A basic algorithm for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A basic algorithm for


A basic algorithm for constructing network partitions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: algorithm | basic | locus | root


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A basic algorithm for

A basic algorithm for constructing network
  • Introduction
  • In this chapter we will describe a simple
    distributed implementation for Algorithm
    Basic_Part presented in section 11.5 for
    constructing sparse partition of a given
    unweighted graph
  • G (V,E).
  • This will serve as an illustration for the basic
    distributed techniques discussed so far and as
    an illustration to the topic of efficient
    distributed construction methods for covers,
    partitions and decompositions, which will be
    discussed later.
  • Also we will illustrate the potential
    applicability of locality-preserving graph
    representations in the area of distributed
    network algorithms.

  • The overall structure of the algorithm
  • This Algorithm is called DIST_PART and it follows
    the Algorithm BASIC_PART presented in
  • This Algorithm is based on a single thread of
    computation in which at any given time there is a
    single vertex serving as the locus of activity
    and running the execution.
  • This is true only in high level flow of the
    Algorithm,but in the lower level, there are
    various components of the construction that are
    performed in a truly distributed manner, so it is
    accurate to say that at any given time in the
    execution, all vertices actively participating at
    that moment are with in a distance of 2? 2of
    each other, where ? is the parameter governing
    the cluster growth rate in the Algorithm.
  • The distributed applications of sparse partitions
    requires having a partition and an explicitly
    marked intercluster edge between any two adjacent
    clusters, so in this chapter we well select such
    representative intercluster edges.
  • This selection is done truly in a distributed

  • The Algorithm DIST_PART
  • Here is the Algorithm of DIST_PART
  • A procedure CLUSTER_CONS for constructing a
    cluster around a chosen center ?.
  • A procedure NEXT_CTR for selecting the next
    center ? around which to grow a cluster
  • A procedure REP_EDGE for selecting a
    representative intercluster edge between any two
    adjacent clusters.

  • The cluster construction procedure CLUSTER_CONS
  • We invoke this procedure at the center ? which
    will simultaneously construct both the cluster
    and a BFS tree at ? spanning it.
  • This is done by employing a variant of Algorithm
    DIST_DIJK described in section 5.2.This
    algorithm is based on growing the cluster and the
    tree iteratively adding a new layer each
    iteration.But we need to do two main changes to
    that algorithm
  • 1-In the global BFS algorithm the exploration
    message are sent by each vertex to all its
    neighbors except those known to belong to the
    tree.In our procedure CLUSTER_CONS there are
    additional vertices to be ignored, namely, all
    those known to belong to previously constructed
  • 2-Here in our procedure, the BFS is grown only
    to a limited depth, which is the result of
    growing the new layers tentatively, based on the
    condition specified in the procedure itself.
  • This is performed as follows.Before we decide to
    expand the tree by adding new layer, we first
    perform a count of the number of new vertices in
    that layer, which is done by convergecast
    process, invoking the procedure

  • The cluster construction procedure CLUSTER_CONS
  • This CONVERGE(S,?,Leaves) Procedure works as
  • Each leaf w sets ?w to number of the new children
    attached to it in the new layer, and these
    numbers are added up and passed on by
    intermediate tree vertices.The root ? can then
    compare the final count ? ? with the total number
    of vertices already in the tree known to it from
    the previous phase and compare the ration of
    these two numbers.
  • If the ratio is greater than n 1/? , then ?
    broadcasts the next Pulse message, which confirms
    the addition of the new layer and starts the next
    phase.Otherwise the root broadcasts a message
    Reject, indicating the rejection of the new layer
    and the completion of the current cluster.
  • In the final broadcast, the cluster is marked
    with a unique name in which all the vertices will
    be informed of.This information will be used to
    define the borders of the cluster .

  • The next center selection procedure NEXT_CTR
  • The center of activity in the algorithm is
    always located at the currently constructed
    cluster, so it is a good idea is to choose a
    vertex adjacent to the cluster, namely one of the
    vertices in the rejected layer, as the center of
    the next cluster.
  • Again, the choice can be made through a
    convergence process, invoking Procedure
    CONVERGENCE(Arb,Y,Leave), in which each leaf w
    sets Yw to an arbitrary neighbor from the
    rejected layer and Arb is a function selecting
    one of its arguments arbitrarily.
  • There is a disadvantage in this approach which is
    that it does not necessarily specify what to do
    if the next layer turns out to be empty, since if
    it is empty then that does not signify the
    completion of the entire process, as it may be
    that some yet unclustered vertices still exit
    elsewhere in the graph.Because of this problem
    its necessary to search throughout the graph and
    verify that thee are no forgotten unclustered
    vertices.For this purpose, the previous Procedure
    CLUSTER_CONS, must be used within a global search
    procedure, namely,Algorithm DIST_DFS of section

