Title: Education
1Education Training of Professional
EngineersPerceptions Realities
First Saudi Engineering Forum Engineering
Education 2020 Demands of the Industry 23-24
May 2006, King Fahd University of Petroleum
Minerals, Dhahran.
- Prof. Abang Abdullah Abang Ali
- President, Federation of Engineering of
Institutions of Islamic Countries (FEIIC) - Professor Director, Housing Research Centre,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
21. Introduction
- Rapid growth of institutions of higher learning
vs shrinking job markets - Universitys constraints industrys demands.
- Mutual recognition and mobility of engineers
- National engineering qualification framework
accreditation system - Export of professional services
32. Global education training scenario
- Globalisation
- Capacity building
- Education hub
- Qualification Framework
- Accreditation system
- Technical education training (TEVT/VET).
4Malaysian Engineering Formation Studies
Formation of Engineers in Malaysia, 1996. Towards
the Engineering Vision.
Malaysian Engineering Education Model, 2000.
Educating Future Industry Leaders.
- Malaysian Engineering Technologist and
Engineering Technician, 2003 - Blueprint for a highly competent engineering
5The Engineering Profession (Formation of
Engineers in Malaysia Study, 1996)
- Popular, well-respected, spearheading technology
and wealth creation - A vanguard of progress in the country
- An unending flow of novel ideas, new knowledge
and innovative engineering solutions - Exemplary professionalism and high ethical
standards - A source of creative future leaders.
6Global Education,Training Qualifications
- Outcome-based education (OBE) qualification
systems - Competency-based training system instead of
time-based. - Training more client-focused (SCL)
- Stronger emphasis on flexible, life-long
7Reinventing the Profession
8- 1. Interact with science and technology
- RD, Discovery, Innovation, Invention, Patent,
SET instead of ST
9- 2. Accommodate multidisciplinary activities
- Biosensors, DNA, Nanotechnology, Orthopedic
10- 3. Nurture new engineering disciplines Computer
Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,
Bioengineering -
Business skills
Interpersonal skills
Creative and Innovative
12Formation of the Next Generation of Engineers
13The Next Engineering Generation
- New breed of professionals, who are
- New engineering education and training model,
emphasizing on - Tripartite involvement of the university,
research institute and industry -
Multi-skilled Captains of industry At the
forefront of knowledge technology
Comprehensive Frontier work Relevant to modern
14Indulgence in Innovation
15Enhancing RDC
- RD important to remain competitive trade
liberalisation WTO/AFTA - High cost need to identify niche.
- To mobilise public and private sector.
- Missing Link, Winning Formula relevance - lack
of industry participation, funding, positioning
strategy alignment.
16Innovation System
- Innovation culture - stimulate, nurture and
reward creativity and entrepreneurship. - Competitive global environment - risk taking,
new markets and competitors. - Industry- research network.
17BEM/IEM/FEIIC Malaysian Incorporated Engineer
(Engineering Technologist) Engineering
Technician Study
- Draft Final Report
- Feb 2003
18Study Objectives
- National requirement for Incorporated Engineers
Engineering Technician - Local Overseas practice
- Propose
- education training model
- professional development route
- career path
19Streams Routes
- Routes
- Scientific / Academic
- University degree
- Technical / Vocational
- ( TEVT / VET )
- Cert, Diploma, Degree
- Stream
- Engineering
- (Engineering Technology)
- Technology
- Science
- Arts
20Engineering Qualification Framework
- Chartered Engineer (4-yr MEng)
- Incorporated Engineer (3-yr BEng)
- No Engineering Assistant
- Technician (HND/Adv GNVQ/NVQ3/HNC)
- Chartered Engineer (BE/BEng/BSc(Eng)/BAI)
- Engineering Technologist (BTech)
- Engineering Assistant (ND/TD)
- Technician (NC/TC)
- EurIng (Dipl-Ing / Dip-Ing (FH))
- - (Dip-Ing (BA))
- Technician (Meisterbrief / Gesellenbrief)
- (Currently Europe is adopting the European higher
education standard known as BMD its ECTS 3 2
education system)
- EurIng (Dipl-Ing / DESS/DEA Matrise
- - (Magistere / License)
- Technician (DUT/BTS/DEUG/DEUST)
- Chartered Professional Engineer (4-yr BEng)
- Engineering Technologist (3-yr BEngTech/BTech)
- Engineering Officer (Dip / Adv Dip)
- Technician (Not in IEAust or Engineers Aust)
- Cadetship (Technician Cert III, Dip, Adv Dip)
