Sorting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slide 1 ... Sorting – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: radix | sorting | tree


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sorting

  • Sorting is the process of arranging a group of
    items into a defined order, either ascending or
    descending, based on some criteria.
  • Example
  • Start ? 1 23 2 56 9 8 10 100
  • End ? 1 2 8 9 10 23 56 100

  • The bubble-sort is the oldest and simplest sort
    in use. Unfortunately, it's also the slowest
  • It sorts a list by repeatedly comparing
    neighboring elements and swapping them if

  • Idea
  • Scan through the list comparing adjacent elements
    and swap them if they are not in relative order.
  • // this step has the effect of bubbling the
    largest value to the last position in the list
  • Then, scan the list again, bubbling up the
    second-to-last value
  • Repeat this process until all elements have been
    placed into their correct order

  • 1 23 2 56 9 8 10
  • 1 2 23 56 9 8 10
  • 1 2 23 9 56 8 10
  • 1 2 23 9 8 56 10
  • 1 2 23 9 8 10 56
  • ---- finish the first traversal ----
  • ---- start again ----
  • 1 2 23 9 8 10 56
  • 1 2 9 23 8 10 56
  • 1 2 9 8 23 10 56
  • 1 2 9 8 10 23 56
  • ---- finish the second traversal ----
  • ---- start again ----
  • .

  • void bubbleSort (int data, int first, int n)
  • int position, scan //Loop variable
  • int temp // used during the swapping of two
    array values
  • for (position n-1 position gt first
  • for (scan first scan lt position 1
  • if ( datascan gt datascan1 )
  • // swap datascan with datascan1
  • temp datascan1
  • datascan1 datascan
  • datascan temp

Running Time for Bubble-Sort
  • One traversal move the maximum element at the
  • Traversal i n i 1 comparisons
  • Number of comparisons
  • (n 1) (n 2) 1 (n 1) n / 2 O(n
  • // The number of comparisons is the same in each
    case (best, average, and worst)

Running Time for Bubble-Sort
  • In the worst case (when the list is in reverse
    order), bubble-sort performs O(n 2) swaps.
  • The best case, when all elements are already
    ordered, requires no swaps

The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • The picture shows an array of six integers that
    we want to sort from smallest to largest

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • Start by finding the smallest entry.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • Start by finding the smallest entry.
  • Swap the smallest entry with the first entry.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • Start by finding the smallest entry.
  • Swap the smallest entry with the first entry.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • Part of the array is now sorted.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • Find the smallest element in the unsorted side.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • Find the smallest element in the unsorted side.
  • Swap with the front of the unsorted side.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • We have increased the size of the sorted side by
    one element.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
Smallest from unsorted
  • The process continues...

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
Swap with front
  • The process continues...

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side is bigger
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • The process continues...

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
Sorted side
Unsorted side
  • The process keeps adding one more number to the
    sorted side.
  • The sorted side has the smallest numbers,
    arranged from small to large.

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • We can stop when the unsorted side has just one
    number, since that number must be the largest

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • The array is now sorted.
  • We repeatedly selected the smallest element, and
    moved this element to the front of the unsorted

0 1 2 3 4
The Selection-Sort Algorithm
  • public static void selectionsort(int data, int
    first, int n)
  • int i, j, temp
  • int min // index of smallest value in
    datafirstfirst i
  • for (i first i lt firstn-1 i)
  • min i
  • for (j i1 j lt firstn-1 j)
  • if (datajltdatamin)
  • min j
  • // swap array elements
  • temp datai
  • datai datamin
  • datamin temp

Analysis of Selection-Sort
  • Number of comparisons
  • (n 1) (n 2) 1 (n 1) n / 2 O(n
  • // The number of comparisons is the same in each
    case (best, average, and worst)
  • In the worst case (when the list is in reverse
    order), selection-sort performs O(n) swaps.
  • The best case, when all elements are already
    ordered, requires no swaps

Advantages of Selection-Sort
  • can be done in-placeno need for a second array
  • minimizes number of swaps

The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • The Insertionsort algorithm also views the array
    as having a sorted side and an unsorted side.

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • The sorted side starts with just the first
    element, which is not necessarily the smallest

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • The sorted side grows by taking the front element
    from the unsorted side...

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • ...and inserting it in the place that keeps the
    sorted side arranged from small to large.

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • In this example, the new element goes in front of
    the element that was already in the sorted side.

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • Sometimes we are lucky and the new inserted item
    doesn't need to move at all.

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • Sometimes we are lucky twice in a row.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Copy the new element to a separate location.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Shift elements in the sorted side, creating an
    open space for the new element.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Shift elements in the sorted side, creating an
    open space for the new element.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Continue shifting elements...

