Oscillator Circuits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oscillator Circuits


Title: IC Technology and Device Models Author: Jyoti Tandukar Last modified by: Jyoti Tandukar Created Date: 6/24/2001 3:29:25 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oscillator Circuits

Oscillator Circuits
  1. CMOS inverter relaxation oscillator
  2. Operational amplifier based relaxation
  3. Voltage to frequency converter
  4. Sinusoidal oscillators
  5. Amplitude and frequency stabilization
  6. Signal generator, frequency synthesizers and
    swept frequency oscillators

  • An oscillator is a circuit that generates a
    repetitive waveform of fixed amplitude and
    frequency without any external input signal.
    Oscillators are used in radio, television,
    computers, and communications.
  • Oscillators Tuned and Untuned
  • Tuned RC, LC, Crystal
  • Untuned Square wave, Triangular wave -gt
    Sinusoidal oscillator
  • Tuned Oscillators
  • RC oscillators most suitable for IC technology
  • Crystal oscillators are often used with the
    crystal external to the IC.
  • Untuned Oscillators
  • Untuned oscillators typically have only two
    stable states.
  • Untuned oscillator can create sinusoid by
    applying the triangle wave to a sine-shaping
  • Untuned oscillators are very compatible with IC

Oscillator Principle
  • An oscillator is a type of feedback amplifier in
    which part of the output is fed back to the input
    via a feedback circuit. If the signal fed back is
    of proper magnitude and phase, the circuit
    produces alternating currents or voltages.
  • vin 0 and vo ? 0 implies that
  • AvB 1
  •  Expressed in polar form,
  • AvB 1 ? 00
  • In order to satisfy the above criterion, the
    oscillator must be able to achieve positive
    feedback at some frequency w0 where the magnitude
    of the loop gain is exactly unity. ltBarkhausen
  • The oscillation criterion should be satisfied at
    one frequency only for the circuit to oscillate
    at one frequency, otherwise the resulting
    waveform will not be a simple sinusoid.

Frequency Stability
  • The ability of the oscillator circuit to
    oscillate at one exact frequency is called
    frequency stability. Although a number of factors
    may cause changes in oscillator frequency, the
    primary factors are temperature changes and
    changes in the dc power supply. Temperature and
    power supply changes cause variations in the
    op-amp's gain, in junction capacitances and
    resistances of the transistors in an op-amp, and
    in external circuit components. In most cases
    these variations can be kept small by careful
    design, by using regulated power supplies, and by
    temperature control.
  • LC circuits and crystals are generally used for
    the generation of high-frequency signals, while
    RC components are most suitable for
    audio-frequency applications.

6.1 CMOS Inverter Relaxation Oscillator
  • An astable multivibrator which is capable of
    producing sustained square wave oscillations is
    shown in figure. The time period of the
    oscillation is determined by the time constant RC.

  • The operation of the multivibrator can be
    analyzed by supposing it to begin in a state with
    the output of gate 2 high (voutvDD), output of
    the gate 1 low (v10), and the capacitor voltage
    precharged to the negative value vCvIC-VDD,
    where vIC, which is less than VDD, is the logic
    transition level of gate 2. Under these
    conditions, the status of the capacitor appears
    as in the first figure.
  • With v1 low, the input v2 to gate 2, given by
    v1vC0vIC-VDD, will be initially negative and
    will indeed force the output of gate 2 high. The
    capacitor will charge toward VDD, causing vC to
    increase. When v2 reaches v1C, the output of gate
    2 will be forced low, in turn causing the output
    v1 of gate 1 to be forced high. Just prior to
    this switching operation, the capacitor will have
    been charged to the value vCvIC.
  • With v1 now equal to VDD and vOUT equal to zero,
    vC will begin to charge in the opposite direction
    toward vDD, thereby causing v2 to fall. When v2
    falls below the logic transition level vIC, the
    output of gate 2 will switch high, forcing v1
    low. With v2 equal to VDDvC, the value v2vIC
    will be reached in this second case when
    vCvIC-VDD. After the switching operation, the
    circuit will again appear as originally assumed.
    The cycle will thus repeat itself, continuing

  • The circuit will produce a square wave output at
    vOUT and its logical complement at v1. Plots of
    the four principal voltages in the circuit are
    shown in figure.
  • The period of square wave produced by the circuit
    can be computed by determining the time required
    for v2 to charge from vIC-VDD to vIC.

