Middle East - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middle East


Middle East 1945-Present * * Turkey Created from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire Young Turks commit genocide against the Armenians, 1915-1919, still don t admit ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Middle East

Middle East
  • 1915-Present

  • Created from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire
  • Young Turks commit genocide against the
    Armenians, 1915-1919, still dont admit it
  • Mustafa Kemal Ataturk declares independence
    creates a modern secular Islamic state in 1923
  • Balances between Western Islamic influences

Turkey After Ataturk
  • 1938- President Ataturk dies
  • 1939-45- Neutral until end of WWII, declare war
    on the Axis powers but never fights then joins
    the U.N.
  • 1950- first open democratic elections, won by
    opposition party
  • 1952- Abandons Ataturks neutrality joins NATO

Turkish Unrest
  • 1974- Turkey invades Northern Cyprus, trade
    embargo follows, embargo lifted in 1978
  • 1984- Recognizes Turkish Republic of Northern
    Cyprus Kurds launch a separatist war (PKK)
  • 1987- Applies for full membership in EEC
    (European Economic Community, now the EU)
  • 1999- PKK leader captured, sentenced to life in

Turkey Today
  • Turkey has gone through several military coups
    new constitutions
  • The nation is divided between secularists
    Islamists as well as Turks, Kurds, Christians
    (Armenians Greeks)
  • In 2015, 17 former military leaders were
    sentenced to time in prison for plotting a coup
    in 2003

  • Tug of war between Britain, Russia, the USA
    throughout the 20th Century
  • Ruled by a totalitarian Shah until 1979
  • Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini in
    1979 established an Islamic theocracy
  • The Iranian government was vehemently
  • 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days after
    the revolution

Iran in the 1980s
  • 1980- Iraq invades Iran starts the 8 year
    Iran-Iraq War
  • 1985- Iran-Contra Affair, US sold weapons to Iran
    to send money to rebels in Nicaragua
  • 1988- U.S. ship shoots down an Iranian passenger
    jet killing 290 people
  • 1989- Ayatollah Khomeini dies, President
    Khamenei named supreme leader

Iran After Khomeini
  • 1995- U.S. imposes sanctions against Iran for
    sponsoring terrorism developing nuclear
  • 1998- Iran sends troops to border with
    Afghanistan after Taliban kills 8 Iranian
    diplomats a journalist
  • 2009- Green Revolution erupts when election
    results are disputed, leads to brutal police
    crack down

Irans Nuclear Story
  • 2002- Russia starts building Irans 1st nuclear
  • 2003- IAEA (U.N. nuclear agency) determines Iran
    doesnt have a weapons program
  • 2005- Iran starts enriching uranium again
  • 2012- more nations impose trade sanctions
  • 2015- a deal with Iran established and passed,
    sanctions were lifted inspections allowed, not
    supported by conservatives in both nations

Saudi Arabia
  • Unified by Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud beginning in
    1902, with the help of ultra-conservative Ikhwan
    based on Wahhabism
  • Named Saudi Arabia in 1932
  • The Saud family rules the nation
  • Oil discovered in 1938.
  • All national improvements made with oil revenue
  • Extremes of wealth

Saudi Arabia Oil
  • 1960- Saudi Arabia is a founding member of OPEC
    (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
  • 1973- Leads boycott against Western nations that
    support Israel in the October Wars. Oil prices
  • 1979- cuts ties with Egypt after Camp David
    Accords establish peace between Egypt Israel

Saudi Arabia Contd
  • 1987- Resumes diplomatic relations with Egypt
  • 1990- Condemns Iraqs invasion of Kuwait expels
    citizens of Jordan Yemen because the
    governments support Iraq
  • 1994- Osama Bin Laden stripped of his Saudi
  • 2001- 15 of 19 9/11 hijackers from Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Today
  • Saudi Arabia has battled terrorism civil unrest
    across the region in the last 15 years
  • Hundreds have been arrested for ties to al-Qaeda,
    no clear numbers of convictions
  • Women have been fighting for rights, voting,
    holding political office, driving
  • Currently fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen the
    Islamic State in Syria

Decolonization Partitioning
  • 1917 Balfour Declaration- Britain promises a
    homeland for the Jews
  • The Arabs were also promised their own state in

  • Jewish nation-state created after the horrors of
    the Holocaust during WWII
  • Established May 14, 1948
  • Attacked by Arab neighbors on May 15, 1948
  • Other wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973
  • Conflict introduced the idea of terrorism to
    the world, Israeli athletes murdered at the
    Munich Olympics in 1972