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Continue shifting elements...

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • ...until you reach the location for the new

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Copy the new element back into the array, at the
    correct location.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • The last element must also be inserted. Start by
    copying it...

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • How many shifts will occur before we copy this
    element back into the array?

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Four items are shifted.

0 1 2 3 4
How to Insert One Element
  • Four items are shifted.
  • And then the element is copied back into the

0 1 2 3 4
The Insertion-Sort Algorithm
  • public static void insertionsort (int data, int
    first, int n)
  • int i, j
  • int entry
  • for (i1 iltn i)
  • entry datafirst i
  • for (j firsti(jgtfirst)(dataj-1gtentry)
  • dataj dataj-1
  • datajentry

Analysis of Insertion-Sort
  • worst case
  • elements initially in reverse of sorted order.
  • O(n2) comparisons, swaps
  • average case
  • same analysis as worst case
  • best case
  • elements initially in sorted order
  • no swaps
  • O(n) comparisons

Advantages of Insertion-Sort
  • Can be done in-place
  • If data is in nearly sorted order, runs in O(n)

Timing and Other Issues
  • Bubble sort, Selection sort and Insertion sort
    have a worst-case time of O(n2), making them
    impractical for large arrays.
  • But they are easy to program, easy to debug.
  • Insertion sort also has good performance when the
    array is nearly sorted to begin with.
  • But more sophisticated sorting algorithms
    (Divide-and-Conquer) are needed when good
    performance is needed in all cases for large

  • a recursive design technique
  • solve small problem directly
  • divide large problem into two subproblems, each
    approximately half the size of the original
  • solve each subproblem with a recursive call
  • combine the solutions of the two subproblems to
    obtain a solution of the larger problem

Divide-and-Conquer Sorting
  • General algorithm
  • divide the elements to be sorted into two lists
    of (approximately) equal size
  • sort each smaller list
  • (use divide-and-conquer unless
  • the size of the list is 1)
  • combine the two sorted lists into one larger
    sorted list

Divide-and-Conquer Sorting
  • Design decisions
  • How is list partitioned into two lists?
  • How are two sorted lists combined?
  • Common techniques
  • Merge-Sort
  • trivial partition, merge to combine
  • Quick-Sort
  • sophisticated partition, no work to combine

  • divide array into first half and last half
  • sort each subarray with recursive call
  • merge together two sorted subarrays
  • use a temporary array to do the merge

Merge-Sort Algorithm
public static void mergesort(int data, int
first, int n) int n1, n2 // sizes of
subarrays if (ngt1) n1 n / 2
n2 n n1 mergesort(data, first, n1)
mergesort(data, firstn1, n2)
merge(data, first, n1, n2)
Recursive calls to smaller sub-sequences
Merging Two Sorted Sequences
  • The conquer step of merge-sort consists of
    merging two sorted sequences A and B into a
    sorted sequence S
  • Let Aa1,a2,,an and Bb1,b2,,bm we want to
    insert B into A
  • We scan A from the left for the correct position
    for b1
  • We can then continue, without going back, to scan
    for the correct position for b2 and so on ...
  • Merging two sorted sequences, containing n and m
    elements and copying them into S, takes O(nm)

Merging Two Sorted Sequences
  • public static void merge(int data, int first,
    int n1, int n2)
  • int temp new intn1n2
  • int i
  • int c, c1, c2 0
  • while ((c1ltn1)(c2ltn2))
  • if (datafirstc1 lt datafirstn1c2)
  • tempcdatafirst(c1)
  • else tempcdatafirstn1(c2)
  • while (c1 lt n1)
  • tempcdatafirst(c1)
  • while (c2 lt n2 )
  • tempcdatafirstn1(c2)
  • for (i0 iltn1n2 i)
  • datafirsti tempi

Merge-Sort Tree
  • An execution of merge-sort is depicted by a
    binary tree
  • each node represents a recursive call of
    merge-sort and stores
  • unsorted sequence before the execution and its
  • sorted sequence at the end of the execution
  • the root is the initial call
  • the leaves are calls on subsequences of size 0 or

7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 ? 4 ? 4 9
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Partition

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, partition

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, partition

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, base case

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, base case

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Execution Example
  • Merge

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, , base case, merge

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Merge

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, , merge, merge

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 6 8
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Execution Example
  • Merge

