Title: Recent results from KLOE
1Recent results from KLOE Cesare
Bini Universita La Sapienza and INFN Roma
- The KLOE physics program
- The KLOE detector
- Status of the experiment
- Results on neutral kaon decays
- Results on f radiative decays
- Conclusions and perspectives
21. The KLOE physics program.
- ee? ? f W mf 1019.4
MeV sf3 mb - Decay channels
- ? KK? 49.2 Charged Kaon decays
CP/CPT tests - ? K0K0 33.8 Neutral Kaon decays
CP/CPT tests ( e / e ) - ? pp?p0 15.5 3 pion decay
? rp (r shape parameters) - ? hg 1.3 Radiative decays
pseudoscalar h physics - ? p0g 10-3
- ? hg 10-4
? pseudoscalar mixing angle - ? ppg 10-4
scalar ? f0 - ? hp0g 10-4
? a0 - ? h ee- 10-4 Conversion decays
transition form factor Ffh - ? p0ee? 10-5
- ee? ? pp-g Initial state radiation ?
s(ee? ? pp-) 2mp lt W lt mf -
- ee? ? f around f peak (energy scan) ? f
resonance parameters
32. The KLOE detector Drift chamber
Calorimeter (Pb-scint.fib.) Magnetic field
0.56 T
Drift chamber Large volume d4m l3.3m He
Isob 90-10 gas mixt. Momentum resolution
dp/p lt 0.4
Calorimeter Energy resolution s/E 5.4 /
?(E(GeV)) Time resolution st 55 ps /
?(E(GeV))?40 ps (cal.)?120 ps (coll.time)
43. Status of the experiment
Data taken from april 1999 to december 2001 at f
peak 1 energy scan
Analysis status 2000 data
completed (25 pb-1 ? 7.5 x 107 f) 2001
data in progress (190 pb-1 ? 5.7 x
108 f) All results are still preliminary
Present day performance
peak average L(cm?2 s?1)
51031 3.51031 ?day L dt
(pb?1) 3 1.8
54.Results on Neutral Kaon decays
Neutral kaons produced in a pure quantum JPC
1?? state pK 110 MeV lS 6 mm lL 3.5
Example of f ? KSKL
- Tagging
- pure KS and KL beams
- ? analysis of kaon decays
- ? double ratio ? ( e / e )
- Interferometry studies
6- KS tagging by identification of KL interacting in
the EmC (KL crash) 50 of KL - ?Selection cuts
- Eclus gt 200 MeV
- cos(qclus) lt 0.7
- 0.1950 ? b ? 0.2475
- (b KL velocity in the f rest frame)
- ?Position of the KL ? KS momentum
- Tagging efficiency etag 30
b distribution of KL crash
Example of f ? KSKL ? pp- crash
KLOE has now about 6 107 tagged KS. All
channels are accessible. Results from 2000 data
(5.4 106 tagged KS) on (1) RG(KS
? pp- ) / G(KS ? p0p0 ) (2) BR(KS
? p? e? n )
7- RG(KS ? pp- ) / G(KS ? p0p0 )
- Motivations
- ? First part of double ratio
- ? Extractions of Isospin Amplitudes and Phases
A0 A2 and d0-d2 ?? consistent treatment - of soft g in KS ? pp- (g) (PDG data
contain ambiguities) - Cirigliano, Donoghue, Golowich 2000
- Selection procedure
- 1. KS tagging
- 2. KS ? pp-(g) two tracks from I.P
acceptance cuts fully inclusive measurement - (Eg up to Egmax170 MeV) eppg (Eg)
from MC ? folded to theoretical g spectrum - ? correction
- D (-3.4 0.1) x 10-3
3.KS ? p0p0 neutral prompt cluster
(Eggt20 MeV and (T-R/c) lt 5st )
at least 3 neutral prompt clusters
(p0? ee-g included)
8Result Nev (KS ? pp- ) 1.098 x 106 Nev (KS
? p0p0 ) 0.788 x 106 R 2.239 0.003stat
0.015syst ? stat. uncertainty at 0.14 level
? contributions to systematics tagging eff.
