Title: The Great Chain of Being
1The Great Chain of Being
- Shakespeare and Elizabethan Philosophy
2The Basics
- An Elizabethan philosophy popular in
Shakespeares time - Worked its way into literature and entertainment
- Primary focus of Great Chain
- Everything on earth and in heaven is linked and
orderly - All people and things have their place in a grand
scheme - Gave sense, order and meaning to life
3The Great Chain
God (Perfection)
The most heavenly beings placed at the top of the
chain (seated at the Foot of God)
Angels (Intuition)
Man (Existence, Growth, Passion, Reason)
Animals (Existence, Growth, Passion)
Plants (Existence, Growth)
The basest creatures are at the bottom, furthest
away from God
Minerals (Existence)
4Links in the Chain
- Each separate link (or sub-class) in the Great
Chain bears its own inner hierarchy
- Seraphim
- Cherubim
- Thrones
- Dominions
- Powers
- Virtues
- Principalities
- Archangels
- Angels
Angels (Intuition)
- Roses are the greatest in the Plant hierarchy
gold, silver, diamond in the Mineral, etc.
5The Human Link
- Most important was the hierarchy in the Human
chain - A chain of social status and power
- Status in the Great Chain is immutable, being
forged by God, especially at the top - Royal Absolutism
6The Human Link
The monarch (Queen Elizabeth) sat atop the human
link, closest to the Angelic and thus closest to
- The lowliest serf would be at the bottom of the
hierarchy, closest to the Animal link and thus
furthest from God.
7Okay, great - so what?
- It is in this human chain which we find many of
the elements of interest to Shakespeares plays - Especially as the plays apply to royalty
- Often, displacement within the chain (a king
giving up his God-given power) leads to suffering - King Lear
- In turn, tampering with the Great Chain (through
betrayal, murder, etc.) can lead to chaos - Hamlet
8- O, when degree is shaked,
rankWhich is the ladder to all high
designs,Then enterprise is sick! How could
communities,Degrees in schools and brotherhoods
in cities,Peaceful commerce from dividable
shores,The primogenitive and due of
birth,Prerogative of age, crowns, sceptres,
laurels,But by degree, stand in authentic
place?Take but degree away, untune that
string,And, hark, what discord follows!
From Act I, Scene 3 of Troilus and Cressida
9Dont Mess With The Chain
- This chaos fits in with the Elizabethan ideas of
status mobility (or the lack thereof) - In other words, serfs remain serfs and do not
become nobles, etc. - God has established the Chain, and since God is
perfection, so is the social order - Chaos is punishment for tampering with the Chain,
and is not limited to the monarchy - The King and Kingdom are one as the monarchy
suffers, so do the people and vice versa (a theme
of Oedipus the King and Hamlet)
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