the resultant force per unit volume at a
point, which must be equated to zero for a fluid
at rest. - The quantity in parentheses is the gradient,
called ? (del) - (2.2.2)
10- The negative gradient of , -?p, is the vector
field f of the surface pressure force per unit
volume - (2.2.3)
- The fluid static law of variation of pressure is
then - (2.2.4)
- For an inviscid fluid in motion, or a fluid so
moving that the shear stress is everywhere zero,
Newton's second law takes the form - (2.2.5)
- where a is the acceleration of the fluid
element, f - j? is the resultant fluid force when
gravity is the only body force acting.
11- In component form, Eq. (2.2.4) becomes
- (2.2.6)
- The partials, for variation in horizontal
directions, are one form of Pascal's law they
state that two points at the same elevation in
the same continuous mass of fluid at rest have
the same pressure. - Since p is a function of y only,
- (2.2.7)
- relates the change of pressure to unit gravity
force and change of elevation and holds for both
compressible and incompressible fluids. - For fluids that may be considered homogeneous and
incompressible, ? is constant, and the above
equation, when integrated, becomes - in which c is the constant of integration. The
hydrostatic law of variation of pressure is
frequently written in the form - (2.2.8)
- h -y, p is the increase in pressure from that
at the free surface.
12- Example 2.1
- An oceanographer is to design a sea lab 5 m high
to withstand submersion to 100 m, measured from
sea level to the top of the sea lab. Find the
pressure variation on a side of the container and
the pressure on the top if the relative density
of salt water is 1.020. - At the top, h 100 m, and
- If y is measured from the top of the sea lab
downward, the pressure variation is
13- Pressure Variation in a Compressible Fluid
- When the fluid is a perfect gas at rest at
constant temperature - (2.2.9)
- When the value of ? in Eq. (2.2.7) is replaced by
?g and ? is eliminated between Eqs. (2.2.7) and
(2.2.9), - (2.2.10)
- If P P0 when ? ?0, integration between limits
- (2.2.11)
- (2.2.12)
- which is the equation for variation of pressure
with elevation in an isothermal gas.
14- The atmosphere frequently is assumed to have a
constant temperature gradient expressed by - (2.2.13)
- The density may be expressed in terms of pressure
and elevation from the perfect-gas law - (2.2.14)
15- Example 2.2
- Assuming isothermal conditions to prevail in the
atmosphere, compute the pressure and density at
2000 m elevation if P 105 Pa, ? 1.24 kg/m3 at
sea level. - From Eq. (2.2.12)
- Then, from Eq. (2.2.9)
- Pressure may be expressed with reference to any
arbitrary datum. The usual data are - absolute zero
- local atmospheric pressure.
- Absolute pressure - difference between its value
and a complete vacuum. - Gage pressure - difference between its value and
the local atmospheric pressure.
17- The bourdon gage (Fig. 2.3) is typical of the
devices used for measuring gage pressures. - The pressure element is a hollow, curved, flat
metallic tube closed at one end the other end is
connected to the pressure to be measured. - When the internal pressure is increased, the tube
tends to straighten, pulling on a linkage to
which is attached a pointer and causing the
pointer to move. - The dial reads zero when the inside and outside
of the tube are at the same pressure, regardless
of its particular value. - The gage measures pressure relative to the
pressure of the medium surrounding the tube,
which is the local atmosphere.
18Figure 2.3 Bourdon gage
19- Figure 2.4 illustrates the data and the relations
of the common units of pressure measurement. - Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean
pressure at sea level, 760 mm Hg. - A pressure expressed in terms of the length of a
column of liquid is equivalent to the force per
unit area at the base of the column. The
relation for variation of pressure with altitude
in a liquid p ?h Eq. (2.2.8) shows the
relation between head h, in length of a fluid
column of unit gravity force ?, and the pressure
p (p is in pascals, ? in newtons per cubic metre,
and h in metres). - With the unit gravity force of any liquid
expressed as its relative density S times the
unit gravity force of water - (2.3.1)
- For water ?w may be taken as 9806 N/m3.
20Figure 2.4 Units and scales for pressure
21- Local atmospheric pressure is measured by
- mercury barometer (Fig. 2.5) or
- aneroid barometer, which measures the difference
in pressure between the atmosphere and an
evacuated box or tube in a manner analogous to
the bourdon gage except that the tube is
evacuated and sealed. - Mercury barometer glass tube closed at one end,
filled with mercury, and inverted so that the
open end is submerged in mercury. - It has a scale so arranged that the height of
column R can be determined. - The space above the mercury contains mercury
vapor. If the pressure of the mercury vapor hv is
given in millimetres of mercury and R is measured
in the same units, the pressure at A may be
expressed as
Figure 2.5 Mercury barometer
mm Hg
22- In Figure 2.4 a pressure may be located
vertically on the chart, which indicates its
relation to absolute zero and to local
atmospheric pressure. - If the point is below the local-atmospheric-pressu
re line and is referred to gage datum, it is
called negative, suction, or vacuum. - For example, the pressure 460 mm Hg abs, as at 1,
with barometer reading 720 mm, may be expressed
as -260 mm Hg, 260 mm Hg suction, or 260 mm Hg
vacuum. - It should be noted that
- Pabs pbar pgage
- Absolute pressures are symbolized by P, gage
pressures - p.