  • The next center selection procedure
  • The DFS process progresses on the tree of
    constructed cluster. It starts at some originator
    vertex r0 and employs the cluster construction
    procedure CLUSTER_CONS to construct the first
  • When ever the rejected layer of a constructed
    cluster is not empty, the algorithm chooses one
    of the vertices in that layer as the center for
    the next cluster.
  • Each center of the new cluster remembers the
    previous cluster which it was selected from,as
    its parent in the cluster DFS tree.
  • If the search can not progress forward from some
    cluster due to an empty next layer, the DFS
    posses backtracks from the current cluster to the
    previous one and tries to find an available
    center among its neighboring vertices.If no
    neighbors are available, the process backtracks
    in the usual DFS fashion on the cluster DFS tree.
  • This process continues until it backs up all the
    way up to the originating vertex r0 and can no
    longer continue to new unclustered vertices.
  • In the previous process , it might happen that
    the DFS process visits a certain cluster C more
    than once and each time it visits C the search
    for a new potential center must be conducted

  • The intercluster edge selection procedure
  • In this procedure, we need to select one
    representative intercluster edge between every
    two adjacent clusters.
  • Let E(C,C) be the set of edges connecting two
    clusters C and C.
  • These edges are known to their endpoints in C
    since all the nodes in C knows the
    cluster-residence of each of their
    neighbors.Therefore we can select the
    representative edge from the set of edges E(C,C)
    by the convergecast process.
  • In order to make sure that both C and C will
    select the same edge, we define a unique ordering
    of the edges in the set E and then we pick the
    minimum edge of that ordering.
  • .

  • The intercluster edge selection procedure
  • REP_EDGE (Continue)
  • Let us define ID-weight of an edge e (?,w),
    where ID(?) ltID(w), as the pair (ID(?), ID(?)),
    and lets order the edges lexicographically by
    their ID-weight.
  • Doing so will ensure distinct weights,since we
    have different vertex identifiers, and also will
    allow consistent selection of intercluster edges,
    and because of this rule,different clusters can
    proceed with their selection process in parallel
  • The problem with the selection process described,
    is that it must be carried out at cluster C for
    every adjacent cluster C individually, and one
    way of doing so is to pipeline the individual

Theorem 20.5.1 Given an n-vertex unweighted graph
G (V,E) and an integer ? ? 1, the distributed
Algorithm DIT_PART requires Time(DIST_PART) O(n
?) and Message(DIST_PART) O(n2)
  • Improvements(1)
  • In order to reduce the complexity of our
    Algorithm DIST_PART we can do some modifications
    to it.
  • First we can modify the procedure NEXT_CTR by
    doing the following
  • 1-Lets start the whole Algorithm by computing a
    spanning tree T for the entire network, which can
    be done by flooding with complexities Time O(n)
    and Message O(E).
  • 2-The DFS procedure for searching for a new
    center for the next cluster can be executed on T
    rather than on the formed cluster graph.This
    process starts from the root of T, ?1, which is
    selected as the 1st center.So whenever a vertex
    ?i is chosen as a new center, the DFS process is
    halted until the cluster constructed around ?i by
    the procedure CLUSTER_CONS, is completed.

  • Improvements (2)
  • 3-After the completion, the DFS process can
    proceed searching T until it finds a vertex
    ?i1that does not belong to any of the clusters
    already constructed.
  • The process is iterated until the entire tree T
    is traversed. Thus the procedure NEXT_CTR is
    reduced to Time(NEXT_CTR ) Message(NEXT_CTR )
  • Second, we can modify the procedure REP_EDGE for
    selecting the intercluster edges.This whole
    procedure can be deleted if we allow more than
    one single intercluster edge for two adjacent
    clusters.This can be done as follows in the
    CLUSTER_CON procedure
  • 1- When ever the Procedure CLUSTER_CONS
    completes the construction of the cluster C, each
    vertex in the rejected layer selects the edge on
    which it was contacted in the exploration stage
    and marks it as intercluster edge.

  • Improvements(3)
  • 2-If ? has received a number of exploration
    messages, then it selects one of the connecting
    edges arbitrarily
  • That procedure just described does not entail any
    extra cost in time or communication.
  • Compared to our old implementation, in this one
    we might have two clusters that are connected by
    more than one intercluster edge which makes the
    outcome of this improved Algorithm a cluster
    multigraph rather than a cluster graph.However
    the analysis proves that the total number of
    intercluster edges in the resulting cluster
    multigraph is still bounded by O(n 11/ ? ).
  • It turned out that the behavior of a number of
    applications of such partitions are not affected
    by the improvement changes.

  • Improvements(4)
  • Theorem 20.6.1 Given an n-vertex unweighted graph
    G (V,E) and an integer ? ? 1, the modified
    implementation of the distributed Algorithm
    DIST_PART requires Time(DIST_PART) O(n) and
    Message(DIST_PART) O(En?)
  • In fact, the message complexity of the Procedure
    CLUSTER_CONS can be reduced to O(E), which
    reduced the complexity of the Algorithm to
  • Given the connection between basic spanners and
    partitions captured in section 16.1 we get the
  • Corollary 20.6.2 Given an n-vertex unweighted
    graph G (V,E) and an integer ? ? 1, there exits
    a distributed algorithm for constructing a
    ?-spanners for G with O(n 11/ ? ) edges in Time
    O(n) and Message O(E)
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