Chapter 13 Electrons in Atoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 13 Electrons in Atoms


Chapter 13 Electrons in Atoms C. Smith – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 13 Electrons in Atoms

Chapter 13 Electrons in Atoms
  • C. Smith

I. Models of the AtomA. The Evolution of
Atomic Models
  • 1. There are four major models of the atom that
    have been developed from John Dalton theory.
  • 2. Dalton Atomic Theory a. He theorized that
    an atom was indivisible, uniformly dense
    sphere. b. He theorized that all atoms of the
    same element have the same mass and the same
    chemical behaviors. c. He theorized that atoms
    of different elements have different chemical
    behaviors. d. He theorized that atoms of
    different elements combine to form compounds.
    (Example H2O)

I. Models of the AtomA. The Evolution of
Atomic Models
  • 3. J.J. Thomson realized that the accepted model
    did not take electrons into account. a. He is
    credited with the discovery of the negatively
    charged particles called electrons. b. He
    theorized that the atom is a dense sphere with a
    positive charge and also contains negative
    charged particles. c. His model is also known
    as the Plum Pudding model.

I. Models of the AtomA. The Evolution of
Atomic Models
  • 4. Ernest Rutherford expanded on Thomsons
    theory. a. The atom has a very dense center of
    positive charge called the nucleus. b. The
    nucleus contains the protons for the atom and
    make up more than 99.9 of its mass. c. The
    electrons surround the nucleus.

I. Models of the AtomA. The Evolution of
Atomic Models
  • 5. Niels Bohr proposed a model in which the
    electrons move around the nucleus. a. He
    theorized that the electron orbits the
    nucleus. b. He theorized that the orbits were
    different energy levels that the electrons travel
    in and can be excited to a high energy level. c.
    He theorized that the electrons did not lose
    energy and fall into the nucleus. (The weakness
    in Rutherfords theory.)

I. Models of the AtomA. The Evolution of
Atomic Models
  • 6. A quantum of energy is the amount of energy
    required to move an electron from its present
    energy level to the next higher one. (Also called
    a quantum leap)

I. Models of the AtomB. The Quantum Mechanical
  • 1. Erwin Schrödinger related the amplitude of
    the electron wave, Y (psi), to any point in
    space around the nucleus. 2. His equation
    treated the electron as a wave and developed an
    equation to describe this behavior.

I. Models of the AtomB. The Quantum Mechanical
  • 3. The quantum mechanical model comes from the
    mathematical solutions to Schrödinger
    equation.4. The quantum mechanical model does
    not define an exact path for the electron to take
    around the nucleus but instead estimates a
    probability of finding the electron in a certain
    position.5. Since the volume occupied by an
    electron is somewhat vague, it is better to
    refer to an electron cloud.

I. Models of the AtomB. The Quantum Mechanical
I. Models of the AtomC. Atomic Orbitals
  • 1. Electrons can occupy only specific energy
    levels.2. These energy levels, referred to as
    n is called the principal quantum number.3.
    The maximum number of electrons that a level can
    contain is 2n2 (Whole number integers only).

I. Models of the AtomC. Atomic Orbitals
  • 4. These are referred to as sublevels and the
    number of sublevels for each energy level is
    equal to the value of the principal quantum
    number.5. The lowest energy level is s.6.
    The second lowest is p ,the third lowest level
    is d, and the remain level is f.

I. Models of the AtomC. Atomic Orbitals
  • 7. The s orbital is spherical in shape and
    contains 2 electrons and is also called the
    ground state. 8. The p level is barbell shape
    and exist along the axis of the plane.9. The
    d orbitals exist in the plane. 10. The s
    level contains 1 pair of electrons, p contains
    3 pairs, d contains 5 pairs, and f contains
    7 pairs.

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
  • 1. The ways in which electrons are arranged
    around the nucleus is called electron
    configuration.2. The are three rule that tell
    you how to find the configurations. a. Aufbau
  • b. Pauli Exclusion principle
  • c. Hunds Rule

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
  • 2a This is called the Aufbau principle. 1.
    Electrons enter at the lowest energy level. 2.
    Some energy levels overlap into the adjacent
    principal energy level.

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
  • 2b. This is called the Pauli exclusion
    principle. 1. Spectral data shows that only 2
    electrons can exist in the same orbital. 2.
    Electrons behave as if they were spinning about
    their own axis. 3. When electrons occupy the
    same orbital they are said to spin in opposite
    directions (assign 1/2 and 1/2).

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
  • 2c. This is called Hunds Rule. 1. Also with
    the principle, you must have all orbital filled
    with one electron before you can add the other
    electron with opposite spin to the orbital. 2 .
    All elements would like to have a completely
    filled orbital and the maximum number of
    electrons that can exist in a filled orbital is

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
  • 3. When writing electron configurations, you
    must know the total number of electrons for the
    element (atomic number).4. Write down the
    sequence of orbitals.5. Draw circle to
    represent the orbitals.6. Place arrows (or
    slashes) to represent the electrons.

