Kinematics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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kola: Gymn zium, Brno, Slovansk n m st 7 ablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitn n v uky prost ednictv m ICT N zev projektu: Inovace v uky na GSN ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kinematics

  • Škola Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské námestí 7
  • Šablona III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnení výuky
    prostrednictvím ICT
  • Název projektu Inovace výuky na GSN
    prostrednictvím ICT
  • Císlo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0940
  • Autor RNDr. Bc. Miroslav Hruška
  • Tematická oblast Gravitational field and
    motion of bodies (gravitacní pole a pohyb teles)
  • Název DUMu Hydrostatics pressure in fluids
  • Kód VY_32_INOVACE_FY.4.14
  • Datum 4. 4. 2014
  • Cílová skupina Žáci stredních škol s CLIL
    výukou fyziky v anglictine
  • Klícová slova Fluid, liquid, gas, pressure
  • Anotace Prezentace zavádí pojem tekutina a
    fyzikální velicinu tlak

Gravitational field and motion of bodies
  • 14. Hydrostatics pressure in fluids

Fill in the gaps I
rigid body
  • A body is of a huge number of particles
  • When a body is moving, each individual particle
    has its own energy
  • If a rigid body is in translation, all particles
    have equal
  • If a rigid body is in rotation, all particles
    have equal

Fill in the gaps I solution
rigid body
  • A body is composed of a huge number of particles
  • When a body is moving, each individual particle
    has its own kinetic energy
  • If a rigid body is in translation, all particles
    have equal velocities
  • If a rigid body is in rotation, all particles
    have equal angular speeds

Fill in the gaps II
rigid body
  • Moment of of a body, about a given ,
    describes how the matter is in the body
    with respect to the given
  • Moment of of a body is a characteristic of
    the body and the given
  • J

Fill in the gaps II solution
rigid body
  • Moment of inertia of a body, about a given axis,
    describes how the matter is distributed in the
    body with respect to the given axis
  • Moment of inertia of a body is a characteristic
    of the body and the given axis
  • J kg.m2

rigid body
  • A disk of mass 1 kg and radius 0.2 m rotates with
    a frequency of 10 Hz. Find its rotational kinetic
    energy. Moment of inertia of a disk of radius R
    and mass m is

  • The moment of inertia is 0.02 kg.m2
  • The angular speed is 62.8 rad.s-1
  • The rotational energy is 39.4 J

  • Liquids gases fluids (tekutiny)
  • Hydrostatics deals with liquids at rest
  • Hydrodynamics studies liquids in motion
  • Aerostatics deals with gases at rest
  • Aerodynamics studies gases in motion

Model of an ideal liquid
  • perfectly (completely) incompressible (dokonale
    (zcela) nestlacitelná)
  • perfectly fluid non-viscous (dokonale tekutá
    bez vnitrního trení)

Model of an ideal gas
  • perfectly compressible (dokonale stlacitelný)
  • perfectly fluid non-viscous

  • The state of a fluid can be characterized by
  • F the magnitude of a normal force
  • S the area that is acted by the normal force
  • Pressure is a scalar quantity
  • p pascal Pa N/m2
  • Blaise Pascal (16231662)

The state quantities
  • The state of a fluid can be characterized by
    other quantities, such as temperature, volume,
    mass, density, energy
  • These quantities are called the state quantities
    (stavové veliciny)
  • http//
    atmospheric pressure 338
  • http// Bill
    Nye- Pressure 2308

That is all for now
  • Thank you for your attention

  • Materiál je urcen pro bezplatné používání pro
    potreby výuky a vzdelávání na všech typech škol a
    školských zarízeních. Jakékoliv další využití
    podléhá autorskému zákonu.
  • Zdroje
  • Bednarík, M., Široká, M. Fyzika pro gymnázia,
    Mechanika. Dotisk 3. vyd. Praha Prometheus,
    2004. 288 s. ISBN 80-7196-176-0
  • Hornby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learners
    Dictionary of Current English. 5. vyd. Oxford
    Oxford University Press, 1995. 1428 s. ISBN
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