- Apprenticeship (Qualified Tradesperson Cert III,
IV) - Traineeship (Diff man/prod. Job Cert I, II, III)
- Professional Engineer (4-yr BS)
- Engineering Technologist (4-yr BEngTech)
- Engineering Assistant ( AAS/AET)
- Technician (Certificate)
- Professional Engineer (4-yr BSc)
- Engineering Technologist (4-yr BEngTech)
- Engineering Assistant (Diploma of Tech)
- Technician (Certificate)
28Malaysia (Current)
- Engineer BEng (Professional Management
Degree, Level 5) - Technical Assistant - Dip (Supervisory Diploma ,
Level 3 4) - Technicians Cert (Operations Production
Certificate, Level 1 2)
29EQF Country Comparison
UK US Australia Malaysia Current Malaysia Proposed
CEng (MEng) PE (BS) CPEng (BEng) PEng (BEng) PEng (BEng)
IncEng (3-yrBEng) EngTech (BEngTech) EngTech (BTech/BEngTech) NA EngTech (4yrBEngTech)
NA NA EngOffcr (Dip/Adv Dip) TA (Dip) EngAssist (DipEngTech)
Technician (Dip/HNC/ HND) Technician (AAS/AET/Cert) Technician (Cert/Dip/Adv Dip) Technician (Cert) Technician (CertEngTech)
30Malaysia (Proposed)
- Engineer (Professional Management
- 4-yr BEng)
- Engineering Technologist (Engineer 4-yr BEngTech)
? - Engineering Assistant (Supervisor DipEng or
DipEngTech) to replace TA. - Technicians (Operations Production Doer
CertEng or CertEngTech)
313. Malaysian Education Training Scenario
- Malaysia aims to be an Education hub
- Malaysia doing well before globalization with
exports RM5.2 billion (1970) to RM354.5 billion
(2002). - Natl success with heavy investment on physical
infrastructures and trained manpower. But unable
to compete on cheap manpower. - Low cost of investment in education but high
32Education Training in Malaysia
- Increasing graduates, shrinking job market
- Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF).
- Participate in global initiatives in
accreditation Washington, Sydney and Dublin
Accords EUR-ACE/ENAEE. - Greater emphasis on high skills eg German
fachhochschulen importance of TEVT sector in
Malaysia. - One-stop Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC)
- Outcome-based education, SCL, PBL, ISO9001
(Quality Assurance).
33 Scientific Path
Engineering Technology Path
Work Force
MEET Education, Training and Professional
Development Routes
MIEM, P. Eng
Professional Engineer
B. Eng 4 yr
GradEng. Tech
Grad Engineer
B.Eng Tech 4 yr
- Diploma graduates may be given credit transfer
upon entry to degree programmes. - Bridging Programme recommended is BEM/IEM Part
III examination or MS in Engineering or
Engineering Technology
Dip Eng 3 yr
Engineering Assistant
Dip Eng Tech 3 yr
Dip Eng 3 yr
STPM 18 mth
Cert 2 yr
Cert 2 yr
Matric-ulation 12 mth
Engineering Technician
SPM School Leavers
34The Scientific Engineering Technology
Engineer Adv Design RD
Engineering Technologist Applications Practice
Professional Practice Research Teaching
Manufacturing Production Construction
35International Mobility
- Accords
- Washington (PEng)
- Sydney (IncEng/EngTech)
- Dublin (Technicians)
EMF, APEC, ASEAN Engineers Register
364. Accreditation Mutual Recognition
- Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) for
Professional Services at 7th Summit of ASEAN
Leaders free flow of professional services by
2020. - Washington Accord quality assurance process for
accreditation process standards of educational
institution for education training of
engineers Sydney Accord for engineering
technologists Dublin Accord for technicians. - Eur-ACE/ENAEE for Europe
- In Malaysia, the Engineering Accreditation
Council (EAC) reps from BEM, IEM, LAN JPA.
375. Technical Manpower Mobility
- Engineers Mobility Forum (EMF), Engineering
Technologist Mobility Forum (ETMF) and APEC
Engineers agreement. - EMF Intl Professional Engineers Register, same
std as APEC Engineers Register. BEM is signatory. - EMF rep to
- Ensure standards criteria
- Manage barriers to mobility
- Encourage implementation of mobility procedures.
386. Development of Professional Services
- Professional Services Development Centre (PSDC)
to promote - CPD lifelong learning
- RD uptake
- Accreditation of professional service providers
(PSP) to intl standards best practices.
397. Summary
- Globalization to stay brings solutions
challenges. - Interesting developments in Education Training
of Professional Engineers as well as Technical
HRD / TEVT. - Need to develop the local education training
model for competition in the local and intl
market comprising of - engineering education and training model,
- professional development route
- career pathway
- promote and harmonise with the local
engineering professional system. -