23- Example 2.3
- The rate of temperature change in the atmosphere
with change in elevation is called its lapse
rate. The motion of a parcel of air depends on
the density of the parcel relative to the density
of the surrounding (ambient) air. - However, as the parcel ascends through the
atmosphere, the air pressure decreases, the
parcel expands, and its temperature decreases at
a rate known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate. A
firm wants to burn a large quantity of refuse. It
is estimated that the temperature of the smoke
plume at 10 m above the ground will be 11oC
greater than that of the ambient air. For the
following conditions determine what will happen
to the smoke. - (a) At standard atmospheric lapse rate ß
-0.00651oC per meter and t0 20oC. - (b) At an inverted lapse rate ß 0.00365oC per
24- By combining Eqs. (2.2.7) and (2.2.14),
- The relation between pressure and temperature
for a mass of gas expanding without heat transfer
is - in which T1 is the initial smoke absolute
temperature and P0 the initial absolute pressure
k is the specific heat ratio, 1.4 for air and
other diatomic gases. - Eliminating P/P0 in the last two equations
- Since the gas will rise until its temperature is
equal to the ambient temperature, - the last two equations may be solved for y. Let
- Then
- For ß -0.00651oC per metre, R 287
m?N/(kg?K), a 2.002, and y 3201 m. For the
atmospheric temperature inversion ß -0.00365oC
per metre, a -0.2721, and y 809.2 m.
- Manometers are devices that employ liquid columns
for determining differences in pressure. - The most elementary manometer piezometer
(Figure 2.6a). - It measures the pressure in a liquid when it is
above zero gage. - Glass tube is mounted vertically so that it is
connected to the space within the container. - Liquid rises in the tube until equilibrium is
reached. - The pressure is then given by the vertical
distance h from the meniscus (liquid surface) to
the point where the pressure is to be measured,
expressed in units of length of the liquid in the
container. - Piezometer would not work for negative gage
pressures, because air would flow into the
container through the tube.
26Figure 2.6 Simple manometers
27- Figure 2.6b shows that for small negative or
positive gage pressures in a liquid the tube may
take the form. - With this arrangement the meniscus may come to
rest below A, as shown. Since the pressure at the
meniscus is zero gage and since pressure
decreases with elevation, -
units of length H2O - Figure 2.6c - for greater negative or positive
gage pressures a second liquid of greater
relative density is employed. - It must be immiscible in the first fluid, which
may now be a gas. - If the relative density of the fluid at A is S1
(based on water) and the relative density of the
manometer liquid is S2, the equation for pressure
at A may be written thus, starting at either A or
the upper meniscus and proceeding through the
manometer, - hA - the unknown pressure, expressed in length
units of water, - h1, h2 - in length units.
28- A general procedure should be followed in working
all manometer problems - Start at one end (or any meniscus if the circuit
is continuous) and write the pressure there in an
appropriate unit (say pascals) or in an
appropriate symbol if it is unknown. - Add to this the change in pressure, in the same
unit, from one meniscus to the next (plus if the
next meniscus is lower, minus if higher). For
pascals this is the product of the difference in
elevation in metres and the unit gravity force of
the fluid in newtons per cubic metre. - Continue until the other end of the gage (or the
starting meniscus) is reached and equate the
expression to the pressure at that point, known
or unknown. - The expression will contain one unknown for a
simple manometer or will give a difference in
pressures for the differential manometer. In
equation form,
29- A differential manometer (Fig. 2.7) determines
the difference in pressures at two points A and B
when the actual pressure at any point in the
system cannot be determined. - Application of the procedure outlined above to
Fig. 2.7a produces - Similarly, for Fig. 2.7b
- If the pressures at A and B are expressed in
length of the water column, the above results can
be written, for Fig. 2.7a, - Similarly, for Fig 2.7b
- in which S1, S2, and S3 are the applicable
relative densities of the liquids in the system.
30Figure 2.7 Differential manometers
31- Example 2.4
- In Fig. 2.7a the liquids at A and B are water
and the manometer liquid is oil. S 0.80 h1
300 mm h2 200 mm and h3 600 mm. - (a) Determine pA - pB, in pascals.