Israel Palestine
  • 1982- Israel invades Lebanon to attack
    Palestinian strongholds
  • 1987- First Intifada- Unarmed Palestinians revolt
    against Israeli rule of Gaza the West Bank,
    throw rocks _at_ soldiers police
  • 1993- Oslo Accords- Established a timeline plan
    for peaceful coexistence with Palestinians, Prime
    Minister Rabin was assassinated in 1995 over this
  • 2000- Second Intifada- Oslo Accords failed due to
    hardliners on both sides, second revolt erupts

Israel Since 2000
  • 2005- Israel pulls out of Gaza builds wall to
    protect against suicide bombers
  • PLO loses elections in Gaza to the militant Hamas
  • 2006- Israel fights a missile war against
    Hezbollah in Lebanon, no clear winner after 33
  • Israel has established a prosperous stable
    democracy with a growing economy high standard
    of living

  • Displaced by Israel, many refused to leave or
    were rejected by the Arab nations
  • Refuse to recognize Israel as a legitimate nation
  • Given control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank
  • Suicide bombers have frequently attacked Israel
    from the Palestinian camps
  • Israel is currently stepping up settlement of
    these areas

  • PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization
  • Founded led by Yassir Arafat from 1959 until
    his death 2004
  • The PLO achieved international recognition from
    the U.N. in 1988

  • Suez Canal built with the French in 1869 made
    Egypts location even more important in terms of
    Indian Ocean trade and the rapidly developing oil
    industry during the early 20th century
  • Abdul Gamal Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal
    in 1956 which led to a war with Israel, Britain,

Anwar Sadat-Egypt
Menachim Begin-Israel
  • Egypt was the first Arab nation to make peace
    with Israel, Camp David Accords brokered by Jimmy
    Carter in 1978
  • President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by
    Islamic extremists for signing the peace
    agreement, martial law established by Pres.
  • Several of the most famous Islamic terrorists
    have been from Egypt, Mohammed Atta Dr. Ayman

Egypt Today
  • 2010 election results disputed by opposition
  • 2011 Protests in Tahrir Square, part of Arab
    Spring, force Mubarak to step down. Tried for
    ordering killing of protestors
  • 2012 Muslim Brotherhood wins elections, military
    ends state of emergency started with Sadat
    assassination in 1981
  • 2013 Military overthrows Morsi Muslim
    Brotherhood, religious political parties banned
  • 2014 General Sisi wins presidential election,
    human rights still severely limited

  • 1918 Arab troops with British support end 400
    years of Ottoman rule by capturing Damascus
  • 1919 Emir Feisal claims all the territory from
    the Taursus Mtns to Sinai Desert
  • 1920 Syria-Lebanon becomes a French protectorate
    while Palestine is a British one
  • Syria occupied by Germany, Britain, the Free
    French Army during WWII

Syria 1946-1970
  • 1946 French troops leave Syria
  • 1947-1970 Syria ruled by a series of dictators
    Egyptian President Nasser as part of the United
    Arab Republic
  • 1967 Syria loses the Golan Heights most of
    their Air Force to Israel in the Six Day War
  • 1970 Hafez Assad overthrows the president
    imprisons other leaders

Syria 1975-2000
  • 1975 Assad agrees to peace with Israel if Arab
    lands are returned
  • 1976 Syria intervenes in Lebanese civil war
  • 1980 Muslim Brotherhood attempts to assassinate
  • 1990 Syria part of US-led coalition against Iraq
  • 2000 Bashar Assad becomes president when his
    father dies

Syria 2001- Today
  • 2001 Bashar Assad continues totalitarian rule
  • 2004 US imposes sanctions for Syrian support of
  • 2007 Israel bombs building site in Syria, IAEA
    reports it as secret nuclear reactor in 2011
  • 2011 Syrian civil war begins
  • 2012 Assad government accused of using chemical
    weapons on civilians
  • 2014 Islamic State of Iraq Syria established
    making a 3 sided civil war

  • Terrorist group that founded in 1999 pledged
    allegiance to al Qaeda in 2004
  • 2014 declared a worldwide caliphate, control of
    all Muslims
  • 2014 al Qaeda cut all ties with ISIS due its
    extreme methods
  • ISIS systematically executes all people who
    oppose them in captured territories destroy
    historic artifacts sites to erase the record

  • The Middle East is home to all three monotheistic
    religions extremes of wealth
  • The Middle East has been controlled by various
    powers throughout recorded history
  • The wish to control religious sites has now
    shifted to the desire to control natural
    resources and for the people to have a voice in
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