7 2 9 4 ? 3 8 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 ? 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 6 8
7 ? 2 ? 2 7
9 4 ? 4 9
3 8 ? 3 8
6 1 ? 1 6
7 ? 7
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
6 ? 6
1 ? 1
Analysis of Merge-Sort
  • First we examine the running time spent at each
  • we perform only partitioning and merging, and
    both take a linear time limited by the number of
  • The number of elements is fixed in all tree depth
  • the overall work done at the nodes of depth i is
  • The height h of the merge sort tree is O(log n)
  • at each recursive call we divide in half the
  • Thus, the total running time of merge sort is O(n
    log n) (best, average, and worst cases)

depth seqs size
0 1 n
1 2 n/2
i 2i n/2i

Advantages of Merge-Sort
  • conceptually simple
  • suited to sorting linked lists of elements
    because merge traverses each linked list
  • suited to sorting external files divides data
    into smaller files until can be stored in array
    in memory
  • stable performance
  • However, it needs O(n) extra space to store a
    temporary array to hold the data in between steps

sorting huge files
Huge file (can not fit in the largest possible
sorting huge files
  • sort smaller subfiles

sorting huge files
  • sort smaller subfiles

sorting huge files
  • merge subfiles

sorting huge files
  • merge subfiles

sorting huge files
  • merge subfiles

sorting huge files
  • and merge subfiles into one file

sorting huge files k-way merge
  • merge k subfiles

  • Quick-sort algorithm sorts a sequence S using
    recursive approach based on the
    divide-and-conquer technique
  • Divide if S has at least 2 elements (if less
    than 2 it is already sorted), select a random
    element x (called pivot) and partition S into 2
  • L storing the elements less than (or equal) x
  • G storing the elements greater than x
  • //design decision how to choose pivot
  • Recursively sort sequence L and G
  • Conquer put back the elements into S, by
    concatenate L , x, and G

Quick-Sort Tree
  • An execution of quick-sort is depicted by a
    binary tree
  • Each node represents a recursive call of
    quick-sort and stores
  • Unsorted sequence before the execution and its
  • Sorted sequence at the end of the execution
  • The root is the initial call
  • The leaves are calls on subsequences of size 0 or

Execution Example
  • Pivot selection

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 2 9 4 ? 2 4 7 9
3 8 6 1 ? 1 3 8 6
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
9 4 ? 4 9
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Partition, recursive call, pivot selection

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
2 4 3 1 ? 2 4 7 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
9 4 ? 4 9
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
2 ? 2
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Partition, recursive call, base case

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
2 4 3 1 ?? 2 4 7
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
1 ? 1
4 3
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Partition, recursive call, pivot selection

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
1 ? 1
4 3
9 ? 9

Execution Example
  • Partition, recursive call, base case

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
1 ? 1
4 3
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Base case, join

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
1 ? 1
4 3 ? 3 4
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, , base case, join

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1 ? 1 2 3 4
3 ? 3
8 ? 8
1 ? 1
4 3 ? 3 4
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Recursive call, pivot selection

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1 ? 1 2 3 4
8 ? 8
1 ? 1
4 3 ? 3 4
9 ? 9
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Partition, , recursive call, base case

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
7 9 7 1 ? 1 3 8 6
2 4 3 1 ? 1 2 3 4
7 ? 7
1 ? 1
4 3 ? 3 4
9 ? 9
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Execution Example
  • Join, join

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 ? 1 2 3 4 6 7 7 9
7 9 7 ? 17 7 9
2 4 3 1 ? 1 2 3 4
7 ? 7
1 ? 1
4 3 ? 3 4
9 ? 9
9 ? 9
4 ? 4
Worst-case Running Time
  • We get the worst case running time W(n) if the
    sequence of n element is in the correct order.

3 7 9 18 20 21
3 7 9 18 20
Recursively sort n-1 element
Recursively sort 0 element
Partition n-1 elements
  • The worst case running time is O(n2).

Expected Running Time
  • Consider a recursive call of quick-sort on a
    sequence of size n and the pivot will be selected
    randomly, we say we made
  • Good call if the sizes of L and G are at least
    1n/4 and at most 3n/4
  • Bad call otherwise
  • A call is good with probability 1/2
  • 1/2 of the possible pivots cause good calls

7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1 9
7 2 9 4 3 7 6 1
7 2 9 4 3 7 6
7 9 7 1 ? 1
2 4 3 1
Good call
Bad call
Good pivots
Bad pivots
Bad pivots
Expected Running Time
  • In average case we expect the recursive calls are
    most likely good calls, so we have half way
    splitting for each partition step in average.
  • The height of the quick sort tree will be log n
  • And the average time complexity of quick sort
    will be O(n log n)