- (b) If pB 50 kPa and the barometer reading is
730 mm Hg, find the pressure at A, in meters of
water absolute. - (a)
- (b)
- From (a)
32- Micromanometers
- Use for determining very small differences in
pressure or determining large pressure
differences precisely. - One type very accurately measures the differences
in elevation of two menisci of a manometer. - By means of small telescopes with horizontal
cross hairs mounted along the tubes on a rack
which is raised and lowered by a pinion and slow
motion screw so that the cross hairs can be set
accurately, the difference in elevation of
menisci (the gage difference) can be read with
33Figure 2.8 Micromanometer using two gage liquids
34- With two gage liquids, immiscible in each other
and in the fluid to be measured, a large gage
difference R (Fig. 2.8) can be produced for a
small pressure difference. - The heavier gage liquid fills the lower U tube up
to 0-0 then the lighter gage liquid is added to
both sides, filling the larger reservoirs up to
1-1. The gas or liquid in the system fills the
space above 1-1. When the pressure at C is
slightly greater than at D, the menisci move as
indicated in Fig. 2.8. - The volume of liquid displaced in each reservoir
equals the displacement in the U tube ? - Manometer equation
- in which ?1, ?2 and ?3 are the unit gravity
force. Simplifying for ?y - (2.4.1)
35- Example 2.5
- In the micromanometer of Fig 2.8 the pressure
difference is wanted, in pascals, when air is in
the system, S2 1.0, S3 1.10, a/A 0.01, R
5 mm, t 20oC, and the barometer reads 760 mm
Hg. - The term ?1(a/A) may be neglected. Substituting
into Eq. (2.4.1) gives
36Figure 2.9 Inclined manometer
- The inclined manometer (Fig. 2.9) is frequently
used for measuring small differences in gas
pressures. - It is adjusted to read zero, by moving the
inclined scale, when A and B are open. Since the
inclined tube requires a greater displacement of
the meniscus for given pressure difference than a
vertical tube, it affords greater accuracy in
reading the scale. - Surface tension causes a capillary rise in small
tubes. If a U tube is used with a meniscus in
each leg, the surface-tension effects cancel.
- In the preceding sections variations of pressure
throughout a fluid have been considered. - The distributed forces resulting from the action
of fluid on a finite area may be conveniently
replaced by a resultant force, insofar as
external reactions to the force system are
concerned. - In this section the magnitude of resultant force
and its line of action (pressure center) are
determined by integration, by formula, and by use
of the concept of the pressure prism.
38Horizontal Surfaces
- A plane surface in a horizontal position in a
fluid at rest is subjected to a constant
pressure. - The magnitude of the force acting on one side of
the surface is - The elemental forces p dA acting on A are all
parallel and in the same sense therefore a
scalar summation of all such elements yields the
magnitude of the resultant force. Its direction
is normal to the surface and toward the surface
if p is positive. - To find the line of action of the resultant,
i.e., the point in the area where the moment of
the distributed force about any axis through the
point is zero, arbitrary xy axes may be selected,
as in Fig. 2.10. - Then, since the moment of the resultant must
equal the moment of the distributed force system
about any axis, say the y axis, - x is the distance from the y axis to the
39Figure 2.10 Notation for determining the line
of action of a force
40Inclined Surfaces
- In Fig. 2.11 a plane surface is indicated by its
trace A'B' it is inclined ?o from the
horizontal. The intersection of the plane of the
area and the free surface is taken as x axis. The
y axis is taken in the plane of the area, with
origin O in the free surface. The xy plane
portrays the arbitrary inclined area. - The magnitude, direction, and line of action of
the resultant force due to the liquid, acting on
one side of the area, are sought. - For an element with area dA (2.5.1)
- Since all such elemental forces are parallel, the
integral over the area yields the magnitude of
force F, acting on one side of the area, - (2.5.2)
- The magnitude of force exerted on one side of a
plane area submerged in a liquid is the product
of the area and the pressure at its centroid. In
this form the presence of a free surface is
41Figure 2.11 Notation for force of liquid on one
side of a plane inclined area
42Center of Pressure
- The line of action of the resultant force has its
piercing point in the surface at a point called
the pressure center, with coordinates (xp, yp)
(Fig. 2.11). The center of pressure of an
inclined surface is not at the centroid. To find
the pressure center, the moments of the resultant
xpF, ypF are equated to the moment of the
distributed forces about the y axis and x axis,
respectively thus - (2.5.3, 2.5.4)
- (2.5.5, 2.5.6)
- Eqns may be evaluated conveniently through
graphical integration for simple areas they may
be transformed into general formulas - (2.5.7)
- (2.5.8)
43- When either of the centroidal axes is an axis of
symmetry for the surface, vanishes and
the pressure center lies on x x-. Since
may be either positive or negative, the
pressure center may lie on either side of the
line x x-. To determine yp by formula, with
Eqs. (2.5.2) and (2.5.6), - (2.5.9)
- In the parallel-axis theorem for moments of
inertia - in which IG is the second moment of the area
about its horizontal centroidal axis.
44If Ix is eliminated from Eq. (2.5.9)
(2.5.10) or (2.5.11) IG is always positive
hence, yp y is always positive and the
pressure center is always below the centroid of
the surface.
45Example 2.6 The triangular gate CDE (Fig. 2.12)
is hinged along CD and is opened by a normal
force P applied at E. It holds oil, relative
density 0.80, above it and is open to the
atmosphere on its lower side Neglecting the
weight of the gate, find (a) the magnitude of
force exerted on the gate by integration and by
Eq. (2.5.2) (b) the location of pressure center
(c) the force P needed to open the gate.