Ratio 0.55 photon counting
0.20 tracking
0.26 Trigger
0.23 -------------------------------------- Total
syst. uncertainty 0.68 PDG 2001 average is
2.197 0.026 ( without clear indication
of Egcut )
With 2001 data (180 pb-1) improvement on ?
absolute scale ? tagg.eff. Bias ? statistics
of control sub-samples ? Eg spectrum
9- (2) BR(KS ? p? e? n )
- Motivation
- ? If (CPT ok) .AND. (DSDQ at work)
- G(KS ? p? e? n ) G(KL ? p? e? n )
- BR(KS ? p? e? n ) BR(KL ? p? e? n ) x (GL/GS)
- ( 6.704 0.071
) x 10-4 - (using all PDG information).
- Only one measurement (CMD-2 1999)
- ( 7.2 1.4
) x 10-4 - Selection procedure
- ? Vertex with two tracks from I.P.
- ? kinematics (against huge pp- background)
- ? time of flight ( electron vs pion)
- ? final signal variable Emiss-pmiss
- BR evaluation
- ? normalization to KS ? p p- (s(BR)0.5)
ToF selection illustrated for MC 1. KS ?
p p- MC events
2. KS ? p? e? n MC events
10Result ? Nev(KS ? p? e? n) 627 30 after
the fit, residual background subtraction is
included BR(KS ? p? e? n ) (6.79 0.33stat
0.16syst) x 10-4 ? stat. uncertainty at 4.7
level ? contributions to systematics
tag eff, ratio 0.6
tracking vertex 2.0 time
of flight 0.8 trigger
t0 0.9
Total systematics 2.4
BR(KS ? p? e? n )
115.Results on f radiative decays
- f ? Pseudoscalar g ? hg ? p0g
? hg
According to quark model ? assuming no other
content (e.g. gluonic)) p0 (uu-dd)/?2 h
cosaP (uudd)/?2 sinaPss h -sinaP
(uudd)/?2 cosaPss ? assuming f ss state
? assuming no OZI-rule violations g(f ? hg)
FscosaVcosaP FqsinaVsinaP g(f ? hg)
FscosaVsinaP FqsinaVcosaP ( aV aP mixing
angles in the flavour base) ( Fs Fq form
G(f ? hg) Kh R
cotg2aP ( )3
G(f ? h g) Kh
12- Decay chain used (same topology 2T 3 photons /
final states different kinematics) - (a) f ? hg ? pp-p0g ? pp- 3g
- (b) f ? hg ? h pp-g ? pp- 3g
- Selection
- ? 2t (ET1ET2lt430 MeV) 3g kin. fit (no mass
constraint) - ? only (a) and (b) (negligible bkg.) BUT N(b)
N(a) / 100
Results N(a) 50210 ? 220 N(b) 125 ?
13stat bck
Invariant mass spectrum of hg
- BR(f ? hg)
- R (5.0 ? 0.5stat ?
0.3syst) x 10-3 - BR(f ? hg)
- aP ( 40.8 ? 1.7)o qP (-13.9 ? 1.7)o
- aP ( 39.3 ? 1.0)o J/y decays and
others -
Feldmann Kroll 2002 - BR(f ? hg ) (6.5 ? 0.6stat ? 0.4syst) x 10-5
13- 2. f ? Scalar (0 quantum numbers) g
f0(980) I0, a0(980) I1 - ? p0p0g (f0g sg, f0 , s ? pp) ? 5g
final state
- ? pp-g (
) ? 2t 1g final state huge background
from -
ISR (radiative return) -
FSR interference (signal
hidden) - ? hp0g (a0g a0 ? hp)
h ? gg ? 5g final state
(40) -
h ? p0p0p0 ? 9g final state
(32) -
h ? pp-p0 ? 2t 5g final
state (23)
Motivations f0, a0, not easily interpreted as
qq states other interpretations suggested
? qqqq states (lower mass) Jaffe 1977 ?
KK molecule (m(f0,a0)2m(K)) Weinstein, Isgur
1990 ? f0(980) , a0(980) and s ? lowest
mass scalar qq nonet Tornqvist 1999 f ?
f0g , a0g ? sensitive to f0,a0 nature Achasov,
Ivanchenko 1989
phenomenological framework (kaon loop model)
? coupling constants
radiative g
g(fKK) from G(f?KK-)
g(f0KK) g(a0KK) f0, a0 model g(f0pp)
g(a0hp) M(p0p0) M(hp) spectra
Kaon loop final state
14f ? p0p0g
- Main background sources (5g final states)
- ee? ? wp0 w ? p0g
- f ? hp0g h ? gg
- Other background sources (not 5g final states)
- f ? hg h ? gg (3g) or h ? p0p0p0 (7g)
- Selection procedure
- ? 5 prompt g Eg gt 7 MeV
- ? kinematic fit (without mass const.)
