Title: Education in Singapore
1Education in Singapore
- A Response to Economic Challenges
- Nation Building
2Education during the Colonial Period (1819-1945)
- Mission Schools English medium
- Singapore Free School (1834) later RI (1963)
- King Edward VII College of Medicine (1905)
- Raffles College (1926)
- Vernacular Schools Chinese, Malay and Tamil
- Govt support for Malay schools (not all)
- Role of community clan associations, businessmen
University Of Malaya
- Enterprise pioneering spirit of the various
community - ? existed entirely on their own resources
- Preservation of cultural linguistic differences
in Singapore
- Education was limited to those who could afford
(end of colonial period, gt40 were illiterate) - Divided along racial lines
- Due to world events (revolutionary fervor
changes in China in the early 20th C) - ? Politicized ? threat to the govt
5Post-War Years (1945-1965)
- 1947 Ten-Year Plan
- Free Education ages 6-12 yrs
- To foster capacity for self-govt
- MT as medium of instruction
- EL from 3rd year
- Standardised curriculum
- Selection for English Primary School
- Training College
Meanwhile, Unrests continued
6Post-War Years (1945-1965)
- 1955 Limited Self-Government
- All-Party Committee
- Proposed education policy that met the needs of
various committees ? nationhood ? NE - Bilingual primary education
- Trilingual secondary education
- Teaching of civics
- Parity of treatment for all 4 language streams
- Technical education and industrial training
- 1959- Policy took shape
- Emphasis on Maths and Science
- 1960- 2nd Lang compulsory in Primary School
7Challenges of Independence
- Social
- Lacked built-in reflexes
- (loyalty, patriotism, shared
- history/ tradition)
- Population divided by race,
- language, religion
- - 1964 racial riots
- Political
- Confrontasi
- Clashes with Malaysian leaders
- ? Highlighted our vulnerability
- Economic
- Lost Malaysian hinterland
- Unemployment (double digit)
- fall in entrepot trade
- 1967 withdrawal of Br forces
- Solution?
- Dual role of education
- Economic transformation
- Disciplined cohesive society
8Post Independence YearsLabour-Intensive
Industries (1966-1970s)
- Aims
- Nation Building
- Economic Development
- Education for more people
- Different types of education
- were provided for different
- age groups
- Malay as the National Language
- Overall increase in student
- intake at various levels
- Focus on Mathematics, Science and
- Technical subjects
9Post Independence YearsLabour-Intensive
Industries (1966-1970s)
- Meeting Economic Challenges
- 1966- Second Language in Secondary schs
- 1969- Lower Sec Tech Subject
- Girls had a choice/ VITB/ Science Labs in all
Sec/ SP and NA Tech College
- Improved quality of education
- Attention to teaching resources, planning
(facilities), research, organisation, and
evaluation - Promote use of Mandarin
- 1978, SAP schools
- 1971, GCE O-levels
- Nation Building
- Pledge taking, flag raising lowering
- ECA grades
- 1969, common curriculum for all Sec 1 2 in all
4 language stream schools
- High education wastage
- Attrition rate 29 for primary
- 36 for secondary
- Variation in academic performance
- New Economic Challenges
- Labour Shortage
- Competition from Other Countries
- Lower cost
- Lower productivity
11Industrial Restructuring -1980s
- Higher/ Tertiary education was encouraged
- Increased intake
- NU merged with U of Singapore NUS
- NTI, 1981 (engineering and technology)
- 1991, NTU
- BEST (EL, MA) for large protion of the workforce
who have less tha P6 education
- Improved quality of education
- Streaming introduced to bring out the best in
every individual and to reduce dropout rate - GEP, 1984
- Increased investment
- Building more schools, single-session schools
- 1988,89 Independent Schools
- Relaxed entry to Secondary school
12Moving into the 1990s
- Economic Restructuring
- What was the focus in the 1990s?
- Further concentration on post secondary and
tertiary education - ?to develop the manpower needed for the push to
high tech and knowledge intensive products and
- 1992, SIM Open U
- 1997, became privatized
- 1992, ITE
- 1993, Edusave
- 1994, 4th Polytechnic, TP
- 1994-6, Autonomous schools
- Twin forces of globalization and technological
- Ability-driven
- Curriculum
- School environment
- Teaching service
- Education structure
- Education hub
- Administrative excellence
- 1997, 2 bil on IT in classrooms
- IT Masterplan
- PW
- NE
- Post-grad and Arts education encouraged
- Cluster Schools
- Compulsory Education, 2000
16Education Policies Practices in Singapore
- 60s-70s
- Flag-raising
- Pledge-taking
- Billingualism
- ECAs
- Technical Education
- 80s-early 90s
- Streaming
- Moral Values
- Vocational Traning
- Schools given
- Greater Autonomy
- Late 1990s
- Caring Thinking
- Creative thinking
- IT
- NE
- Compulsory Pri
- Education (2000)
17Education Policies Practices in Singapore
21st Century TLLM (2003) Integrated Programme/
Through Train (2003) Future Schools
(2008) Specialised Schools - NUS Maths Science
School - School of Science Technology -
School of the Arts - Singapore Sports School -
Pathlight Northlight Schools
18Education Policies Practices in Singapore
- Leveling up for all economic-social classes?
- Financial Assistance Schemes
- Government Bursaries
- Edusave Scheme (1993)
- to maximise opportunities for all Singaporean
children - rewards students who perform well or who make
good progress - provides students and schools with funds to pay
for enrichment programmes or to purchase
additional resources.
19Summing Up
- What are the features of our education system?
- Do you agree with what the government has done so
far? - What would you do differently?
20Practice Question
- Instilling and reinforcing national loyalty
through National Education is the main
consideration of our education system. - Do you agree with the statement? EYA