Figure 2.12 Triangular gate
46- (a) By integration with reference to Fig. 2.12,
- When y 4, x 0, and when y 6.5, x 3, with
x varying linearly with y thus - in which the coordinates have been substituted
to find x in terms of y. Solving for a and b
gives - Similarly, y 6.5, x 3 y 9, x 0 and x
6/5(9 - y). Hence, - Integrating and substituting for ? sin? leads to
- By Eq. (2.5.2)
47- (b) With the axes as shown,
- In Eq. (2.5.8)
- I-xy is zero owing to symmetry about the
centroidal axis parallel to the x axis hence - In Eq. (2.5.11),
- i.e., the pressure center is 0.16 m below the
centroid, measured in the plane of the area. - (c) When moments about CD are taken and the
action of the oil is replaced by the resultant,
48The Pressure Prism
- Another approach to the problem of determine the
resultant force and line of action of the force
on a plane surface is given by the concept of a
pressure prism. It is a prismatic volume with its
base the given surface area and with altitude at
any point of the base given by p ?h. - h is the vertical distance to the free surface
(see Fig. 2.13). In the figure, ?h may be laid
off to any convenient scale such that its trace
is OM. - The force acting on an elemental area dA is
- (2.5.12)
- which is an element of volume of the pressure
prism. After integrating F V. - From Eqs. (2.5.5) and (2.5.6),
- (2.5.13)
- which show that xp, yp are distances to the
centroid of the pressure prism. Hence, the line
of action of the resultant passes through the
centroid of the pressure prism.
49Figure 2.13 Pressure prism
50Effects of Atmospheric Pressure on Forces on
Plane Areas
- In the discussion of pressure forces the pressure
datum was not mentioned. The pressure were
computed by p ?h ? the datum taken was gage
pressure zero, or the local atmospheric pressure. - When the opposite side of the surface is open to
the atmosphere, a force is exerted on it by the
atmosphere equal to the product of the
atmospheric pressure P0 and the area, or P0A,
based on absolute zero as datum. On the liquid
side the force is - The effect P0A of the atmosphere acts equally on
both sides and in no way contributes to the
resultant force or its location. - So long as the same pressure datum is selected
for all sides of a free body, the resultant and
moment can be determined by constructing a free
surface at pressure zero on this datum and using
the above methods.
51- Example 2.7
- An application of pressure forces on plane areas
is given in the design of a gravity dam. The
maximum and minimum compressive stresses in the
base of the dam are computed from the forces
which act on the dam. - Figure 2.15 shows a cross section through a
concrete dam where the unit gravity force of
concrete has been taken as 2.5? and ? is the unit
gravity force of water. A 1 m section of dam is
considered as a free body the forces are due to
the concrete, the water, the foundation pressure,
and the hydrostatic uplift. - Determining amount of hydrostatic uplift is
beyond the scope of this treatment, but it will
be assumed to be one-half the hydrostatic head at
the upstream edge, decreasing linearly to zero at
the downstream edge of the dam. Enough friction
or shear stress must be developed at the base of
the dam to balance the thrust due to the water
that is Rx 5000?. - The resultant upward force on the base equals the
gravity force of the dam less the hydrostatic
uplift Ry 6750? 2625? - 1750? 7625? N. The
position of Ry is such that the free body is in
equilibrium. For moments around O,
52Figure 2.15 Concrete gravity dam
53- It is customary to assume that the foundation
pressure varies linearly over the base of the
dam, i.e., that the pressure prism is a trapezoid
with a volume equal to Ry thus - in which smax, smin are the maximum and minimum
compressive stresses in pascals. The centroid of
the pressure prism is at the point where x 44.8
m. By taking moments about O to express the
position of the centroid in terms of smax and
smin, - Simplifying gives
- When the resultant falls within the middle third
of the base of the dam, smin will always be a
compressive stress. Owing to the poor tensile
properties of concrete, good design requires the
resultant to fall within the middle third of the
- When the elemental forces p dA vary in direction,
as in the case of a curved surface, they must be
added as vector quantities - their components in three mutually perpendicular
directions are added as scalars, and then the
three components are added vectorially. - With two horizontal components at right angles
and with the vertical component - all easily
computed for a curved surface - the resultant can
be determined. - The lines of action of the components also are
readily determined.
55Horizontal Component of Force on a Curved Surface
- The horizontal component pressure force on a
curved surface is equal to the pressure force
exerted on a projection of the curved surface.
The vertical plane of projection is normal to the
direction of the component. - The surface of Fig. 2.16 represents any
three-dimensional surface, and dA an element of
its area, its normal making the angle ? with the
negative x direction. Then - (2.6.1)
- Projecting each element on a plane perpendicular
to x is equivalent to projecting the curved
surface as a whole onto the vertical plane. - Hence, force acting on this projection of the
curved surface is the horizontal component of
force exerted on the curved surface in the
direction normal to the plane of projection. - To find the horizontal component at right angles
to the x direction, the curved surface is
projected onto a vertical plane parallel to x and
the force on the projection is determined.
56Figure 2.16 Horizontal component of force on a
curved surface
Figure 2.17 Projections of area elements on
opposite sides of a body
57- When the horizontal component of pressure force
on a closed body is to be found, the projection
of the curved surface on a vertical plane is
always zero, since on opposite sides of the body
the area-element projections have opposite signs
(see Fig. 2.17). - Let a small cylinder of cross section dA with
axis parallel to x intersect the closed body at B
and C. If the element of area of the body cut by
the prism at B is dAB and at C is dAC, then - and similarly for all other area elements.
- To find the line of action of a horizontal
component of force on a curved surface, the
resultant of the parallel force system composed
of the force components from each area element is
required. - This is exactly the resultant of the force on the
projected area, since the two force systems have
an identical distribution of elemental horizontal
force components.