- Result
- Nev 2438 ? 61
- ? BR(f ? p0p0g )(1.09 ? 0.03stat ?
0.05syst)x10-4 - CMD-2 (0.92 ?0.08
?0.06)x10-4 - SND
(1.14 ?0.10 ?0.12)x10-4 - Fit to the Mp0p0 spectrum (kaon loop)
- contributions from f ? f0g
Fit results
M(f0) 973 ? 1 MeV
g2(f0KK)/4p 2.79 ? 0.12 GeV2
g(f0pp) /g(f0KK) 0.50 ? 0.01
g(fsg) 0.060 ? 0.008
BR(f ? f0g ? p0p0g ) (1.49 ? 0.07)x10-4
15f ? hp0g
Measured in 2 final states (Sample 1) h ? gg
? p0p0g is the main background ? 5g selection
(see p0p0g) kinem. fit (Sample 2) h ? pp-p0
(2t 5g) ?
Negligible bckg with the same topology
ee? ? wp0 w ? pp-p0
2t 4g f ? KSKL (KL prompt
decay) 2t 4/6g ? 2t 5g
selection kinem.fit
Results (Sample1) Nev 916 Nbck 309 ? 20
? BR(f ? hp0g) (8.5 ? 0.5stat ? 0.6syst)x10-5
(Sample2) Nev 197 Nbck 4 ? 4 ? BR(f ?
hp0g) (8.0 ? 0.6stat ? 0.5syst)x10-5
CMD-2 (9.0 ?2.4
?1.0) x 10-5 SND
(8.8 ?1.4 ?0.9) x 10-5 Combined fit to the
Mhp0 spectra dominated by f ? a0g
negligible f ? r0p0 ?hp0g
Fit results
M(a0) 984.8 MeV (PDG) g2(a0KK)/4p
0.40 ? 0.04 GeV2 g(a0hp) /g(a0KK) 1.35 ?
0.09 ?BR(f ? a0g ? hp0g) (7.4 ? 0.7)x10-5
16Interpretation of KLOE results on scalars (within
the context of kaon-loop framework) (preliminary)
parameter KLOE
result 4q model qq(1) model
qq(2) model g2(f0KK)/4p
(GeV2) 2.79 ? 0.12 super-allowed
OZI-allowed OZI-forbidden
g(f0pp) /g(f0KK) 0.50 ? 0.01
0.3-0.5 0.5
2 g2(a0KK)/4p (GeV2)
0.40 ? 0.04 super-allowed
OZI-forbidden OZI-forbidden
g(a0hp) /g(a0KK) 1.35 ? 0.09
0.91 1.53
f0 ss f0 (uudd)/ ? 2 a0
(uu-dd)/?2 a0 (uu-dd)/ ? 2
? 4q doesnt describe a0 parameters ? 4q
compatible with f0 parameters ? f0/a0 ratio
sensitive to isospin mixing Close Kirke 2001
BR(f ? f0g )
6.0 ? 0.6
6.9 ? 1.0 BR(f ? a0g)
g2(a0KK) if Ff0(R)
Fa0(R) ? qS (47 ? 2)o no isospin mixing ? qS
17- 6. Conclusions and perspectives
- ? DAFNE performance has improved considerably
- during the first two years of KLOE data
taking -
- ? KLOE detector well performing and under
control -
- ? From 2000 data (25 pb-1) results on
- KS decays
- f radiative decays
- improve previous PDG knowledge
- ? Analysis of 2001 data (190 pb-1) in progress.