Quick-Sort Implementation
  • We use two indices, the left-most index l and the
    right-most index r.
  • In the divide step, index l scan the sequence
    from left to right, and index r scan the sequence
    from right to left, until they crossed.
  • A swap is performed when l is at element larger
    than the pivot and r is at an element smaller
    than the pivot.
  • A final swap with the pivot complete one divide

Quick-Sort Implementation
85 24 63 45 17 31
96 50
The pivot
85 24 63 45 17 31
96 50
31 24 63 45 17 85
96 50
31 24 63 45 17 85
96 50
31 24 17 45 63 85
96 50
31 24 17 45 63 85
96 50
31 24 17 45 50 85
96 63
Quick-Sort Implementation
Algorithm QuickSort(S, a, b) Input array S,
integers a and b Output array S with elements
originally from indices from a to b,
inclusive, sorted in non decreasing order
from indices a to b if a ? b return //there
is at most one element p Sb //the
pivot l a //will scan rightward r b -
1 //will scan leftward while l r do while l
r and Sl p do //find an element larger
than the pivot l l 1 while r l and
Sr p do //find an element smaller than the
pivot r r - 1 if l r then swap the
elements at Sl and Sr swap the elements at
Sl and Sb //put the pivot into its final
place QuickSort (S, a, l - 1) QuickSort (S, l
1, b)
Choosing Pivot
  • How does method choose pivot?
  • - first (or last) element in sub-array is pivot
  • // poor partitioning if data is sorted or nearly
  • Alternative strategy for choosing pivot?
  • middle element of sub-array
  • look at three elements of the sub-array, and
    choose the middle of the three values.

Quick-Sort Improvements
  • instead of stopping recursion when sub-array has
    1 element, use 10-15 elements as stopping case,
    and sort small sub-array without recursion (eg.
  • At the end, small sub-arrays can be sorted using
    Insertion-Sort, which is efficient for nearly
    sorted arrays
  • Another improvement is to use non-recursive
    implementation for Quick-Sort

Sorting with Binary Trees
  • Using heaps (see lecture on heaps)
  • How to sort using a Heap (Heap-Sort)?
  • Using binary search trees (see lecture on BST)
  • How to sort using BST?

  1. Interpret array as binary tree
  2. Convert the tree into a heap
  3. Extract elements from heap, placing them into
    sorted position in the array

Overview of Heap-Sort - 1
  • Two stage process
  • First, heapify the array
  • rearrange the values in the array so that the
    corresponding complete binary tree is a heap.
  • Largest element now at the root positionthe
    first location in the array.

Overview of Heap-Sort - 2
  • Second, repeat
  • Swap elements in first and last locations of
    heap. Now, largest element in last positionits
    correct position in sorted order.
  • Element in root out of place. Reheapify
  • Heap shrinks by one, sorted sequence increases by
  • Next largest element now at root position.

Analysis of Heap-Sort
  • time to build initial heap
  • O(n log n)
  • time to remove the elements from heap, and place
    in sorted array
  • O(n log n)
  • overall time
  • O(n log n)
  • average, and worst cases

Advantages of Heap-Sort
  • in-place (doesnt require temporary array)
  • asymptotic analysis same as Mergesort, average
    case of Quicksort
  • on average takes twice as long as Quicksort

Sorting with BST
  • Use binary search trees for sorting
  • Start with unsorted sequence
  • Insert all elements in a BST
  • Traverse the tree. how ?
  • Running time?

Summary of Sorting Algorithms
Algorithm Time Notes
bubble-sort O(n2) slow (good for small inputs)
selection-sort O(n2) slow (good for small inputs)
insertion-sort O(n2) slow (good for small inputs)
quick-sort O(n log n)expected in-place, randomized fastest (good for large inputs)
heap-sort O(n log n) fast (good for large inputs)
merge-sort O(n log n) sequential data access fast (good for huge inputs)
  • What is the Lower Bound
  • of
  • Comparison-Based Sorting?

Comparison-Based Sorting
  • Many sorting algorithms are comparison based.
  • They sort by making comparisons between pairs of
  • Examples bubble-sort, selection-sort,
    insertion-sort, heap-sort, merge-sort,
    quick-sort, ...
  • Let us therefore derive a lower bound on the
    running time of any algorithm that uses
    comparisons to sort n elements, x1, x2, , xn.

Is xi lt xj?
Counting Comparisons
  • Let us just count comparisons then.
  • Each possible run of the algorithm corresponds to
    a root-to-leaf path in a decision tree

Decision Tree Height
Each leaf is labeled by the permutation of orders
that the algorithm determines How many leaves on
the decision tree?
Decision Tree Height
  • The height of this decision tree is a lower bound
    on the running time
  • Every possible input permutation must lead to a
    separate leaf output.
  • If not, some input 45 would have same output
    ordering as 54, which would be wrong.
  • Since there are n!12n leaves, the height is
    at least log (n!)