58- Example 2.8
- The equation of an ellipsoid of revolution
submerged in water is x2/4 y2/4 z2/9 1. The
center of the body is located 2 m below the free
surface. Find the horizontal force components
acting on the curved surface that is located in
the first octant. - Consider the xz plane to be horizontal and y to
be positive upward. - Projection of the surface on the yz plane has an
area of - Its centroid is located m below the free
surface. - Hence,
59Vertical Component of Force on a Curved Surface
- The vertical component of pressure force on a
curved surface is equal to the weight surface and
extending up to the free surface. Can be
determined by summing up the vertical components
of pressure force on elemental areas dA of the
surface. - In Fig. 2.18 an area element is shown with the
force p dA acting normal to it. Let ? be the
angle the normal to the area element makes with
the vertical. Then the vertical component of
force acting on the area element is p cos ? dA,
and the vertical component of force on the curved
surface is given by - (2.6.2)
- When p replaced by its equivalent ?h, and it is
noted that cos ? dA is the projection of dA on a
horizontal plane ? Eq. (2.6.2) becomes - (2.6.3-2.6.4)
- in which dV is the volume of the prism of
height h and base cos ? dA, or the volume of
liquid vertically above the area element.
60Figure 2.18 Vertical component of force on a
curved surface
Figure 2.19 Liquid with equivalent free surface
61- When the liquid is below the curved surface (Fig.
2.19) and the pressure magnitude is known at some
point (e.g., O), an imaginary or equivalent free
surface s-s can be constructed p/? above O, so
that the product of unit gravity force and
vertical distance to any point in the tank is the
pressure at the point. - The weight of the imaginary volume of liquid
vertically above the curved surface is then the
vertical component of pressure force on the
curved surface. - In constructing an imaginary free surface, the
imaginary liquid must be of the same unit gravity
force as the liquid in contact with the curved
surface otherwise, the pressure distribution
over the surface will not be correctly
represented. - With an imaginary liquid above a surface, the
pressure at a point on the curved surface is
equal on both sides, but the elemental force
components in the vertical direction are opposite
in sign. Hence, the direction of the vertical
force component is reversed when an imaginary
fluid is above the surface. - In some cases a confined liquid may be above the
curved surface, and an imaginary liquid must be
added (or subtracted) to determine the free
62- The line of action of the vertical component is
determined by equating moments of the elemental
vertical components about a convenient axis with
the moment of the resultant force. - With the axis at O (Fig. 2.18),
- in which is the distance from O to the
line of action. - Since Fv ?V
- the distance to the centroid of the volume.
- Therefore, the line of action of the vertical
force passes through the centroid of the volume,
real or imaginary, that extends above the curved
surface up to the real or imaginary free surface.
63- Example 2.9
- A cylindrical barrier (Fig. 2.20) holds water as
shown. The contact between cylinder and wall is
smooth. Considering a 1-m length of cylinder,
determine (a) its gravity force and (b) the force
exerted against the wall. - (a) For equilibrium the weight of the cylinder
must equal the vertical component of force
exerted on it by the water. (The imaginary free
surface for CD is at elevation A.) The vertical
force on BCD is - The vertical force on AB is
- Hence, the gravity force per metre of length is
- (b) The force exerted against the wall is the
horizontal force on ABC minus the horizontal
force on CD. The horizontal components of force
on BC and CD cancel the projection of BCD on a
vertical plane is zero ?, - since the projected area is 2 m2 and the
pressure at the centroid of the projected area is
9806 Pa.
64Figure 2.20 Semifloating body
65Tensile Stress in a Pipe and Spherical Shell
- A circular pipe under the action of an internal
pressure is in tension around its periphery.
Assuming that no longitudinal stress occurs, the
walls are in tension, as shown in Fig. 2.21. - Consider a section of pipe of unit length (the
ring between two planes normal to the axis and
unit length apart). If one-half of this ring is
taken as a free body, the tensions per unit
length at top and bottom are respectively T1 and
T2 (as shown in the figure). - The horizontal component of force acts through
the pressure center of the projected area and is
2pr, in which p is the pressure at the centerline
and r is the internal pipe radius. - For high pressures the pressure center may be
taken at the pipe center then T1 T2, and - (2.6.5)
- in which T is the tensile force per unit length.
For wall thickness e, the tensile stress in the
pipe wall is - (2.6.6)
66Figure 2.21 Tensile stress in pipe
67- Example 2.10
- A 100 mm-ID steel pipe has a 6 mm wall
thickness. For an allowable tensile stress of 70
MPa, what is the maximum pressure? -
- From Eq. (2.6.6)
- Buoyant force - the resultant force exerted on a
body by a static fluid in which it is submerged
or floating. - Always acts vertically upward. There can be no
horizontal component of the resultant because the
projection of the submerged body or submerged
portion of the floating body on a vertical plane
is always zero. - The buoyant force on a submerged body is the
difference between the vertical component of
pressure force on its underside and the vertical
component of pressure force on its upper side.