Expected new results will be - rare KS decays
?pp-g , ? gg , limits on ? 3p - KL decays
?gg , ? p0p0 . - K? decays
- h decays (6 x106 h
produced) chiral perturbation theory checks - hadronic cross-section
s(ee? ? pp-) 2mp lt W lt mf - ? Data taking 2002 starting now ? 500 pb-1
realistic by end of the year
18Detector calibrated on-line (run by run ½
hour) - Drift Chamber s-t relations
momentum scale (MK) - Calorimeter
energy scale (ee-? gg)
time scale offset - ?s and pf evaluated
(Bhabha KS, KL)
? ? Start reconstruction and event
classification ( 1 hour delay)
19Efficiencies are evaluated and monitored using
data control samples ? photon detection
efficiency 99 on most of the energy
range decrease below 100 MeV ?
tracking efficiency 97.5 decrease at
small pT and q ? trigger efficiency in
case of KSKL configuration if KS triggers ?
measure KL trigger efficiency
if KL triggers ? measure KS
trigger efficiency
20- Decay chain used (same topology 2T 3 photons /
final states different kinematics) - (a) f ? hg ? pp-p0g ? pp- 3g
- (b) f ? hg ? h pp-g ? pp- 3g
Selection ? 2 tracks (ET1ET2lt430 MeV) 3
photons kin. fit (no mass constraint) ? only
(a) and (b) selected (negligible bkg.)
- (a) vs. (b)
- N(b) N(a) / 100
- Photon energy spectra
- from MC ? cut on Eg
- (E1, E2 two largest energy
- photons)
g spectrum (MeV) for hg
g spectrum (MeV) for hg
E1 vs. E2 for MC hg
21Results on data (17 pb-1) N(a) 50210 ? 220
N(b) 125 ? 13stat bck Invariant mass
spectrum of hg is ok.
- N(hg) e(hg) BR(h ? pp-p0) BR(p0
? gg) - R x x
(5.3 ?
0.5stat ? 0.4syst) x 10-3 - N(hg) e(hg) BR(h ? pp-h)
BR(h ? gg) - ? aP (40.0 ? 1.6)o qP (-14.7 ? 1.6)o in
the octet-singlet base - ( aP (39.3 ? 1.0)o world average
- Feldmann Kroll 2002)
- BR(f ? hg ) (6.8 ? 0.6stat ? 0.5syst) x 10-5
- (improve respect to previous measurements)
225.Results on f radiative decays
Mesons below 1 GeV accessible f is ss state ?
G(f?Mg) probe quark s content of meson M
- f ? Pseudoscalar g
- ? hg
- ? p0g
- ? hg
Meson coupling to final state
final state
According to quark model ? assuming no other
content (e.g. gluonic)) p0 (uu-dd)/?2 h
cosaP (uudd)/?2 sinaPss h -sinaP
(uudd)/?2 cosaPss ? assuming no OZI-rule
violations g(f ? hg) FscosaVsinaP
FqsinaVcosaP g(f ? hg) FscosaVcosaP
FqsinaVsinaP ( aV aP mixing angles in the
flavour base) ( Fs Fq form factors) ?
assuming f ss state (aV0)
Kaon loop KK-
Meson coupling to KK loop probe of s content
G(f ? hg) Kh R
cotg2aP ( )3
G(f ? h g) Kh
23- RG(KS ? pp- ) / G(KS ? p0p0 )
- Motivations
- ? First part of double ratio
- ? Extractions of Isospin Amplitudes and
- Phases A0 A2 and d0-d2 ?? consistent
- treatment of soft g in KS ? pp- (g)
- (PDG data contain ambiguities)
- Cirigliano, Donoghue, Golowich 2000
- Selection procedure
- 1. KS tagging
- 2. KS ? pp-(g)
- two tracks from I.P acceptance cuts.
- fully inclusive measurement
- (Eg up to Egmax170 MeV)
- 3.KS ? p0p0
- neutral prompt cluster
Soft photon emission eppg (Eg) not uniform ?
correction Theoretical g spectrum folded with
experimental efficiency ? D (-3.4
0.1) x 10-3
24- 2. f ? Scalar (0 quantum numbers) g f0
I0, a0 I1, s I0 - ? p0p0g (f0g sg, f0 , s ? pp) ? 5g
final state
- ? pp-g (
) ? 2t 1g final state huge background
from -
ISR (radiative return) -
FSR interference (signal
hidden) - ? hp0g (a0g a0 ? hp)
h ? gg ? 5g final state
(40) -
h ? p0p0p0 ? 9g final state
(32) -
h ? pp-p0 ? 2t 5g final
state (23)
Motivations f0, a0, not easily accomodated in
a qq nonet ? qqqq states (lower mass)
Jaffe 1977 ? KK molecule
(m(f0,a0)2m(K)) Weinstein, Isgur
1990 f ? f0g , a0g ? sensitive to f0,a0
nature Achasov, Ivanchenko 1989
Final state
Kaon loop