The Lower Bound
  • Any comparison-based sorting algorithms requires
    at least log (n!) comparisons
  • log (n!) ? n log n 1.44 n

Bucket sort
  • Assumes the input is generated by a random
    process that distributes elements uniformly over
    0, 1).
  • Idea
  • Divide 0, 1) into n equal-sized buckets.
  • Distribute the n input values into the buckets.
  • Sort each bucket.
  • Then go through buckets in order, listing
    elements in each one.
  • Input A1 . . n, where 0 Ai lt 1 for all i
  • Auxiliary array B0 . . n - 1 of linked lists,
    each list initially empty.

  • Algorithm bucketSort( A, n)
  • Input array A
  • Output array A sorted in non decreasing order
  • //assumes that input is in n-element array A and
    each //element in A satisfies 0 Ai lt 1.
  • //We also need an auxiliary array B0 . . n -1
    for linked-lists (buckets).
  • For i 0 to n-1 do
  •     Insert Ai into list B ?nAi ?
  • For i 0 to n-1 do
  •     Sort list B with Insertion sort
  • Concatenate the lists B0, B1, . . Bn-1
    together in order.

Output 3 9 21 25 29 37 43 49
Correctness of Bucket-Sort
  • Consider Ai , A j . Assume without loss of
    generality that Ai A j .
  • Then n Ai n A j
  • So Ai is placed into the same bucket as A j
    or into a bucket with a lower index.
  • If same bucket, insertion sort fixes up.
  • If earlier bucket, concatenation of lists fixes

Analysis of Bucket-Sort
  • Relies on no bucket getting too many values.
  • All lines of algorithm except insertion sorting
    take (n) altogether.
  • If we have n elements and we use n buckets, then
    it is expected that (on average) we have one
    element per bucket
  • Hence, it takes O(1) time to sort each bucket ?
    O(n) sort time for all buckets.

  • Can we perform bucket sort on any array of
    (non-negative) integers?
  • Yes, but note that the number of buckets will
    depend on the maximum integer value
  • If you are sorting 1000 integers and the maximum
    value is 999999, you will need 1 million buckets
    ! (in order to have one record per bucket)
  • Can we do better?

Radix sort
  • Idea repeatedly sort by digitperform multiple
    bucket sorts on S starting with the rightmost
  • If maximum value is 999999, only ten buckets (not
    1 million) will be necessary
  • Use this strategy when the keys are integers, and
    there is a reasonable limit on their values
  • Number of passes (bucket sort stages) will depend
    on the number of digits in the maximum value

Example first pass
12 58 37 64 52 36 99 63 18 9 20 88 47
20 12 52 63 64 36 37 47 58 18 88 9 99
Example second pass
20 12 52 63 64 36 37 47 58 18 88 9 99
9 12 18 20 36 37 47 52 58 63 64 88 99
Example 1st and 2nd passes
12 58 37 64 52 36 99 63 18 9 20 88 47
sort by rightmost digit
20 12 52 63 64 36 37 47 58 18 88 9 99
sort by leftmost digit
9 12 18 20 36 37 47 52 58 63 64 88 99
Radix-Sort and Stability
  • Radix sort works as long as the bucket sort
    stages are stable sorts
  • Stable sort in case of ties, relative order of
    elements are preserved in the resulting array
  • Suppose there are two elements whose first digit
    is the same for example, 52 58
  • If 52 occurs before 58 in the array prior to the
    sorting stage, 52 should occur before 58 in the
    resulting array
  • This way, the work carried out in the previous
    bucket sort stages is preserved

Time complexity
  • If there is a fixed number p of bucket sort
    stages (six stages in the case where the maximum
    value is 999999), then radix sort is O( n )
  • There are p bucket sort stages, each taking O( n
    ) time
  • Strictly speaking, time complexity isO( pn ),
    where p is the number of digits (note that p
    log10m, where m is the maximum value in the list)

About Radix-Sort
  • Note that only 10 buckets are needed regardless
    of number of stages since the buckets are reused
    at each stage
  • Radix sort can apply to words
  • Set a limit to the number of letters in a word
  • Use 27 buckets (or more, depending on the
    letters/characters allowed), one for each letter
    plus a blank character
  • The word-length limit is exactly the number of
    bucket sort stages needed

  • Bucket sort and Radix sort are O( n ) algorithms
    only because we have imposed restrictions on the
    input list to be sorted
  • Sorting, in general, can be done in O( n log n )
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