II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
II. Electron Arrangement in AtomsA. Electron
II. Electron Arrangement in Atoms B. Exceptional
Electron Configurations
  • 1. Filled sublevels are more stable than partial
    filled or half-filled sublevels. 2. But
    sometimes half-filled may be more stable than
    other configurations.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelA.
Light and Atomic Spectra
  • 1. This energy consist of variation in electric
    and magnetic fields taking place in a regular,
    repeating fashion. (Electromagnetic energy)2.
    Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelA.
Light and Atomic Spectra
  • 3. If you plot the strength of the variation
    against time, the graph shows waves of
    energy.4. The number of waves peaks that occur
    in a unit of time is called the frequency of the
    wave (Greek letter v and units are Hertz (Hz)).

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelA.
Light and Atomic Spectra
  • 5. The distance between the peaks is the
    wavelength (Greek letter ?) and the amplitude of
    a wave is the height from the maximum
    displacement from zero.6. These characteristics
    of waves are related by the statement c ?v
    where c is the speed of light which is 3.0 x 10
    8 m/s.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelA.
Light and Atomic Spectra
  • 7. The wavelengths of light can separate into a
    spectrum of colors.8. This is part of the
    visible spectrum.9. There are two types of
    spectrums. a. Adsorption spectrum. b.
    Emission spectrum.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelA.
Light and Atomic Spectra
  • 10. Adsorption spectrum is when the energy
    gained by the excited electron is is absorbed so
    that it is missing in visible spectrum.11.
    Emission spectrum is when the excited electrons
    lose the energy and it is emitted at specific
    points on the visible spectrum that appear as
    single lines on a detector.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelB.
The Quantum Concept and the Photoelectric Effect
  • 1. Max Planck used Bohrs theory to develop his
    hypothesis.2. He assumed that energy is given
    off in packets called quanta or photons instead
    of a steady stream.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelB.
The Quantum Concept and the Photoelectric Effect
  • 3. He stated that the amount of energy given
    off is related to the frequency of light (v -
    Greek letter nu).4. He thought a quantum energy
    was equal to E hv where h is the constant 6.63
    x 10 -34 J/Hz (Hz Hertz).

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelB.
The Quantum Concept and the Photoelectric Effect
  • 5. Albert Einstein proposed that light could be
    described as a quanta of energy that behaved as
    if they were particles. 6. The dual
    wave-particle behavior is called the
    photoelectric effect.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelB.
The Quantum Concept and the Photoelectric Effect
  • 7. In the photoelectric effect, metals eject
    electrons when light shines on them.8. The
    frequency and the wavelength of the light
    determine if the photoelectric effect will occur.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelC.
An Explanation of Atomic Spectra
  • 1. Consider the electron of a hydrogen atom in
    its lowest energy level, or ground state.2. The
    quantum numbers represent the different energy

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelC.
An Explanation of Atomic Spectra
  • 3. The difference between these energy states
    corresponds to the lines in the hydrogen
    spectrum.4. With more complex atoms more than
    one electron is present and the interaction
    between electrons make solution to the equation
    impossible because electrons have the same charge.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelC.
An Explanation of Atomic Spectra
  • 5. It is possible to approximate the electronic
    structure of a multi-electron atom.6. This
    approximation is made by first calculating the
    various energy states and quantum numbers.7.
    It is assumed that the various electrons in
    multi-electron atom occupy the same energy states
    without affecting each other.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelD.
Quantum Mechanic
  • 1. Louis De Broglie proposed an idea based on
    Plancks theory and Einsteins relationship of
    matter and energy.2. Using the two formulas, he
    equated mc2 h? (v frequency).

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelD.
Quantum Mechanic
  • 3. He substituted v for the velocity of light
    (c) so that mv 2 hv and v /? for v to get
    mv 2 hv /?. (? - Lamda wavelength)4. To
    determine wavelength (?), the equation becomes ?
    h/mv .

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelD.
Quantum Mechanic
  • 5. This allows for predictions of the
    wavelength of a particles.6. Werner Heisenburg
    refined ideas about atomic structure.7. He
    stated that it is impossible to know the exact
    position and momentum of an electron in an atom.

III. Physic and the Quantum Mechanical ModelD.
Quantum Mechanic
  • 8. Using the equation for momentum, he proposed
    that mv p where m is mass and p is momentum.
    9. The uncertainty of position and momentum are
    related to Plancks constant ?p ?x gt h where p
    is momentum and x is position (? change).10.
    Because h is constant, ? p and ? x are inversely
    proportional to each other.
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