69- In Fig. 2.22 the upward force on the bottom is
equal to the gravity force of liquid, real or
imaginary, which is vertically above the surface
ABC, indicated by the gravity force of liquid
within ABCEFA. The downward force on the upper
surface equals the gravity force of liquid
ADCEFA. - The difference between the two forces is a force,
vertically upward, due to the gravity force of
fluid ABCD that is displaced by the solid. In
equation form - (2.7.1)
- FB is buoyant force, V is the volume of fluid
displaced, and ? is the unit gravity force of
fluid. -
- The same formula holds for floating bodies when V
is taken as the volume of liquid displaced.
70Figure 2.22 Buoyant force on floating and
submerged bodies
71- In Fig. 2.23 the vertical force exerted on an
element of the body in the form of a vertical
prism of cross section dA is - dV is the volume of the prism. Integrating over
the complete body gives - when ? is considered constant throughout the
volume. - To find the line of action of the buoyant force,
moments are taken about a convenient axis O and
are equated to the moment of the resultant, thus,
- x is the distance from the axis to the line of
action. - This equation yields the distance to the centroid
of the volume ? the buoyant force acts through
the centroid of the displaced volume of fluid.
This holds for both submerged and floating
bodies. - The centroid of the displaced volume of fluid is
called the center of buoyancy.
72Figure 2.23 Vertical force components on element
of body
73- Determining gravity force on an odd-shaped object
suspended in two different fluids yields
sufficient data to determine its gravity force,
volume, unit gravity force, and relative density. - Figure 2.24 shows two free-body diagrams for the
same object suspended and gravity force
determined in two fluids, F1 and F2 ?1 and ?2
are the unit gravity forces of the fluids. W and
V, the gravity force and volume of the object,
are to be found. - The equations of equilibrium are written and
74Figure 2.24 Free body diagrams for body
suspended in a fluid
75- A hydrometer uses the principle of buoyant force
to determine relative densities of liquids. - Figure 2.25 shows a hydrometer in two liquids
with a stem of prismatic cross section a. - Considering the liquid on the left to be
distilled water (unit relative density S 1.00),
the hydrometer floats in equilibrium when - (2.7.2)
- V0 is the volume submerged, ? is the unit
gravity force of water, and W is the gravity
force of hydrometer. - The position of the liquid surface is marked 1.00
on the stem to indicate unit relative density S.
When the hydrometer is floated in another liquid,
the equation of equilibrium becomes - (2.7.3)
- where ?V a?h. Solving for ?h with Eqs. (2.7.2)
and (2.7.3) - (2.7.4)
76Figure 2.25 Hydrometer in water and in liquid of
relative density
77- Example 2.11
- A piece of ore having a gravity force of 1.5 N
in air is found to have a gravity force 1.1 N
when submerged in water. What is its volume, in
cubic centimetres, and what is its relative
density? - The buoyant force due to air may be neglected.
From Fig. 2.24
- A body floating in a static liquid has vertical
stability. A small upward displacement decreases
the volume of liquid displaced, resulting in an
unbalanced downward force which tends to return
the body to its original position. - Similarly, a small downward displacement results
in a greater buoyant force, which causes an
unbalanced upward force. - A body has linear stability when a small linear
displacement in any direction sets up restoring
forces tending to return it to its original
position. - A body has rotational stability when a restoring
couple is set up by any small angular
79- Methods for determining rotational stability are
developed in the following discussion. - A body may float in
- stable equilibrium
- unstable equilibrium (any small angular
displacement sets up a couple that tends to
increase the angular displacement) - neutral equilibrium (any small angular
displacement sets up no couple whatever). - Figure 2.26 illustrates the three cases of
equilibrium - a light piece of wood with a metal mass at its
bottom is stable - when the metal mass is at the top, the body is in
equilibrium but any slight angular displacement
causes it to assume the position in a - a homogeneous sphere or right-circular cylinder
is in equilibrium for any angular rotation i.e.,
no couple results from an angular displacement.
80Figure 2.26 Examples of stable, unstable, and
neutral equilibrium
81- A completely submerged object is rotationally
stable only when its center of gravity is below
the center of buoyancy (Fig. 2.27a) - When the object is rotated counterclockwise, the
buoyant force and gravity force produce a couple
in the clockwise direction (see Fig. 2.27b)
Figure 2.27 Rotationally stable submerged body
82- Normally, when a body is too heavy to float, it
submerges and goes down until it rests on the
bottom. - Although the unit gravity force of a liquid
increases slightly with depth, the higher
pressure tends to cause the liquid to compress
the body or to penetrate into pores of solid
substances and thus decrease the buoyancy of the
body. - A ship, for example, is sure to go to the bottom
once it is completely submerged, owing to
compression of air trapped in its various parts.
83Determination of Rotational Stability of Floating
- Any floating object with center of gravity below
its center of buoyancy (centroid of displaced
volume) floats in stable equilibrium (see Fig.
2.26a). Certain floating objects, however, are in
stable equilibrium when their center of gravity
is above the center of buoyancy. - Figure 2.28a is a cross section of a body with
all other parallel cross sections identical. The
center of buoyancy is always at the centroid of
the displaced volume, which is at the centroid of
the cross-sectional area below liquid surface in
this case.
