Title: Being Cautious
1Silent Killer
Rodger Hannah Eubanks, Jacky Baalmann, Julia
Final PropositionIf people follow the steps the
overall air pollution in the US will decrease. If
the pollution decreases the world can live an
overall healthier life, and the Earth will be a
safer living environment.
Pollution is a growing issue in America because
the quality of our air is getting worse. If we
arent careful our air will be unhealthy and
cause many health problems. Although nobody likes
to put in the extra effort to have cleaner air,
so in taking steps in making our air clean by
minimizing the resources we use in order to keep
our air clean.
Being Cautious People should be cautious of there
surroundings, Pollution effects everyone because
it is everywhere. It can cause serious health
problems now, and in the future. The air we
breathe is vital to our survival, and it is
important that we take care of this air.
Ways of Prevention - conserving energy by
turning off lights when your gone - recycle
paper, plastic, and aluminum - turning off the
water while brushing your teeth or taking shorter
showers - Unplugging electronics/ appliances when
they are not in use - Use solar energy whenever
possible - Bike or walk close places in stead of
driving - Buy hybrid cars - Carpool if you know
you and others are going to the same place - Try
to stop others from smoking - Not littering,
throw your trash away in a garbage can.