Derivation for Time Period
  • vC vF(vi-vF)e-t/RC
  • VDD(vIC-VDD VDD) e-t/RC
  • vIC e-t/RC VDD(1-2 e-t/RC)
  • Where t0 is defined as the point where the
    output of gate 2 just switches high.
  • At tT/2, vCv2vIC, which, on substitution into
    above equation gives
  • T 2 RC ln (2VDD-vIC)/(VDD-vIC)
  • For a symmetrical CMOS gate with vICVDD/2,
  • T 2 RC ln (2VDD-VDD/2)/(VDD-VDD/2) 2 RC ln
  • T 2.2 RC

6.2 Square Wave Generator
  • Square wave outputs are generated when the op-amp
    is forced to operate in the saturated region.
    That is, the output of the op-amp is forced to
    swing repetitively between positive saturation
    Vsat and negative saturation Vsat, resulting in
    the square wave output. One such circuit is shown
    here. This square wave generator is also called
    an astable multivibrator. The output of the
    op-amp in this circuit will be in positive or
    negative saturation depending on whether the
    differential voltage vid is negative or positive,

(No Transcript)
  • Assume that the voltage across capacitor C is
    zero volts at the instant the dc supply voltages
    VCC and -VEE are applied. This means that the
    voltage at the inverting terminal is zero
    initially. At the same instant, however, the
    voltage v1 at the noninverting terminal is a very
    small finite value that is a function of the
    output offset voltage and the values of R1 and R2
    resistors. Thus the differntial input voltage vid
    is equal to the voltage v1 at the noninverting
    terminal. Although very small, voltage v1 will
    start to drive the op-amp into saturation. For
    example, suppose that the output offset voltage
    is positive and that, therefore, voltage v1 is
    also positive. Since initially the capacitor C
    acts as a short circuit, the gain of the op-amp
    is very large hence v1 drives the output of the
    op-amp to its positive saturation Vsat. With the
    output voltage of the op-amp at Vsat, the
    capacitor C starts charging toward Vsat through
    resistor R. However, as soon as the voltage v2
    across capacitor C is slightly more positive than
    v1, the output of the op-amp is forced to switch
    to a negative saturation, -Vsat. With the
    op-amp's output voltage at negative saturation,
    -Vsat, the voltage v1 across R1 is also negative,

Operation Contd.
  • Thus the differential voltage vid v1 v2 is
    negative, which holds the output of the op-amp in
    negative saturation. The output remains in
    negative saturation until the capacitor C
    discharges and then recharges to a negative
    voltage slightly higher than v1. Now, as soon as
    the capacitor's voltage v2 becomes more negative
    than v1, the net differntial voltage vid becomes
    positive and hence drives the output of the
    op-amp back to its positive saturation Vsat.
    This completes one cycle. With output at Vsat,
    voltage v1 at the noninverting input is
  • The time period of the output waveform is given
  • If R21.16 R1,

Practical Consideration
  • The highest frequency generated by the square
    wave generator is set by the slew rate of the
    op-amp. An attempt to operate the circuit at
    relatively higher frequencies causes the
    oscillator's output to become triangular. In
    practice, each inverting and noninverting
    terminal needs a series resistance Rs to prevent
    excessive differential current flow because the
    inputs of the op-amp are subjected to large
    differential voltages. A reduced peak-to-peak
    output voltage swing can be obtained in the
    square wave generator by using back-to-back
    zeners at the output terminal.

Voltage to Frequency Converter
  • A voltage to frequency converter produces an
    output signal whose instanteneous frequency is a
    function of an external control voltage.
  • A voltage to frequency converter is also known
    as a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The
    Signetics NE/SE556 VCO is a circuit that provides
    simultaneous square wave and triangle wave
    outputs as a function of input voltage. The
    frequency of oscillation of the circuit is
    determined by an external resistor R1, capacitor
    C1, and the voltage VC applied to the control
    terminal 5. The control voltage at terminal 5 is
    set by the voltage divider formed with R2 and R3.
    The initial voltage VC at terminal 5 must be in
    the range ¾(V) ? VC ? V
  • where V is the total supply voltage. The input
    signal is ac coupled with the capacitor C and
    must be lt 3V p-p. The frequency of the output
    waveform is approximated by
  • f0 ? 2 (V-VC)/R1C1(V)
  • where R1 should be in the range 2 k? lt R1 lt 20
  • A small capacitor of 0.001 ?F should be
    connected between pins 5 and 6 to eliminate
    possible oscillations in the control current
    source. The ideal conversion characteristics of a
    voltage to frequency converter is linear.
  • Note A frequency to voltage converter produces
    an output voltage whose amplitude is a function
    of the frequency of the input signal.