84Figure 2.28 Stability of a prismatic body
85- Hence, when the body is tipped (Fig. 2.28b), the
center of buoyancy is at the centroid B' of the
trapezoid ABCD, the buoyant force acts upward
through B', and the gravity force acts downward
through G, the center of gravity of the body. - When the vertical through B' intersects the
original centerline above G, as at M, a restoring
couple is produced and the body is in stable
equilibrium. - The intersection of the buoyant force and the
centerline is called the metacenter (M). - When M is above G, the body is stable when below
G, it is unstable and when at G, it is in
neutral equilibrium. - The distance MG is called the metacentric height
and is a direct measure of the stability of the
body. The restoring couple is - in which ? is the angular displacement and W the
gravity force of the body.
86- Example 2.12
- In Fig. 2.28 a scow 6 m wide and 20 m long has a
gross mass of 200 Mg. Its center of gravity is 30
cm above the water surface. Find the metacentric
height and restoring couple when ?y 30 cm. - The depth of submergence h in the water is
- The centroid in the tipped position is located
with moments about AB and BC, - By similar triangles AEO and B'PM,
87- G is 1.97 m from the bottom hence
- The scow is stable, since is positive
the righting moment is
88Nonprismatic Cross Sections
- For a floating object of variable cross section
(e.g., a ship) (Fig. 2.29a), a convenient formula
can be developed for determination of metacentric
height for very small angles of rotation ?. - The horizontal shift in center of buoyancy r
(Fig. 2.29b) is determined by the change in
buoyant forces due to the wedge being submerged,
which causes an upward force on the left, and by
the other wedge decreasing the buoyant force by
an equal amount ?FB on the right. - The force system, consisting of the original
buoyant force at B and the couple ?FB s due to
the wedges, must have as resultant the equal
buoyant force at B'. With moments about B to
determine the shirt r, - (2.8.1)
89Figure 2.29 Stability relations in a body of
variable cross section
90- The amount of the couple can be determined with
moments about O, the centerline of the body at
the liquid surface. - For an element of area dA on the horizontal
section through the body at the liquid surface,
an element of volume of the wedge is x? dA. The
buoyant force due to this element is ?x? dA, and
its moment about O is ?x2? dA, in which ? is the
small angle of tip in radians. - By integrating over the complete original
horizontal area at the liquid surface, the couple
is determined to be - (2.8.2)
- I is the moment of inertia of the area about the
axis y - y (Fig. 2.29a) Substitution into Eq.
(2.8.1) produces - V is the total volume of liquid displaced.
- Since ? is very small,
- and
- (2.8.3)
91- Example 2.13
- A barge displacing 1 Gg has the horizontal cross
section at the waterline shown in Fig. 2.30. Its
center of buoyancy is 2.0 m below the water
surface, and its center of gravity is 0.5 m below
the water surface. Determine its metacentric
height for rolling (about y - y axis) and for
pitching (about x - x axis). - GB 2 0.5 1.5 m
- For rolling
- For pitching
92Figure 2.30 Horizontal cross section of a ship
at the waterline
- In fluid statics the variation of pressure is
simple to compute, thanks to the absence of shear
stresses. For fluid motion such that no layer
moves relative to an adjacent layer, the shear
stress is also zero throughout the fluid. - A fluid with a translation at uniform velocity
still follows the laws of static variation of
pressure. - When a fluid is being accelerated so that no
layer moves relative to an adjacent one (when the
fluid moves as if it were a solid), no shear
stresses occur and variation in pressure can be
determined by writing the equation of motion for
an appropriate free body. - Two cases are of interest, a uniform linear
acceleration and a uniform rotation about a
vertical axis. When moving thus, the fluid is
said to be in relative equilibrium.
94Uniform Linear Acceleration
- A liquid in an open vessel is given a uniform
linear acceleration a as in Fig. 2.31. After some
time the liquid adjusts to the acceleration so
that it moves as a solid i.e., the distance
between any two fluid particles remains fixed,
and no shear stresses occur. - By selecting a cartesian coordinate system with y
vertical and x such that the acceleration vector
a is in the xy plane (Fig. 2.31a), the z axis is
normal to a and there is no acceleration
component in that direction. Eqn (2.2.5) applies
to this situation, - (2.2.5)
- Fig. 2.31b shows the pressure gradient ?p is then
the vector sum of -?a and -j?. - Since ?p is in the direction of maximum change in
p (the gradient), at right angles to ?p there is
no change in p. Surfaces of constant pressure,
including the free surface, must therefore be
normal to ?p.
95Figure 2.31 Acceleration with free surface
96- To obtain a convenient algebraic expression for
variation of p with x, y, and z, that is, p
p(x, y, z), Eq. (2.2.5) is written in component
form - Since p is a function of position (x, y, z), its
total differential is - Substituting for the partial differentials gives
- (2.9.1)
- which can be integrated for an incompressible
97- To evaluate the constant of integration c, let x
0, y 0, p p0 then c p0 and - (2.9.2)
- When the accelerated incompressible fluid has a
free surface, its equation is given by setting p
0 in the above Eq. (2.9.2). Solving it for y
gives - (2.9.3)
- The lines of constant pressure, p const, have
the slope - and are parallel to the free surface. The y
intercept of the free surface is
98- Example 2.14
- The tank in Fig. 2.32 is filled with oil,
relative density 0.8, and accelerated as shown.
There is a small opening in the rank at A.
