Qualities of a good facilitator - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Qualities of a good facilitator


Qualities of a good facilitator Module 6 session 4 Introduction Facilitation by definition is an activity which makes easy the tasks of others. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Qualities of a good facilitator

Qualities of a good facilitator
  • Module 6 session 4

  • Facilitation by definition is an activity which
    makes easy the tasks of others. In order to
    assist others, it is essential to have a good
    understanding of how information is communicated,
    so that problems and questions can be addressed,
    and solutions found. From creating an
    appropriate environment so that persons of a
    group can generate ideas, to guiding them on
    decisions and conclusions, facilitation covers
    many areas.

Facilitation skills
  • We will now look at four skills that are
    essential to the success of a good facilitator
    These skills are
  • Questioning
  • Listening
  • Recognising and using body language
  • Using flip charts effectively

QuestioningDeveloping good questioning skills
  • asking and answering questions is an essential
    part of learning. Because of this, facilitators
    must plan their questions and responses
    carefully, so as to produce coherent thought, and
    aid others in understanding.

Techniques for developing good questioning skills
  • Write the question where all participants can
  • Formulate questions about one event at a time
  • Pause after asking a question to allow time for
  • Acknowledge the participants contribution

Questioning techniques continued
  • Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes
    or no
  • Encourage other responses
  • Look for body language, which may indicate an
  • Avoid questions that put others on the defensive

Developing good listening skills
  • Good listening skills are a key factor to
    becoming a good facilitator. In order to be a
    productive listener, it is important to conscribe
    to the following suggestions

Listening skills
  • Listen to the words being expressed
  • Present yourself in a manner that communicates
    interest and attentiveness, this helps build a
    rapport and encourages interaction
  • Interact with the participant to make sure they
    have an accurate understanding of the information

Listening skills continued
  • Avoid emotional involvement. If you become
    emotionally involved while listening, you may
    hear what you want to hear as opposed to what is
    actually being said. Remain objective.
  • Involve yourself by asking mental questions.
    Active listening keeps you attached to the
    material. While listening, try and think of what
    points the speaker is trying to make.

Recognising using body language to communicate
  • Body language is an important part of
    communication. Therefore, understanding body
    language can assist you in becoming a better
    communicator. Recognising messages that are sent
    through body language will allow you to become a
    better sender and receiver signals. This mode of
    communication increases the degree of the
    perceived psychological closeness, between the
    facilitator and their participants. The following
    are some examples of basic body language, that
    convey meaning without words.
  • A nod may indicate understanding or agreement,
    where as a frown may indicate confusion or

Examples of body language
  • If a facilitator looks at his/her watch while the
    participant is speaking the participant may think
    You wish I would quit talking
  • or Youre not listening
  • If a Facilitator looks away or does not maintain
    eye contact, the participant may think You are
    not paying attention to me or
  • You are bored with my comments and conversation
  • It is good practice for facilitators to maintain
    eye contact and nod acknowledgement so the
    participant knows that you are paying attention
    to them and their comments

Areas of Nonverbal Behaviour
  • We will now look at 5 areas of nonverbal
    communication. They are
  • Eye contact
  • Gestures
  • Posture and body orientation
  • Proximity
  • Paralinguistics

Eye contact
  • Eye contact, an important channel of
    interpersonal communication, helps regulate the
    flow of communication, and signals interest in
    others. Furthermore, eye contact with audiences
    increases the speakers credibility. By making
    eye contact, you open the flow of communication,
    and convey interest, concern, and credibility

  • If you fail to gesture while speaking, you could
    be perceived as, stiff, or boring. Lively
    animated discussions facilitate learning.
    Gestures are also good for showing that you are
    listening, and engrossed in the conversation.

Posture and Body Orientation
  • You communicate numerous messages by the way you
    walk, talk, stand and sit. Standing erect, but
    not rigid, and leaning slightly forward
    communicates to others that you are approachable,
    receptive and friendly.
  • Interpersonal closeness results from face to face
    communication. Speaking with your back turned
    away, or looking at the floor or ceiling should
    be avoided

  • Cultural norms dictate comfortable interaction
    distances, but you should be away of some signals
    that indicate you are invading someones personal
    space. Some of these are
  • Rocking
  • Tapping
  • Gaze aversion
  • This does not mean that you should stand as far
    away as possible. Increasing proximity allows you
    to make better eye contact. Be your own judge and
    do what feels comfortable.

  • This area of nonverbal communication includes
    vocal elements such as
  • Tone
  • Pitch
  • Rhythm
  • Timbre
  • Loudness
  • Inflection

Paralinguistics Continued
  • In order to communicate effectively, it is
    important to learn how to vary these 5 elements
    to infuse life into what you are speaking about.
    Speaking in a monotone voice can lead others to
    lose interest, or find the subject matter, dull
    and boring.

Using flip charts effectively
  • Good use of flip charts will enhance the
    participants understanding of the message that
    you are trying to get across. Below are a few
    tips for using flip charts effectively
  • position flip charts where all participants can
    easily see.
  • Label each sheet for purposes of easy
    identification. Letters should be large enough to
    be seen from the back of the class

Using flip charts effectively continued
  • Use capital letters for easy reading
  • Use think letters for easy reading
  • Make sure to be neat
  • Use dark colours
  • Alternate your colours to highlight key points
  • Use bullets to denote separate points or items

Putting it all together
  • Remember that when acting as a facilitator your
    job is to assist others in the task at hand, and
    make their job as easy as possible.
    Understanding how to listen, ask and respond to
    questions, recognize body language and use
    facilitator tools such as flip charts will help
    you in becoming an effective facilitator
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