Title: Qualifications Of Elders And Christians
1Qualifications Of Elders And Christians
- Part 3
- Titus 15-16 1 Timothy 31-13
2- Acts 1423
- And when they had appointed for them elders in
every church, and had prayed with fasting, they
commended them to the Lord, on whom they had
3- Titus 15
- For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou
shouldest set in order the things that were
wanting, and appoint elders in every city, as I
gave thee charge - Lack of spiritual leadership. 15
- False teachers. 110-11 39-10
- Immoral conduct. 33ff
4Organization Of The Church
- Philippians 11 Paul and Timothy, servants of
Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus
that are at Philippi, with the bishops and
5The Office
- Uses of the word Elder
- Denotes certain persons appointed in local
churches to exercise spiritual oversight over its
members.Acts 1423 And when they had appointed
for them elders in every church, and had prayed
with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on
whom they had believed.Acts 2017 And from
Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called to him the
elders of the church.
6The Office
- The responsibility and work of an Elder.
- To feed the church. Acts 2028
- To guard the flock from false teachers. Acts
2029-31. - To rule the church. cf. Romans 128 1 Timothy
517 - Not as lording it over, but as examples. 1 Peter
53 - To tend the flock, exercising the oversight
thereof 1 Peter 52 - Watching in behalf of souls. Hebrews 1317
7Qualifications of Elders
Elders All
Man 1 Timothy 31
Desire 1 Timothy 31
Blameless 1 Timothy 32 Preacher 1 Timothy 614 Widows 1 Timothy 57 Others 1 Corinthians 18 Colossians 122
Husband of one wife 1 Timothy 32 Titus 16 Matthew 199 Romans 71
Rules well his own house 1 Timothy 34 Titus 16 Ephesians 64
Vigilant (Temperate) 1 Timothy 32 1 Corinthians 1012 1 Corinthians 1613 Ephesians 515 Hebrews 21 312 1 Peter 58
Temperate (Self-control) Titus 18 Titus 22 2 Peter 15-6
8Qualifications of Elders
Elders All
Sober 1 Timothy 32 Titus 18 Commanded 1 Peter 113 Aged men. Titus 22 Young men. Titus 26 Young Women. Titus 24 All Saints. 1 Thessalonians 56-8
Good Behavior 1 Timothy 32 1 Timothy 315 Titus 23 1 Timothy 412
Given to hospitality 1 Timothy 32 Titus 18 1 Peter 49 Hebrews 132 Luke 1033
Apt to teach, Holding fast the faithful word. 1 Timothy 32 Titus 19 Evangelists. 1 Timothy 411 2 Timothy 113 2 Timothy 224 Women Titus 23-4 Others. Hebrews 512 2 Thessalonians 215 Matthew 2819 1 Corinthians 112 Colossians 46
Good report from without 1 Timothy 37 cf. Ecclesiastes 71 Proverbs 221 Philippians 215 1 Peter 316
9Qualifications of Elders
Elders All
Not given to wine 1 Timothy 33 Titus 17 Romans 1313 1 Corinthians 511 Matthew 1245 1 Corinthians 610 Galatians 521 cf. Proverbs 201
Not a striker 1 Timothy 33 Titus 17 Matthew 525 39-41 1 Peter 223 Romans 1313 Romans 28 Romans 1419 Galatians 519
Not greedy of filthy lucre 1 Timothy 33 Titus 17 1 Peter 52 Matthew 633 1 Timothy 610, 17
Patient (Gentle ASV) 1 Timothy 33 2 Peter 16 1 Timothy 611 2 Timothy 224 Hebrews 121 James 57
Not a brawler (ASV) 1 Timothy 33 Titus 32 Titus 39 James 313-18 Ephesians 431-32
Not covetous. 1 Timothy 33 Hebrews 135 1 Timothy 610 Galatians 519-21 Colossians 35
Not a novice. Titus 36 Hebrews 512-14 2 Peter 318 Ephesians 414
10Qualifications of Elders
Elders All
Not self-willed Titus 17 2 Peter 210 cf. Proverbs 813 1 Corinthians 313 46
Not soon angry Titus 17 James 119 Matthew 522 Colossians 38
Lover of good (men) Titus 18 1 John 314 John 1334-35
Just Titus 18 1 Timothy 521
Holy Titus 18 Romans 121 1 Corinthians 317 1 Peter 25, 9 Hebrews 1214 Romans 612