Determine the pressure at B and C and the
acceleration ax required to make the pressure at
B zero. - By selecting point A as origin and by applying
Eq. (2.9.2) for ay 0 - At B, x 1.8 m, y - 1.2 m, and p 2.35 kPa.
- At C, x -0.15 m, y -1.35 m, and p 11.18
kPa. - For zero pressure at B, from Eq. (2.9.2) with
origin at A,
99Figure 2.32 Tank completely filled with liquid
100- Example 2.15
- A closed box with horizontal base 6 by 6 units
and a height of 2 units is half-filled with
liquid (Fig. 2.33). It is given a constant linear
acceleration ax g/2, ay -g/4. Develop an
equation for variation of pressure along its
base. - The free surface has the slope
- hence, the free surface is located as shown in
the figure. When the origin is taken at 0, Eq.
(2.9.2) becomes - Then, for y 0, along the bottom,
101Figure 2.33 Uniform linear acceleration of
102Uniform Rotation about a Vertical Axis
- Rotation of a fluid, moving as a solid, about an
axis is called forced-vortex motion. - Every particle of fluid has the same angular
velocity. - This motion is to be distinguished from
free-vortex motion, in which each particle moves
in a circular path with a speed varying inversely
as the distance from the center. - A liquid in a container, when rotated about a
vertical axis at constant angular velocity, moves
like a solid alter some time interval. - No shear stresses exist in the liquid, and the
only acceleration that occurs is directed
radially inward toward the axis of rotation. - By selecting a coordinate system (Fig. 2.34a)
with the unit vector i in the r direction and j
in the vertical upward direction with y the axis
of rotation, the following equation may be
applied to determine pressure variation
throughout the fluid - (2.2.5)
103Figure 2.34 Rotation of a fluid about a vertical
104- For constant angular velocity ?, any particle of
fluid P has an acceleration ?2r directed radially
inward (a -i?2r). - Vector addition of -j? and -?a (Fig. 2.34b)
yields ?p, the pressure gradient. The pressure
does not vary normal to this line at a point ? if
P is taken at the surface, the free surface is
normal to ?p. - Expanding Eq. (2.2.5)
- k is the unit vector along the z axis (or
tangential direction). Then - Since p is a function of y and r , the total
differential dp is - For a liquid (? const) integration yields
- in which c is the constant of integration.
105- If the value of pressure at the origin (r 0, y
0) is p0, then c p0 and - (2.9.5)
- When the particular horizontal plane (y 0) for
which p0 0 is selected and the above equation
is divided by ?, - (2.9.6)
- which shows that the head, or vertical depth,
varies as the square of the radius. - The surfaces of equal pressure are paraboloids
of revolution.
106- When a free surface occurs in a container that is
being rotated, the fluid volume underneath the
paraboloid of revolution is the original fluid
volume. - The shape of the paraboloid depends only upon the
angular velocity ?. For a circular cylinder
rotating about its axis (Fig. 2.35) the rise of
liquid from its vertex to the wall of the
cylinder is ?2r02/2g (from Eq. (2.9.6)). - Since a paraboloid of revolution has a volume
equal to one-half its circumscribing cylinder,
the volume of the liquid above the horizontal
plane through the vertex is - When the liquid is at rest, this liquid is also
above the plane through the vertex to a uniform
depth of - Hence, the liquid rises along the walls the same
amount as the center drops, thereby permitting
the vertex to be located when ?, r0, and depth
before rotation are given.
107Figure 2.35 Rotation of circular cylinder about
its axis
108- Example 2.16
- A liquid, relative density 1.2, is rotated at
200 rpm about a vertical axis. At one point A in
the fluid 1 m from the axis, the pressure is 70
kPa. What is the pressure at a point B which is 2
m higher than A and 1.5 m from the axis? - When Eq. (2.9.5) is written for the two points,
- Then ? 200 2p/60 20.95 rad/s, ? 1.2
9806 11.767 N/m3, rA 1 m, and rB 1.5 m. - When the second equation is subtracted from the
first and the values are substituted, - Hence
109- Example 2.17
- A straight tube 2 m long, closed at the bottom
and filled with water, is inclined 30o with the
vertical and rotated about a vertical axis
through its midpoint 6.73 rad/s. Draw the
paraboloid of zero pressure, and determine the
pressure at the bottom and midpoint of the tube.
In Fig. 2.36, the zero-pressure paraboloid passes
through point A. If the origin is taken at the
vertex, that is, p0 0, Eq. (2.9.6) becomes -
- which locates the vertex at O, 0.577 m below A.
The pressure at the bottom of the tube is or - At the midpoint, 0.289 m and
110Figure 2.36 Rotation of inclined tube of liquid
about a vertical axis
111Fluid Pressure Forces in Relative Equilibrium
- The magnitude of the force acting on a plane area
in contact with a liquid accelerating as a rigid
body can be obtained by integrating over the
surface - The nature of the acceleration and orientation of
the surface governs the particular variation of p
over the surface. - When the pressure varies linearly over the plane
surface (linear acceleration), the magnitude of
force is given by the product of pressure at the
centroid and area, since the volume of the
pressure prism is given by pG A. - For nonlinear distributions the magnitude and
line of action can be found by integration.