  • V 12V, R2 1.5k
  • R1 R3 10k, C1 0.001?F
  • Determine the nominal frequency of the output
  • Compute the modulation in the output frequency if
    VC is varied between 9.5 V and 11.5 V.
  • Draw the square wave output waveform if the
    modulating input is a sine wave.
  • VC 10k.12/11.5k 10.43 V
  • f0 2 (12 - 10.43) / (104.10-9.12)
  • 26.17kHz
  • f0 (9.5) 41.67 kHz
  • f0 (11.5) 8.33 kHz

6.4 Sinusoidal Oscillators
  • LC Tuned Oscillators
  • If we neglect the transistor capacitances (i.e.,
    low frequency operation), the frequency of
    oscillation will be determined by the resonance
    frequency of the parallel tuned circuit (also
    known as tank circuit because it behaves as a
    reservoir for energy storage). Thus for Colpitts
    oscillator (fig. a) and Hartley oscillator (fig.
    b), we respectively have
  • The divider ratio determines the feedback factor
    and must be adjusted in conjunction with the
    transistor gain to ensure that oscillations will

  • I (1/r? sC2) V?
  • V v? v? sL(sC2 1/ r? ) v? (1 sL(sC2
    1/ r? )
  • Substituting in I gm v? sC1V 0
  • gm 1/ r? (w2LC1/ r? ) j w(C1 C2)
    w3LC1C2 0
  • Equating imaginary part to zero
  • Equating the real part to 1 and substituting L,
    and taking gm r? B0,
  • C1/C2 B0
  • to ensure that the loop gain at w0 is unity.

Phase Shift Oscillator
  • The phase shift oscillator consists of an
    amplifier stage and three RC cascaded networks as
    the feedback circuit. The amplifier provides a
    phase shift of 1800 and an additional 1800 phase
    shift required for oscillation is provided by the
    cascaded RC networks.
  • F 1/2?RC (1/?(64k)
  • (Refer Millman, Halkias, page 487 for details)

Wien Bridge Oscillator
  • It is one of the most commonly used audio
    frequency oscillators because of its simplicity
    and stability.

Crystal Oscillator
  • Crystal oscillator uses a piece of quartz that is
    cut and polished to vibrate at a certain
    frequency. Quartz is piezo-electric (a strain
    generates a voltage, and vice versa), so acoustic
    waves in the crystal can be driven by an applied
    electric field and in turn can generate a voltage
    at the surface of the crystal.
  • RC oscillators can easily attain stabilities
    approaching 0.1. Thats good enough for many
    applications. LC oscillators can do a bit better,
    with stabilities of 0.01 over reasonable periods
    of time. Thats good enough for oscillators in
    radio frequency receivers and television sets.
    Crystal oscillators do provide stabilities of a
    few parts per million over normal temperature

Signal Sources
  • Signal Generators Signal generators are
    sine-wave oscillators, usually equipped to give a
    wide range of frequency coverage (50kHz to 50MHz
    is typical), with provision for precise control
    of amplitude (using resistive divider network
    called an attenuator).
  • Sweep Generator It is a signal generator that
    can sweep its output frequency repeatedly over
    some range. These are handy for testing circuits
    whose properties vary with frequency in a
    particular way, e.g. tuned circuits or filters.
    Nowadays these devices as well as many test
    instruments, are available in configurations that
    allow you to program the frequency, amplitude,
    etc., from a computer or other digital
  • Frequency Synthesizer It is a device that
    generates sine waves whose frequencies can be set
    precisely. The frequency is set digitally, often
    to eight significant figures or more and is
    internally synthesized from a precise standard (a
    quartz crystal oscillator) by digital methods.
  • Function Generators These are the most flexible
    signal sources of all. You can make sine,
    triangle, and square waves over an enormous
    frequency range (0.01 Hz to 10 MHz is typical),
    with control of amplitude and dc offset (a
    constant dc voltage added to the signal). Many of
    them have provision for frequency sweeping, often
    in several modes (linear or logarithmic frequency
    variations versus time).
  • HP8116A Sine, square, and triangle waves from
    0.001 Hz to 50 MHz (programmable), 10 mV to 16 V
    pp (programmable), linear and logarithmic sweeps,
    also provides trigger, FM, AM, voltage controlled
    frequency, and single cycle.
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